Job situation grim in India : The Tribune India

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Job situation grim in India

Apropos of ‘Turning migrant labour into mercenaries’ (Nous Indica); the question is: can the Indian Government stop Indian nationals from going to conflict-hit countries like Russia and Israel when they face unemployment here at home? It is the lack of job opportunities, widespread corruption and the use of unfair means in government recruitment exams that are prompting the youth to search for jobs overseas. The job situation is so grim here that thousands of Indians would rather take the risk of working in a war-torn country than languish in poverty in India. Further, there is a need to deal strictly with unscrupulous immigration agents sending youth to such countries.

Capt Amar Jeet (retd), Kharar

Can’t let Indian nationals die

With reference to ‘Turning migrant labour into mercenaries’ (Nous Indica); just months ago, the Haryana Government had advertised jobs for skilled workers in Israel amid a shortage of manpower in the construction sector there. Unemployed Indian youth must not be sent to a war-ravaged region where they could be targeted by militant groups like the Hamas and Hezbollah or be forced to take part in a war. The Indian Government should not allow its citizens to venture out into such conflict zones, where they could become cannon fodder.

Ramesh Gupta, Narwana

No democracy without dissent

Refer to the editorial ‘Right to criticise’; the Supreme Court has rightly quashed the FIR registered against a professor for his comments denouncing the abrogation of Article 370. Democracy and dissent go hand in hand. Criticism of a government policy or decision must not be used as a pretext to book the dissenter under Section 153-A for creating disharmony. Article 19(1)(a) of the Constitution guarantees freedom of speech and expression to every citizen. Any unreasonable restriction on the freedom of speech only erodes the faith of the public in democracy. Besides, cops must not be quick to register frivolous cases against citizens.

Satwant Kaur Panesar, by mail

Stop silencing dissenters

Apropos of the editorial ‘Right to criticise’; a number of verdicts delivered by the SC recently helped reinforce the democratic edifice of the country. Besides, the apex court has done well by quashing the FIR registered against a professor for simply denouncing the abrogation of Article 370 on social media. The court has observed that citizens have the right to criticise a government decision. Over the past few years, there have been several attempts to silence dissenting voices. Draconian provisions of various laws have been invoked to punish anybody who dares to criticise the government. Dissent is the soul of democracy, and it must be protected. The police must not target and book dissenters on flimsy grounds.

Roshan Lal Goel, by mail

Minorities being targeted

With reference to the editorial ‘Right to criticise’; it is not uncommon for cops to act against ordinary citizens on the directions of the party in power. The Constitution guarantees all citizens the right to freedom of speech and expression. Such cases end up in the Supreme Court as lower courts fail to protect the fundamental rights of citizens. It is worth noting that politicians and heads of religious organisations, especially those aligned with the current ruling dispensation, often make inflammatory speeches in public. And yet, no action is taken against them. It is people belonging to minority communities that are generally targeted. Nobody should end up in jail for having a different stand on religious or political matters than those in power.

Wg Cdr JS Minhas (retd), Mohali

Prioritise national interests

Refer to ‘Boosting India-US ties’; President Joe Biden has rightly underscored the strategic importance of the India-US relations. The enhanced defence cooperation serves as a deterrent against Chinese aggression in the Indo-Pacific region. The Quad alliance is playing a crucial role in countering China’s expansionist agenda by addressing cybersecurity and maritime challenges in the region. However, India must ensure that its national interests take precedence over its collaboration with the US.

Chanchal S Mann, Una

Letters to the Editor, typed in double space, should not exceed the 200-word limit. These should be cogently written and can be sent by e-mail to: [email protected]

#Israel #Russia #Unemployment

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