Gurukul World School, Mohali : The Tribune India

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Gurukul World School, Mohali

Gurukul World School, Mohali

Students of Class X of the school had an enlightening visit to Verka Milk Plant in Phase 6, Mohali.

Students of Class X of the school had an enlightening visit to Verka Milk Plant in Phase 6, Mohali. It was an extraordinary learning experience that provided them with valuable insights into the Punjab Dairy Cooperative and the meticulous process of milk production. During their visit, students had the opportunity to interact with the quality assurance team at the plant, who passionately shared their expertise on maintaining the highest standards of quality in milk production, packaging, and distribution in the Tricity. They gained first-hand knowledge of the rigorous quality control measures, hygiene practices, and the collaborative efforts involved in ensuring the delivery of premium-quality milk and milk products to consumers.


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