The making
of a revolutionary
For Durga Das Khanna,
former Chairman, Punjab Legislative Council, the urge for
freedom was sufficiently strong to take him quite close
to the gallows. In 1931, he was sentenced to death by the
Lahore Sessions Judge for his part in the conspiracy to
assassinate the Governor of Punjab. He was acquitted
later by the High Court.
Scion of an orthodox
family, Khanna became very close to Bhagat Singh and
Sukhdev. In an interview recorded by the Nehru Memorial
Library, eight years before his death in 1984, he
describes how he was induced to give up his conservative
moorings and drawn into the revolutionary band that
sought to end the British rule in India by use of force:
I BELONG to a family which had no
political background. It was an orthodox Hindu family. I
was born in 1908. My father and grandfather were doing
money-lending business. One of my uncles was a senior
advocate of the Lahore High Court.
My reaction to the
profession my father and grandfather were engaged in was
rather adverse right from childhood. I remember people
coming and being advanced all kinds of amounts and paying
high rates of interest and I always used to wonder if my
family was not living on the wants and miseries of
others. This created almost a revolution in my mind, but
I thought it wiser to keep my counsel to myself, though
once or twice I did argue with my grandfather why he
could not give up the profession. He said that this was
something done not only by him, but by so many others and
that it was a traditional way of helping people to carry
out their needs.
I had a religious bent of
mind from the very beginning. My one attraction was the Guru
Granth Sahib, which my father used to read daily. I
began to visit the gurdwara, opposite Lahore Fort, which
had been established in the memory of Guru Arjan Dev.
Somehow of all the 10 gurus of the Sikhs, Guru Arjan Dev
impressed me the most and I would go there every Sunday
and listen to the bani.
When Ipassed my
matriculation in 1924 I applied to two colleges
Government College, Lahore, and Forman Christian College.
I was not admitted in Government College and I am glad I
was not. In FC College I found a very free atmosphere.
The Principal, Dr E.D. Lucas, was a wonderful man and if
I can think of the first influence on my mind about the
national movement, it was from him.
This, of course, does not
take into account the days of the martial law in 1919. I
was very young at that time, but I have a vivid
recollection of the way a certain magistrate in Lahore
fired on unarmed processionists in Hira Mandi Bazaar.
There was a hartal and the enthusiasm which I
witnessed among the people could not but influence me
against the British Raj.
One morning I noticed a
couple of booklets one entitled Great Thoughts
of Lala Hardyal and the other Selections from the
Writings of Bande Matram with my friend Hans
Raj Vohra. He passed those books to me while sitting in
the physics gallery of FC College. Dr V.S. Puri was
giving a lecture and we were talking about these books.
He noticed that and scolded us. I then took away the
books from him and after reading them felt inspired as if
some hidden hand was directing my movements.
I would go and seek
interviews with Dr Lucas (he was an American) and tried
to know how things were in America. He said: You
cannot compare the position prevailing in your country
with the free atmosphere in the USA. That was a
free country. And once he said unless you young men
do something to shake off the shackles, you cannot
improve. And this had tremendous influence on my
Once, in 1927 or 1928 I
had written out my answers in history. Dr Wilson was the
professor. This was the time of house examinations. After
he had marked the answer papers of all the students, they
were distributed to them. I was the only one who did not
receive his answer book. I asked Dr Wilson the reason.
He said: "The
Principal will hand over the paper to you".
When I met Dr Lucas, he
said: "Where did you get all the material you have
written in your answer? This is not from the prescribed
I said it was from
Basus Rise of Christian Power in India. As I
was talking about the book, Dr Wilson came in. He said:
From where did you get that book? I had told Sant
Ram, the librarian, not to issue the book to
I said I got it from the
Dwarka Das Library(which had been set up by Lala Lajpat
Dr Lucas said: It is
perfectly alright. But he asked me to request my
uncle (who was the standing counsel of the college) to
see him.
When both my uncle and I
went to Dr Lucas office, he said: "Tirath Ram
I warn you that your nephew is going to be hanged one of
these days! Because you are our counsel Ijust want to
warn you that he may not go to extremes".
Meanwhile after reading
the two books given by Hans Raj, I asked him where he had
got them from. He said: "Would you like to meet the
gentlemen from whom I got them?"
Naturally, I expressed my
desire to meet them. An appointment was fixed for the
evening in Gol Bagh, opposite municipal offices.
I was introduced to
Shri Bhagat Singh and Shri
Sukhdev. They both laughed saying, "What is
this Shri?" and added that they should
be known by just their names.
Then we talked about the
prevailing political situation in the country. Gandhiji
came in for a lot of criticism. It was said that he
aroused the passions of the people, promised that swaraj
will be achieved by the country within a year, in 1921,
but later withdrew the movement.
I found myself not totally
disagreeing with the views expressed by Bhagat Singh.
Sukhdev was a bit more trenchant in his criticism. He
said: If you look into Gandhjis conduct you
will come to the conclusion that he was acting more like
an agent of the British than a leader of the national
I revolted against the
accusation. But he persisted. I said he could keep his
opinions to himself, but I was entitled to maintain my
respect for the great leader.
Then we discussed the role
of people fighting for freedom in other countries, for
instance, in Russia of the Czars or the Irish
revolutionaries against the British.
We met the next day and
all four of us walked towards Chauburji grounds. This
time I was more of a listener. But at one time I did
intervene and say that I would like to study freedom
movements in other countries before I expressed any
opinion on the methods we should employ in our country.
Bhagat Singh was happy to
see that I was willing to read more on this matter. But
Sukhdev said that so far as the means to fight evil were
concerned You must also refer to your Bhagavadgita.
He said: Your
Krishna gave a definite answer to the means to be
employed in such matters and that was to meet force with
force if reason failed.
I said: I accept
your position entirely, but reason has to be employed in
the first place.
Bhagat Singh and Sukhdev
would be very discreet with me. They found that I was
opposed to employing violent means and was influenced by
Gandhiji therefore they neither disclosed what their
affiliations were, nor what they were doing. It appeared
to me to be more of an academic discussion.
Later, I did inquire from
Hans Raj as to who these johnnies were, but he also did
not disclose the nature of their involvement in any
particular movement.
They asked me to read My
Fight for Irish Freedom and the Life of Barrister
Savarkar. The other book I read was ABC of
Communism. I could understand the phenomena of the
Russian revolution of 1919 in the background of this
We met next towards the
end of 1926. I told them of the books I had read. One of
them, on the Russian revolution, was Ten days that
shook the world. Its opening sentence was Chaos
is necessary for the birth of a new star. Bhagat
Singh and Sukhdev were very happy with the way I had
After my F.Sc.
examinations we began having more frequent meetings with
each other. They appeared to me to be very sincere, able
men of very high calibre who professed what they were
prepared to act upon. They were not in the movement for
getting any benefit out of it. They were there to
sacrifice their lives if they could bring the goal of
freedom nearer.
Today as I look back it
appears that they assessed my feelings and my
intellectual capacity very correctly and knew that I
would not like anything to be imposed upon me.
After my examinations (in
March 1926), we began to meet each other more frequently.
It was in one of the meetings that Sukhdev put the
proposition very boldly to me. He said that they were
members of a secret revolutionary organisation known as
the Hindustan Republic Association (the word Socialist
was added later) and gave me a printed leaflet as regard
their views, organisation etc. It stressed the dire
necessity to resort to forceful means to meet the
challenge of the British who were doing everything to
demoralise our people by oppression. When I was asked if
I was prepared to join them and sacrifice my life if
necessary for the sake of freedom, it was really a big
question for me. I said I would like some time to ponder
over the whole thing.
When we met after a month
or so again, I told them that there was no alternative to
the method suggested by them. Gandhian philosophy and
non-violence at that time appeared to me to be not very
effective in meeting the organised force of the
government. Therefore, I said: You can take me as
one of your members.
Before I gave this word I
had written to Gandhiji, stating that there were two
alternatives before me. One was to join the
revolutionaries and the other was to join him at his ashram
and devote my life to the cause of freedom under his
After some time I received
a reply from Mahadev Desai that Gandhiji desired that for
the time being I should be guided by the advice of my
parents. This was the last straw because it shattered my
faith in the theory of non-violence and the apprehensions
suggested by Bhagat Singh and Sukhdev seemed to be true.
When I met them again I became a full-fledged member of
the party.
Postscript: After
working for the revolutionary party for a few months in
Lahore, Durga Das Khanna was asked to proceed to
Rawalpindi. It was decided that he would do this on his
wedding night so that he could elope without his bride,
but with all the cash and jewellery that comes the
grooms way on such occasions, for the cash-starved
Khanna slipped out of
his house for his midnight rendezvous with Bhagat Singh
and Sukhdev. However, after asking a few searching
questions about what impact his going away would have on
his family, Bhagat Singh advised him to return home.
In 1930, after the top
leaders of the movement had been put out of action by the
government, Khanna along with Virendra and Ranvir (later
editors of the Pratap and Milap, respectively) hatched
the conspiracy to assassinate a prominent symbol of
British rule in India the Governor of Punjab, Sir
Geoffery de Montmorency.
Lalit Mohan
