Sunday, May 7, 2000,
Chandigarh, India


Y O U R  D A T E  W I T H  S T A R
May 7 to May 13
[March 21 to April 20]
An ill-sighted Mars may make you nervous and confused. You will let your heart rule your head. You may divulge a secret and invite trouble. Hence you should be on your guard.
[ April 21 to May 20 ]
Your work schedule may become taxing. Your partners or co-workers will bother you on one pretext or the other. You may even cancel a few engagements which were fixed in haste earlier.
[ May 21 to June 21 ]
You will remain resolute, firm and will mean business. You should be able to stand by the decisions you take now. Charitable gestures that have remained neglected so far could also be revived.
[ June 22 to July 22 ]
Snags and snares may block your way but you will face the challenges they posed. It will give your confidence a massive boost. Monday is the best day to deal with pending matters.
[ July 23 to Aug 22 ]
An exalted sun, your most benign planet, is out to brighten your spirits and boost your morale. You will discover a unique method to multiply your income. A grand treat or a social outing should be on the way.
[ Aug 23 to Sept 22 ]
This promises to be an opportune time. You may add more to your income this week than you had estimated earlier. Wednesday is your best day to clear up a financial mess.
[Sept 23 to Oct 22 ]
Your craze to make a bid, shop or hunt for bargains may become more acute. You could get more gains through speculation or sale-purchase of stocks. So your skilful handling of your finances could work wonders.
[Oct 23 to Nov 22 ]
An unexpected demand raised by someone close to you may drain your resources. You may feel a little exploited if you let go of your hold on the younger generation. Some restraint seems a must to save the situation.
[ Nov 23 to Dec 22]
Your stars inspire you to travel. You will visit a new place, meet someone important, exchange views with them and broaden your horizons by gathering information you have been on the lookout for.
[Dec 23 to Jan 20]
Saturday seems to be your luckiest day to decide matters to your satisfaction. There is no danger of your making wrong choices. Hence, there should be no cause for worry.
[ Jan 21 to Feb 19 ]
Stars monitoring your finances are in a bad shape. There should be no escape from the adverse trends that may catch you unawares. You have rarely come across such a financially stifling period.
[Feb 20 to March 20 ]
More cooperation and goodwill may lead you to financial self-sufficiency. You can overcome whatever snags you encounter. An old plan abandoned half way could also be resumed without much difficulty.

Born on

May 7
With sweat and toil consistently on the increase, there is a need to keep an eye on your health. Social calls and commitments made earlier may weigh on your mind. If you can take a break for a few days, it may be good for your health.

You will push yourself hard during the first quarter. Your schedule may become more tight during the second. There is strong emphasis on social life during the third. Something of permanent value can emerge during the last phase.

May 8
The moon encircled by malefic stars, is not likely to benefit you. This is no time for a compromise. On the contrary, you will become tough and unyielding. Acting first and thinking later may hold you back. You are advised to take care to avoid a mishap.

What seems plausible now may not appear to be so tomorrow. So keep your options open. You may receive an enticing offer before the year is out but you may fail to cash in on it due to some doubts lurking in your mind.

May 9
Those at the helm of affairs must have realised by now that you should receive your due on time. If your talents are not being appreciated you must have a little more patience. You must learn to stand up for your rights. Extreme opinions may detract from your credibility.

Your grasp of facts may surprise your critics. In love, although you have scored some gains, you may have to play a waiting game for some more time to record a final victory. For most matters of the head and heart, February-March are the best months.

May 10
A combustive Mercury is out to oppose you. Although the pressure on your wallet is receding, you are not entirely out of a financial muddle. The current year will see your financial fortunes fluctuate.

If you are in service, things will not be in a good shape at least till mid-year. You should remain cool, consistent and free from irritation. Listen carefully to what your elders say even if it is unpalatable. Make sure that you are not rigid but always ready to lend a helping hand.

May 11
Jupiter, in the ascendant, promises a fairly balanced year. You will act wisely and reap the benefits of the opportunities that come your way. Friends and associates will be more responsive and affable. This is the right time to plan for the future and put your life on an even keel.

Pleasing a loved one will be your priority during September-October. You will have a fairly easy time during November-December. A relationship that is on the wane, could be revived during February-March. Get ready for an exciting social occasion during the last phase.

May 12
With Venus in a combustive posture, there are many odds waiting to confront you. You should not allow others to influence you to act the wrong way. Some people around you may try to take advantage of your docile and generous nature but you should protect yourself from being duped by such un- scrupulous elements.

September-October are good for socialising. If you are in a dead end job, there will be a change for the better after January. Your thought process, especially your assessment of people, will improve during the end part.

May 13
Better times are just around the corner. With the passage of time, you may realise that you have improved in areas where you thought you had lagged behind. Home and family affairs that have been keeping you on tenterhooks should no longer bother you.

You could also manage to bring professional strain down to a minimum.

Should you have plans to shift your residence or career, the time is ripe to see them through. You could also pave the way for a huge financial gain during the later half.


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