EDUCATION TRIBUNE Tuesday, June 27, 2000, Chandigarh, India



CA R E E R    H O T L I N E

I am keen on pursuing a career in Banking. Could you please tell me about the undergraduate and postgraduate courses offered in this subject.

Kuntal Bhansali, New Delhi

The following universities offer courses in Banking: Undergraduate courses * University of Chennai, Centenary Buildings Chepauk, Triplicane PO, Chennai 600005. Course: Bachelor of Bank Management (BBM). * Bharathidasan University, Palkalaiperur, Tiruchirappalli 620024, T.N. Course: BA (Bank Management). * Manipur University, Canchipur, Imphal 795003, Manipur. Course: BA (Banking). * University of Burdwan, PO Rajbati, Distt. Burdwan 713104, West Bengal. Course: BA (Finance).

Postgraduate course * Birla Institute of Technology & Science, Vidya Vihar, Pilani 333031, Rajasthan. Course: MA (Finance). Duration: 4 years. Eligibility: Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Maths as subjects and adequate proficiency in English. * Department of Bank Management, Alagappa University, Karaikudi 630004. Course: MBM (Master’s in Bank Management). However, you don’t neccessarily have to do a course in banking to get a bank job. Every year, nearly 1,000 vacancies for the post of Probationary Officers in nationalised banks are filled through examinations conducted by the Banking Service Recruitment Boards (BSRBs).

Eligibility for these exams is graduation in any discipline. Private and foreign banks also take in MBAs and postgraduates in economics, commerce and finance for their various departments, while the Reserve Bank of India conducts its own exam for recruitment of officers in Grades A & B. Other related courses like The Chartered Financial Analyst (3-yrs), Treasury & Forex Management (1-yr) and Certified Investment Banker (1-yr) offered by ICFA, Hyderabad through distance learning could also be looked at.

I want to be a stock broker. Could you please tell me about the qualifications required for this job?

Deepak Khattar, Panchkula.

Today, the National Stock Exchange provides a nation-wide network of trading facilities. Automated trading facilities and transparency in market operations call for professionals who can meet the demands and expectations of investors. Accordingly, this field draws many specialists for its operations - stock brokers, economists, accountants, finance managers, financial analysts, capital market specialists as well as investment and financial planners. To be a stock broker, you have to be a graduate with a minimum of 2-years work experience in a stock broking firm. Registration for brokership is granted on the basis of experience as a sub-broker and on the recommendation of a registered broker. You cannot trade in stocks unless you are a member of a stock exchange. This is usually an expensive affair since the membership is already closed and the only option is to buy a card from an existing member (which can cost you anywhere up to 21/2 crores and above). However, the Interconnected Stock Exchange promoted by 15 regional bourses has announced a new scheme by which small time brokers and traders can trade on the National Stock Exchange directly for a membership fee of only Rs. 12 lakhs. A similar facility for trading on the Bombay Stock Exchange is also in the offing. A postgraduate course in Finance & Control/Commerce/Economics is useful for entry into this business. Other useful courses being: * MBA Finance from a good B-school or CA degree. * PG Membership Course in Capital Market & Financial Services from The Institute of Company Secretaries of India, ICSI House, 22, Institutional Area, Lodi Road, New Delhi-110003. * PG Diploma in Capital Market Studies (under the aegis of Bombay Stock Exchange Training Institute) from All India Centre for Capital Market Studies, J D B Institute of Management Studies & Research, Nashik 422005. Eligibility: Graduation. * PG Course in Fundamentals of Capital Market from the Institute of Capital Market Development, 1965, Arya Samaj Road, Karol Bagh, Delhi 110005. Eligibility: Graduation. * Diploma in Financial & Investment Planning (correspondence) from the Institute of Financial & Investment Planning, B/303, Ventex Vikas, MV Road, Andheri (E), Mumbai 400 069. * Chartered Financial Analysts (CFA) course from the Institute of Chartered Financial Analysts of India (ICFAI), Road No. 3, Banjara Hills, Hyderabad 500034. * The UTI Institute of Capital Markets, Plot 82, Sector-17, Vashi, Navi Mumbai 400705. also conducts professional development programmes in Financial Markets and Treasury Management. Recently, Delhi Universities’ College of Business Studies has introduced a 3-year Bachelor’s in Financial & Investment Analysis degree. To create middle-management level professionals for the stock market. This six-semester programme is complemented with intensive project work and on-the-job training. Also reading professional books on the subject would improve your understanding and enhance your skills. (If you would like a list, send me a self-addressed stamped envelope). It would also help to work with a stock-broker to gain valuable hands-on experience.

For certain reasons, I could not pursue my studies beyond Class XII. However, I wish to do a professional course in Computers. Can you please tell me about some universities offering computer courses through correspondence. Unni Krishnan, C/o 56 APO Most of the diploma courses in Computer Applications/ Programming are offered at the postgraduate level. However, you could avail of the following diploma courses through correspondence: * Alagappa University, Directorate of Distance Education, Karaikudi 623003. Course: Computer Applications. Duration: 2 years. Eligibility: Class XII/Engg. Diploma. * Indira Gandhi National Open University, Maidan Garhi, New Delhi 110068. Course: Computers in Office Management. Eligibility: Graduation/Class XII with 3 years experience. * Yashwantrao Chavan Maharashtra Open University, Nashik 422005. Course: Computer Operations. Duration: 1-3 years. Eligibility: SSC Pass; Course: Computer Office Services. Duration: 1-3 years. Eligibility: Class XII; Course: Certificate Course in Computer Science. Duration: 6 months. Eligibility: SSC Pass. Even 3-year BCA (Bachelor of Computer Applications) courses are offered through correspondence: * Indira Gandhi National Open University, New Delhi 110068. Eligibility: Class XII with Maths as a subject. Admission through entrance test. * Mahatma Gandhi University, School of Distance Education, Kottayam 686002. Eligibility: Class XII. * Madhya Pradesh Bhoj University, Shivaji Nagar, Post Box No. 87. Bhopal 462011. Eligibility: 10+2 with Maths as a subject.

I am interested in studying Actuarial Science. Could you please suggest some recognised courses and the job prospects in this field.

M.K. Poddar, Sundarnagar,

New Delhi

The field of insurance is open to all graduates but to equip yourself better for the profession, you could do one of the following courses: * BA in Actuarial Science/Insurance: Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra 136119, Haryana; University of Mumbai, M G Road, Fort, Mumbai 40003; University of Delhi, Delhi 110007; Utkal University, Bhubaneshwar 751004; Manipur University, Canchipur, Imphal 795003. Actuarial Science is also offered as a subject in BA courses by some universities. * BSc in Actuarial Science: Goa University, Sub PO Goa University, Taleigao Plateau, Goa 403203; University of Mumbai, MG Road, Fort, Mumbai 400032. * Masters in Insurance Management (2-yr FT), PG Diploma in Insurance Management(1-yr FT/2-yr PT) Certificate in Life & Non-Life Insurance Management (for agents & intermediaries):Amity School Of Insurance and Actuarial.Science, M Block, Saket, N.Delhi-110017. * MSc in Actuarial Science: University of Chennai, Centenary Buildings Chepauk, Triplicane PO, Chennai 600005. * PG in Actuarial Science: Kalyani University, PO Kalyani 741235, Distt. Nadia (WB). Conducted in collaboration with LIC, this course, the first of its kind in the country, comprises transactions in finance, insurance and banking operations. Eligibility: Graduation with maths as one of the subjects. * PG Diploma in Actuarial Science: Bharathidasan University,

Palkalaiperur, Tiruchirappalli 620024, T.N.; Bishop Heber College (affiliated to Bharathidasan University), Trichirapalli 620017. * PG Diploma in Insurance & Financial Service: University of Pune, Ganeshkhind, Pune 411007. * Diploma in Insurance: University of Chennai, Centenary Buildings Chepauk, Triplicane PO, Chennai 600005. * Diploma in Insurance (PT): Annamalai University, PO Annamalai Nagar 608002, T.N. Eligibility: Graduation. * Diploma in Banking & Insurance: Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh 202002, U.P. Eligibility: Graduation. * PG Diploma in Insurance Management (corresp.): Alagappa University, Directorate of Distance Education, Alagappa Nagar, Karaikudi 623003. Some professional bodies like the London Institute of Actuaries also offer courses in Actuarial Science. For further information, you may contact: * British Council Division, British High Commission, 17, Kasturba Gandhi Marg, New Delhi 110001. New international insurance companies are now joining the existing public sector players are all set to fuel a boom in the insurance sector which is opening in a big way. My guess is that they will tap insurance professionals already working in this field, to begin with. Currently, some of the possible options in insurance are to join public sector insurance companies such as Life Insurance Corporation (LIC), General Insurance Corporation (GIC), National Insurance Company and their subsidiaries as an Officer, Insurance Agent or to train as an Actuary or Insurance Surveyor. The LIC, GIC and its subsidiaries recruit Class I and Class II officers in the posts of Assistant Administrative Officers and Apprentice Development Officers

through a written test and an interview. Actuaries apply the mathematical theories of probability, compound interest and statistical techniques to finance with long-term implications, such as life insurance or pension schemes. To qualify as an Actuary, you have to clear an examination conducted by the Actuarial Society of India. An insurance agent sells insurance policies for an insurance company. Agents have to clear a written test, personality test and are later required to undergo a training programme upon selection. The Insurance Surveyor makes assessments of losses and claims when a client seeks to claim insurance for loss, accidents, damage, theft, etc. To practice as a Surveyor, you need a surveyor’s licence which can be obtained on the basis of the following qualifications: a degree or diploma in architecture/engineering/naval architecture or CA, ICWA or fellowship or associateship through the examination of the Institute of Insurance Surveyors and Adjusters. The Indian Postal Department also offers Life Insurance but recruitment to these jobs is according to the general rules of the postal services.

Pervin Malhotra, Director

CARING (Career Information

& Guidance) New Delhi


D E A D L I N E 


Jul 10 Punjab Agriculture University, Ludhiana. BTech (Agri Engg) (4 yr) Elig: Residents of Punjab & UT of Ch’garh. 10+2 (PCM) (50%), CET-2000 (PTU, Jalandhar) scores.

Appln F: Send Rs. 300/- by crossed DD favouring "Additional Director of Extn Education (Communication Centre), Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana" or from counter Rs. 250/- cash.


Jun 30 Centre for Electronics Design & Technology of India (GoI, M/o Info Tech), PO Box No. 10, A-34, Industrial Area, Phase VII, Mohali 160059 (Ch’garh) Website: * Advanced Course in CADD Engg

Fee: Rs. 25,000/- (Payable in 2 instalments). 1st instalment to be paid along with application by DD favouring "Director, CEDTI", payable at Ch’garh) Elig: BE/DME/ITI/Draftsman Mech Engg Appln F: Apply on plain paper mentioning name, mailing address, educn. Enclose attested copies of certificates and (cash for 1st instalment) DD favouring "Director, CEDTI" payable at Chandigarh to "The Director" at the above address.

Jul 14 C-DAC’s National Multimedia Resource Centre, Agri College Campus, Nr District Indstries Centre, Shivaji Nagar, Pune 411005. E-mail: Website: * Dip in Adv Computer Arts (5 mth) Elig: Qualification in Fine arts; exp in advt, arch, film prod or other creative fields. Test: Jul 15. Appln F: Send Rs. 350/- by DD favouring "C-DAC ACTS" payable at Pune to The Programme Coordinator, Advanced Computing Training School, PO Bag No. 35, Pune University 411007 or at counter (Rs. 250/-) cash mentioning your name & add on reverse of DD.

Corresp/Open University Jul 12 Annamalai University, D/o Distance Education, 51-A, Institutional Area, Tughlakabad, (Nr Batra Hosp), New Delhi-110062. Tel: 6087638 1) MA Hist, Eco, Socio, Eng, Tamil, Public Admin and Population Stud 2) MCom (Co-op Mgt/Banking & Insurance Mgt) 3) BA Hist, Socio, Psycho, Eco, Pol Sc, Eng, Tamil, Population Stud 4) B.Lit (Tamil) 5) BSc (Maths) 6) BCom 7) BBA 8) BMM (Mktg Mgt) 9) Dip in Saiva Siddhanta (1-yr) Elig: No formal educational qual is req. (1 & 2): Above 21-yrs on July 1 2K (3-10): Above 18-yrs on July 1 2K

Appln F: Send Rs. 80/- by DD favouring "Director, DDE, Annamalai University" payable at Annamalai/Chidambaram, along with self-addressed envelope (27 x 21 cm) to the Director, DDE at above address or from counter Rs. 50/- cash.

Jul 04 Bharathiar University, School of Distance Education, Coimbatore 641046 1.

BBM 2. BCom (Comp Application) 3. BSc (Comp Sc) 4. PG Dip in Comp Application 5. MA (Appl Psycho) 6. MA (Sociol) 7. MCom 8. MSc (Comp Sc) Elig: (1) & (2): HSC (3) & (4): HSC/Dip (3 yr) in Engg/Bachelor’s degree (5): Bachelor’s in Psycho (6): Bachelor’s degree (7): Bachelor’s in Comm/Mgt/Corp Secretaryship/Banking/Eco & Stats (8): BSc Comp Sc/Electron/Appld Sc/Comp Tech Appln F: Send Rs. 50/- by DD favouring "Director, School of Distance Educn, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore" enclosing a self-addressed envelope (24 cm x 30cm) or from counter in cash.

Jul 14 Punjab School of Management Studies, Punjabi University, Patiala 147002, Punjab.

MBA (3-yrs) Elig: Def Comm Officers (5 yrs service)/NDA/IMA (50%); Managers/Officers from Punj/Central Govt, Quasi Govt. units; Pvt/Corporate sectors registered in Punj & Chandi. Test: Jul 30 Appln F: Send Rs. 150/- by DD favouring "Registrar Punjabi University, Patiala" sith self-addressed, stamped (Rs. 30/-) envelope (10"x8") or at counter in cash.


Jul 12 Delhi College of Engineering, Bawana Road, Delhi 110042. * Entrance Exam-2000 BTech (PT) (Civi’ Mech; Elect; Electron & Comm Engg) Elig: 3 yr-Dip in Engg; 1-yr wk ex in Engg works/organisations within NCT, Delhi.

Continuous working throughout the course and NOC from the present employer. Appln F: Send Rs. 220/- by crossed DD/Payorder favouring "Coordinator, BTech, Entrance Examination" payable at Delhi enclosing a self-addressed envelope (25 x 18cm) to the above address before Jul 5, or from counter: Rs. 200/- cash.

Centre for Electronics Design & Technology of India (CEDTI), PO Box No. 10, A-34, Phase VIII, Industrial Area, SAS Nagar, Mohali 160059. Website: *

Advanced Diplomas

Jul 14 1) Systems Maintenance Engg (26 wks, Fee Rs. 25,000/-) Aug 28 2) Bio-medical Equipment Tech & Maintenance (26 wks, Rs. 20,000/-) Elig: 1): BE, Dip in Electron / Electl/Instru/BSc/MSc Electron. 2): BSc/Dip/ITI in Electron/Electl/Instru Appln F: Apply on plain paper mentioning name, address, academic qualifications (with attested certificates) along with 50% fees by DD favouring "Director, CEDTI" payable at Ch’garh to the Director at above address.

Jul 05 Indian Navy, Manpower Planning & Recruitment, Room No. 204, ‘C’ Wing, Sena Bhawan, New Delhi 110011.

* Admission to Naval College of Engineering, Lonavala (Pune) Elig: Unmarried males born between 2 Dec ’81 - 1 July, ’84, 10+2 (70%) in PCM and 50% in Eng in Class X/XII. Appln Format : See Employment News June 3-9.

Jul 05 Regional Engineering College, Hamirpur (HP) 177005. * Combined Pre-Entrance Test (CPET)-2000

For admission to BE/BTech (4 yrs) and BArch (5 yrs) at various RECs Elig: 10+2 (PCM) with Eng as elect subj. Appln F: Send Rs. 130/- by crossed DD/IPO favouring "Deputy Registrar (Accounts), REC, Hamirpur, HP 177005" payable at Hamipur or at counter: Rs. 100/-, cash.

Jul 10 Y.M.C.A. Institute of Engineering, Sector 6, Faridabad (Har) 121006.

* Lateral Entry Engineering Test (LEET-2000) Entry to 2nd yr/3rd Sem of BTech/BE Elig: Residents of Haryana, 3-yr Dip holders (60%). Test: Jul 23. Appln F: Send Rs. 550/- by DD favouring "Director/Principal, YMCA Institute of Engg., Faridabad" payable at Faridabad till Jul 3 or from counter: Rs. 500/- till Jul 6.

Jul 10 The Institution of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineers (IETE), 2, Instt Area, Lodi Rd, New Delhi 110003 Tel: 4610324, 4631820 Fax: 4649429.

* Adv Level Course in Computer Sc (3-yrs Eve) Test: July 29. Elig: BE/BTech/AMIETE/AMIE/MCA/Masters in Maths or Sc. Appln F: Send Rs. 215/- by DD favouring "Secretary General, IETE, New Delhi" or Rs. 200/-, in cash at counter.


Jul 10 National Fire Service College, (GoI, M/o Home Aff) Nagpur 440001.

* All India Entrance Exam for Sub-Officers Course (33-weeks) Exam: on 10 Oct at New Delhi, Mumbai, Hyderabad, Bhubaneswar, Nagpur. Elig: 10+2 with ability to read, write, speak and follow instructions in Hindi & Eng. Age: 18-23 yrs on 1 Jan., 2K (relaxable by 5 yrs for SC/ST). Appln Format: See notification in leading national dailies.

Food Tech

Jul 10 Central Food Technological Research Instt (CFTRI), Mysore-13.

* MSc (Food Tech) (2 yrs). Elig: * BSc (P)-55%/BSc (H) 50% with Chem as a subj or Agri/Engg /Tech (II Div) with Maths at 10+2 or bachelor’s level. Appln F: Send Rs. 200/- by crossed IPO favouring "Director, CFTRI, Mysore" with a self-addressed, stamped (Rs. 18/-) envelope (30 cm x 25 cm).


Jul 08 Utkal University, Deptt of Business Admin, Vani Vihar, Bhubaneswar 751004 Utkal Univ Management Admission Test (UUMAT)-2000 for MBA (2 yr)

Elig: Bachelor’s degree (50%). Appln F: Send Rs. 530/- by crossed DD favuring "Utkal University Management Admission Test" payable at Bhubaneswar to the Head of Deptt., Business Administration, at above address along with two self-addressed slips.


Jul 10 A & U Tibbia College, (G/o NCT of Delhi) Karol Bagh, New Delhi 110 005.

* Ayurvedacharya (BAMS) * Kamil-e-Tibb-o-Jarahat (BAMS) Appln F: Send Rs. 70/- by MO to the Office of the Principal till July 3, or at counter Rs. 50/-, in cash.

Jul 30 L.V. Prasad Eye Institute, L. V. Prasad Marg, Banjara Hills, Hyderabad 500034. * Bachelors Degree in Optometry (4 yr) Elig: 10+2 PCM/B (60%). Test: Aug 13 Appln F: Send Rs. 200/- by DD favouring "Hyderabad Eye Institute" till Jul 15.


Jul 10 College of Pharmacy (G/o NCT of Delhi), Sector-III, Pushp Vihar, New Delhi 110017.

* Bachelor of Pharmacy (4-yrs) * Master of Pharmacy (2-yrs) Pharmacol; Pharmaceutics; Hosp Pharma; & Quality Assurance. * Diploma in Pharmacy (2-yrs) Appln F: Send Rs. 50/- by crossed IPO favouring "Principal, College of Pharmacy, New Delhi" with a self-addressed, stamped (Rs. 12/- for ordinary and Rs. 26/- for regd. post) envelope or Rs. 50/-, cash from counter. Separate additional forms for each course: Rs. 10/- each.

Printing Technology

Jul 10 Thomson Training Centre for Printing Technology, Thomson Press (I) Ltd., 18-35, Delhi-Mathura Rd, Faridabad 121007 (Har) Training in Printing Technology (4 yr)

Stipend offered: I yr: Rs. 750/- pm; II Yr: Rs. 1000/- pm; III Yr: Rs. 1500/- pm; IV yr: Rs. 2000/- pm. Elig: 10+2 (55% in PCM & Eng). Appln F: Send appln on plain paper mentioning educn, family backg, attested copies of testimonials and passport size photos to the Principal at the above add.


Jul 10 Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi 221005

* Research Entrance Test (RET) 2000-2001 F/o Sc; Engg & Tech; Mod Med; Ay, Comm; Law, Mgt Studies; Educn; Arts; Soc Sc; Visual Arts, Performing Arts & Sanskrit Vidya Dharam Vijnan Test: Jul 30. Appln F: Send Rs. 550/- by crossed DD favouring "Controller of Examinations, BHU" payable at SBI (Code No. 0211) with a self-addressed envelope (32 x 26 cm) marked "Application for RET" before Jun 20. Or from counter Rs. 500/-, cash. NET/GATE/QIP Scheme Teacher (BHU teachers exempted from test) but are to apply on same form by sending Rs. 300/- by DD or Rs. 250/- cash.


Jul 08 Singapore Airlines, SIA Youth Scholarships, c/o Robinson Road PO Box 746, Singapore 901446, Republic of Singapore.

* Scholarships for 2-yr pre-univ course in Jr colleges of Singapore Elig: Indian nationals who have completed Class X in 2K with 85% agg. Must possess a high level of oral and written competence in English. Selectn: Interview. Appln F : See notification in leading national dailies.

Sciences Devi Ahilya Vishwavidyalaya, School of Physics, Takshashila Campus, Vigyan Bhawan, Khandwa Rd, Indore 452001. Jul 08 1) MTech (Laster Sc & Applications) Jul 03 2) MSc (Phy) 3) MSc (by Research) 4) MPhil (Engg. Phy) Elig: (1): MSc (Phy/Electron/Appl Phy); BE/BTech (Elect/Electron) (60%) Selectn: Entrance Test Appln F: Send Rs. 150/- by DD favouring "Head, School of Physics, Indore" at above add.

Sports Indira Gandhi Instt of Physical Educn & Sports Sciences, B-Block, Vikaspuri, New Delhi 110018. Jun 28 1) BSc (Physical/Health Educn & Sports) (3 yr) Jul 11 2) Master of Physical Educn & Sports (MPES) (2 yr) 3) PGDPEd ( PG Dip in Physical Ed) (1 yr) Elig: (1): 10+2 (40%) (2): Bachelor’s degree/PGDPEd/BSc (PE, HE & S) (50%) with Phy Ed backg & sports achievement. (3): Bachelor’s Degree (40%)/Sports Achievement. Appln F: Send Rs. 50/- by DD favouring "Principal, IGIPESS" payable at Delhi along with self-addressed, stamped (Rs. 32/-), envelope (8" x 10") to above address or from counter Rs. 50/- in cash.


Jul 07 Indian Statistical Institute, 203, Barrackpore Trunk Rd, Calcutta 700035. Sr/Jr Diploma in Statistics (SDS & JDS) Exam.

Test: B’lore, Cal, Chennai, Delhi, H’bad & M’bai. Appln F: Send Rs. 70/- by DD favouring "Indian Statistical Institute, Calcutta" with a self-addressed envelope (25 cm x 20 cm), to The Secretary, Examinations Committee. Also in cash at counter.

University University of Delhi (S Campus), Benito Juarez Rd, Dhaula Kuan, New Delhi 110021. Jun 30 1) MA (Appld Psycho) Jul 20 2) MSc (Environ Biol) Jul 13 3) MSc (Plant Molecular Biol) 4) MTech (Microwave Electron) Appln F: (4): Send Rs. 50/- by DD favouring "Director, UDSC", payable at SBI (Code No. 7687) along with self-addressed, stamped (Rs. 9/-), envelope (10" x 5") to the Head, Dept of Electronic Sc., at the above add.

CARING (Career Information & Guidance), New Delhi
