Born on
planetary message in your case is to not
misjudge your critics. Whatever is being
said against you is not entirely
misplaced and needs to be gone into with
an open mind.
carefully to words of wisdom even if you
dont relish them. Reality should
attract you most than false hopes. If you
jump to hasty conclusions, there will be
no end to your worries.
Moon at
the head of four major stars in the
ascendancy stands committed to provide a
luminous flow to all your activities.
Your exemplary qualities of head and
heart tend to make you a
much-sought-after personality. You will
explore new ideas, meet new celebrities
and visit new places.
A modest
effort on your part will be enough to
bring a dramatic change in your financial
fortunes. If romance is on your mind, it
should be kept pending for sometime.
should by now be feeling the first
ripples of opportunism as all your
planets have started moving in a
sequential order. This is a good
development and shall sooth your weary
brow and calm your passions. You may put
your feet up and look after yourself in a
befitting way.
You will
accomplish far more than expected during
the first quarter. You will make it a
point to tread the path of moderation
during the second. You will not allow
trifles to ruffle you during the third.
You will be a star performer socially
during the last one.
combust Mercury shall demand continuous
hard work. The work you are connected
with shall need more patience, grind and
cooperation from others to see things
moving smoothly. It is easy to jump into
the fray but it may not be a childs
play to see your enterprise yield fruit.
Even those you consider your best support
may ignore you or put you in the wrong.
that charity begins at home. If some
stranger tries to influence you by his or
her sweet oratory, dont take it at
face value. In no case, you should make
any final judgement.
A weak
year on financial grounds. Expenditure on
home, social life and on your person is
expected to cross all limits. Money will
flow like water and you will have no
control over your impulsive bent of mind.
Another possibility is that you may be
allured into investing in a quick
money-earing scheme to become rich
overnight and may burn your fingers.
However, a strict watch over your funds
is a dire necessity which should be
adhered to with all sincerity. If you are
in no mood to take the situation
seriously, you will remain disgusted.
breads contempt" is an old saying.
The wisdom it imparts needs to be kept in
view when you try to be hand in glove
with somebody. Although no hard and fast
rules could be prescribed in matter of
relationships but a combust Venus, as she
stands now, does not allow you to go
beyond a certain limit. You have have to
be extra cautious with the people you
work or deal with.
people around you are on the lookout to
serve their selfish interests but you
should do only what your conscience
A slight
increase in your income is assured but
the rise in expenditure will not lag
behind. Despite caution and putting your
personal needs on the shelf, there will
not be any marked improvement in the cash
flow to meet day-to-day requirements
smoothly and adequately. Entertainment of
guests, education and welfare of children
are the major areas that may tax your
The only
way to tide over inflationary trends is
the adoption of austerity measures.