Sunday, July 9, 2000,
Chandigarh, India


Y O U R  D A T E  W I T H  S T A R
July 9 to July 15
[March 21 to April 20]
You may suddenly make up your mind to succeed in a matter towards which you were not previously inclined. By Thursday you will wriggle out of a commitment, you had been forced to make.
[ April 21 to May 20 ]
You will remain undecided over a crucial issue that has been giving you anxious moments. Don’t sign any paper until you make sure that nothing has been concealed.
[ May 21 to June 21 ]
Professional Geminians are due for a gain this week. People in authority will be glad to help them and give them the respect they deserve. Wednesday and Thursday are their most special days for seeking favours.
[ June 22 to July 22 ]
You are passing through an extravagant phase. You should be careful not to waste money. Go in for safe options and don’t rely on instant promises.
[ July 23 to Aug 22 ]
There seems to be no escape from the hectic schedule that awaits you. You will have to burn the midnight oil, even at the cost of your health. Weeekend could prove burden- some.
[ Aug 23 to Sept 22 ]
Financial stringency should be on the decline. People you live with or work with are likely to come up with a rewarding proposal. At work also, your load will be lighter.
[Sept 23 to Oct 22 ]
Venus being a key player in your solar chart may provide greater comfort, stability and merriment to your home and family life. This is, in fact, a rewarding time for home improvement.
[Oct 23 to Nov 22 ]
With your travel-stars on the forefront you may have to move out more than usual. You should be careful not to tire yourself beyond a certain limit. Tuesday, however, is not auspicious for travelling.
[ Nov 23 to Dec 22]
Your stars are waging a tough battle to keep your economy on the tracks. Helping a friend under a cloud may be a kind act but there is no point in crossing a certain limit and making your position vulnerable. 
[Dec 23 to Jan 20]
Your social stars seem fairly buoyant this week. An old friend may turn up out of the blue. Saturday and Sunday are your days for enjoying life and joining activities that appeal to your romantic ideals.
[ Jan 21 to Feb 19 ]
There are many ways of turning obstacles into blessing in disguise. You are most probably adept at this art you can now play your cards from a position of strength.
[Feb 20 to March 20 ]
Friends or associates who have not supported you in the past may encourage you and even stand by you. From now on, the future looks lively, innovative and optimistic.

Born on

July 9

It seems inevitable that you will have to play the game by other people’s rules. The most important decision before you is whether to toe your own line or to give way to extraneous pressures. All in all, it would be wise to distinguish between what is important and what is not. It is still not too late to change your mind.

You can emerge wiser, stronger and much more confident after September. Your capacity to act on your own will increase from December onwards. The areas sure to interest you are education, legal matters, welfare of children and social interaction.

July 10

It is a trying priod for most of you as a big change is on the anvil. It will pay you to be sceptical and checkout the facts but if everything is above board you can expect a dramatic change in your financial fortunes.

You will push your self hard during the first quarter. You can be lured into making a risky commitment or rash purchases during the second. You may falter if you don’t remain alert during the third. You will gain more strength and cultivate more influence during the last one.

July 11

A combust Mars encircled by the Sun and Mercury warns you to do some serious thinking to restrain escalation in your expenditure. Under the circumstances, the possibility of coping with the huge liabilities lying ahead of you will be quite remote. You will remain worried due to the paucity of funds.

You will remain under stress due to new cares and responsibilities. Those who are bent upon exploiting you may continue to do so. If in service, there are chances of a transfer. You could, however, rope in a new friend to pull you out of the current, crisis.

July 12

You are on the crest of a delightful and harmonious wave. Such a jovial atmosphere only prevails once in a blue moon. Companions, friends and associates will repose full confidence in you. Your social life will brim with love, laughter and ecstacy.

Could you be chasing a lost love? Mercury being a key player in your solar chart could deliver the goods in a befitting manner. You will remain more interested in your goodwill mission than worldly matters.

July 13

The planetary picture is taking a turn for the better. Your stars foretell selfless trends and you will be cooperative and supportive towards your friends and relations. You may also be able to communicate your deepest feelings to a few others who may be on a completely different wavelength.

You will establish links with people you have not seen before. Don’t feel demoralised if your social life proves a drain on your purse. Your urge to stretch yourself beyond a certain limit is your weakness. It is time to be choosy and selective.

July 14

Venus in the house of finance reveals that financial self-sufficiency is not as important now as it was a few months ago. You will manage any difficult situations that you face admirably.

The door of luck will remain wide open during September-October. A favourable period when you will be able to overcome any shortfalls is between December to March. All that is needed is a little more courtesy on your part while dealing with your subordinates.

July 15

All work and no relief is bound to tire you are to the extreme. You will remain on the move on one pretext or the other. Your keen desire to visit a place of your choice is not likely to be fulfilled. In professional life too "go slow" should be your motto. Try to make as few promises as possible and keep an escape route ready.

Some of you may be in a mood to settle scores but it may prove to be disastrous in the long run.


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