Born on
The urge to be out and about and to give a new shape
to the routine chores will be stronger this time.
There are positive indications that you may expand
your contacts, befriend new people and gain through
them in due course of time. If interested, foreign
connections and overseas travels should figure
prominently in your agenda for the new year.
planets provide a luminous glow to the activities you
love. Romantically also, you are destined to build
bridges with your loved ones who have ceased to show
much interest in your welfare.
With moon at the central stage, you are not likely to
suffer fools and spoil your peace of mind. You are
happiest when you have good partners to collaborate
with. There are ample chances that the people you meet
now could become your trusted allies in the future.
will get all loose ends tied up during the first
quarter; Much greater responsibility awaits you during
the second. Travel to a place of your choice will be
welcomed during the third. Don’t exert too much at
the cost of your health during the last one.
A retrograde Mars sighted by Saturn, Neptune and
Uranus may incline you to clutch at straws and face
disappointment. Some unexpected problems may crop up
all of a sudden.The work you are saddle with may
demand more patience, grind and cooperation on the
part of your associates. You have to be extra-cautious
with the people you work or deal with.
to your well-wishers even if you don’t relish their
advice. The point is, they are not entirely wrong and
deserve attention. If you are in no mood to take the
situation seriously, you will have to repent later on.
A startling increase in your earnings is imminent. You
should also be taking a serious note of your
commitments, pending issues and the matters still in
the pipeline. There is no fun in staying back and
allowing others to steal the show.
modest effort on your part will be enough to bring a
dramatic change in your output. Entertainment of
guests, education of children and health care of
people close to you are some of the major areas that
may show a marked improvement.
The new year holds the promise of being a star-favoured
one. With your self-confidence at a high and your
personal aspirations moving in the right direction,
there is every possibility of your leading a happy,
contented and carefree life. Travel and social
encounters will help you to gain popularity and
experience. You could gain from the experience of
someone who happens to be your close confidant.
prepared for some good news to cheer you up from
November onwards. You could attract someone with your
special charm during the mid-year. The most enjoyable
period is from March, 2001.
The incoming year starts on a hectic note. Despite
stress and strain you will remain aware of your
duties, commitment and obligations. The most
noteworthy feature of the current year is that you
will participate in a noble cause which may earn
goodwill and enhance your status. Your energy level
will shoot up and you will be able to get anything you
may lose your cool more often. Don’t involve
yourself in more than one activity at one time. If you
exert beyond a certain limit, it may affect your
This should turn out to be a healthy, memorable
and gainful period. What appears to be difficult for
others could prove a bed of roses for you. With each
day that passes, you will find your confidence,
stamina and foresight touching new heights. Don’t
feel upset if your social life becomes a drain on your
The most opportune
time to concentrate on your performance will be from
November onwards. It may give you a pleasant surprise
to know that someone who has always been critical of
your actions decides to side with you.