The Tribune - Spectrum

Sunday, September 24, 2000
Caption Contest
Test your ingenuity, suggest a caption for the photograph given below. Selected entries will be posted on this page next Sunday. LAST


photo by Manoj Mahajan
Photograph by Manoj Mahajan

Please write the caption for the photograph
Kindly fill in the following information
E-mail ID
City, Country



We thank our readers for the overwhelming response to our interactive Caption Contest feature. Due to the volume of the e-mail messages received, we are unable to publish all the captions and only post a representative selection. Often a number of persons send similar messages. In such cases only one message is posted


photo by Karam Singh
Photo posted last week, captions submitted for which are given below.
  • The Great Wall and a great haul
    Sarabjit K. Dhesi
    Sacramento, Ca. USA

  • Where can I get that "Baby on Board" bumper sticker?
    G Mathew
    Zama, Japan

  • Planning a piggy-back-ride to Tibet
    Mohit Kumar Mahajan
    Houston, USA

  • Cute backpack
    Harpreet Singh
    Stanford, CA

  • Moms' back ride better than any ride..
    Asha P. Minhas
    Sterling, USA

  • Cool ride
    Inderjit S Manga
    Bay Point, USA

  • Ride and security at the same time
    Indu Pandey
    Sydney, Australia