Sunday, April 22, 2001,
Chandigarh, India


Y O U R  D A T E  W I T H  S T A R
 April 22 to April 28
[ March 21 to April 20 ]
Your involvement with more than one issue at one time could cause problems. There is ample scope to achieve more if you keep your priorities in mind and do not work haphazardly.
[ April 21 to May 20 ]
Venus, your lucky star, is exerting her influence over the house of friendship and love. If some matrimonial negotiations are pending, it is the best time to pursue them and get positive results.
[ May 21 to June 21 ]
Your stars advise you to be scrupulously honest. Don’t be taken in by false promises. If in service, your reputation will be at stake and you will have to protect yourself from being let down by your associates.
[ June 22 to July 22 ]
The Moon, your lord, in ascendance could provide endless scope for leisure and pleasure. You will not act as a hard taskmaster. You will attach more importance to the moral and ethical implicatins of your actions. 
[ July 23 to Aug 22 ]
Your desire to speculate, deal with stocks or to bag easy money could become irresistible. Your stars exhort you to make hay while the sun shines. Tuesday seems to be a good day for bidding or bargaining.
[ Aug 23 to Sept 22 ]
A time to gear up and attain spectacular success. The boom that you missed during the recent past is about to occur soon. If you don’t set off on something challenging, you will have to wait longer.
[Sept 23 to Oct 22 ]
It is wrong to assume that you are being ignored. If you react, it may send out wrong signals. It is a moment to think with a cool mind and not judge others too harshly.
[Oct 23 to Nov 22 ]
Your stars are doing their best to cheer you up with each passing day. Expect your partners or associates to be more helpful if you learn to trust them. You can get off to a good start on Tuesday.
[ Nov 23 to Dec 22]
You should be in your element. Jupiter in the limelight may stir up your latent potential. Your insistence on having your own way will be hailed by one and all. Thursday is decidedly the most favourable day.
[Dec 23 to Jan 20]
Your galloping daily expenditure may become a matter of serious concern. You may face a frightful paucity of funds without any good reason. Saturday happens to be your most expensive day.
[ Jan 21 to Feb 19 ]
With a heavy workload, and little time at your disposal, you might get irritated. Don’t push yourself so hard that you end up flat on your back. Believe it or not, money is no substitute for good health.
[Feb 20 to March 20 ]
Career-hunting Pisceans should be optimistic. Although they take their success for granted, there should be no room for complacency. Even a trivial lapse on their part could scuttle their aspirations.

Born on

April 22

Your stars seem exceedingly complex at the moment. If you direct your effort in one direction, you may lose your grip in another. Unless you prepare to meet every eventuality, you may find the initiative slipping from your hands.

As June gets underway, your self-confidence shall be on trial. Children could pose problems and may even give you anxious moments. September-October will see an increase in your workload. Your anxiety to increse your income may not lead to any positive results.

April 23

You are standing at the threshold of a lucky phase. Partners, loved ones and even your spouse could be easily convinced about your plans and convictions. At work, you may be surprised to find that those in authority are glad to do your bidding.

You will conduct yourself with efficiency during the first quarter. Prospects of a new link-up will arise during the second. A worth-while opening is on the way during the third. Tendency to overstress should be curbed during the last one.

April 24

With all planets in one sequential order, it is a hopefully comfortable, lively and a heart warming period. A marked step-up in your personal achievements, a consistent expansion of the area of your influence and authority and the dawn of wisdom are some of the salient features of the year under review. Your birthday lord being in the house of luck is no less a force to be reckoned with. You should be in a position to pick and choose and will make it a point to opt for what you are best at.

April 25

Mercury being in the ascendant makes a long cherished dream come true. The future looks lively, innovative and optimistic. Whatever you take upon yourself, you will deem it as your sacred duty to see it through without any interruption whatsoever. There will, however, be very little scope for rest and relaxation.

As July gets underway, you will stimulate your capacity to work. You will discipline your life on more sound lines. Your most important asset are your friends, so stay close to them and try to keep them in good humour. Ambitious plans should, however, be kept under wraps for some more time.

April 26

Jupiter’s placement in the house of finance promises glittering success in the areas you deal with. Your financial aspirations should be at the peak. Jupiter’s main contribution is that you will act wisely and stick to facts. If you are in service, there are chances of your getting closer to the man at the top. You will also play a pivotal role in the organisation you happen to be linked with.

There is little chance for you to put your feet up and relax. Although there is no dearth of money, all that is needed is a shift in your attitude and more courteous behaviour.

April 27

The current planetary set-up will keep you on the move and incline you to experiment with new ways of managing your affairs at home and at work also. Time-saving devices or some other modern methods of increasing efficiency could enhance your prestige and future prospects. Although you are on a strong wicket but make sure that there is no confusion in your mind about your aims and aspirations.

There is hardly any chance to remain immune from social obligations. You are in far a boundless joy from September onwards. Make sure you don’t trust your colleagues blindly and repent later on.

April 28

Saturn, sighted by inimical stars, means one step forward and two backwards. Your urge to spend more than usual and to crave for comfort and luxury will be more intense. Despite vigorous attempts on your part, there will be no mending your limping economy. You may either spend extravagantly or may indulge in a bad bargain. "Walk before you can run" is an appropriate message for you. If you are game for a quick money-earning device, you could be caught in a tricky situation. All you have to do is to avoid such risky traps.


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