Sunday, June 17, 2001, Chandigarh, India


Y O U R  D A T E  W I T H  S T A R
 June 17 to June 23
[ March 21 to April 20 ]
You may feel overburdened by chores, responsibilities and obligations, you should be careful to not take on more work even if you are under pressure to do so.
[ April 21 to May 20 ]
Pay more attention to the people around you, especially those who feel they have been ignored. Your attitudes are the key to the success of personal relationships. The better-behaved you are, the better will your ties be.
[ May 21 to June 21 ]
Benevolent stars, signify a pleasant time ahead. You will find yourself faced by a sparkling opportunity. Your imagination could become richer.
[ June 22 to July 22 ]
Your stars expect you to play your cards more efficiently. You should stand up for your rights and stick to your guns when challenged. Don’t fail to keep an eye on those who are trying to find faults with you.
[ July 23 to Aug 22 ]
You are likely to face last minute changes at home, in your work schedule, social life or travel plans. This is a period of grave uncertainty. Whatever you propose to do could change without warning.
[ Aug 23 to Sept 22 ]
You are likely to be taken in by unrealistic promises made by unworthy friends. Your other worry is that you will harbour fantasies and ignore realities.
[Sept 23 to Oct 22 ]
You will have to make a little more effort to improve your financial fortunes. The support and the co-operation that you may receive from people close to you may help you to cross the hurdles that block your way.
[Oct 23 to Nov 22 ]
An alarming increase in your routine expenditure may take the wind out of your sails. The success you have achieved in the past could come to a grinding halt. Tuesday could turn out to be an expensive day.
[ Nov 23 to Dec 22]
Most of your wishes will be fulfilled. If you are in making easy money, your stars could help you get a hefty gain. Thursday is good day to accelerate your fortunes through new deals.
[Dec 23 to Jan 20]
Your stars indicate a massive professional turn around. You will expand your horizons and set your sights on new goals. The feeling that you have not got what you deserved should vanish.
[ Jan 21 to Feb 19 ]
Creative Aquarians should be in top gear. They will be bursting with ambition and will be anxious to make their presence felt. Saturday could be their best day.
[Feb 20 to March 20 ]
The courage you show in standing up to the evil designs of others could bring you into the limelight. You are expected to be more active in your goodwill mission. You could even bail someone out of a tight spot.

Born on

June 17

A trio consisting of Sun, Jupiter and an exalted Rahu reveals that you are coming is a turning point in your life. Although it is just a start, you can expect better results with the passage of time. All matters, especially financial ones, are sure to proceed smoothly and these will be no looking back. You will be cashing in on good bargains, taking wise decisions and pursuing sensible investments.

If you are a student, you will show reasonably good progress in your studies.

June 18

Moon heading towards her exaltation indicates stupendous success on more than one counts. It will pave the way for a better understanding with the people who are at the helm of affairs. You will set your mind on new plans and ambitions. Life should be more exciting than ever before.

A period of glittering success awaits you during the first quarter. Your grasp of facts may be surprising during the second. Listen carefully to what your elders say during the third. A tendency to stay, aloof should, however, be curbed with an iron hand during the last one.

June 19

With too many irons in the fire, there is hardly any scope for making a headway either professionally or socially. You should be on your guards to not expand your activities beyond a certain limit. It will also be a bad idea to associate yourself with persons of suspect antecedents. To ensure safety or to play safe should be your endeavour. In love also, there is no chance that your dreams could turn into reality.

Your stars warn you not to fix your eyes on some thing which may be beyond your capability.

June 20

Flexibility and an ability to accommodate others are your plus points. Excess of expenditure, no doubt, can alarm you but you will have no regrets for having spent on a cause which may be close to your heart. A kind act towards a friend in distress could raise your stature in the eyes of the people around you. People who are in no mood to accept you as their best hope will have to revise their opinion.

June 21

A spell of good luck is on its way. You have seldom experienced such a rewarding period. Moments of love, laughter and merriment are about to give you a pleasant surprise. An increase in your income should now be a foregone conclusion. The demands of your inmates could also be met without undergoing heavy expenditure. You may be confident that all your dreams could come true sooner or later.

Your partners and associates will back you but they should not be treated harshly. You can win them over with love but not by force.

June 22

Majority of you seem to be in a belligerent mood but your stars advise you to maintain your equilibrium and act with your eyes open. Your desire to make a bid, shop or hunt for a bargain may disappoint you. Your grasp of facts may not help you to come to the right conclusion. Your belief that you are right and others are wrong is your biggest folly.

In the present situation, "slow and steady wins the race" should be your motto. If you act rashly, you will lose the game.

June 23

Your professional life calls for more sweat and toil. A long list of pending tasks may bog you down. You will be tempted to visit the people and places connected with your past, regardless of the effort or expense involved. Your travel stars will be gaining momentum during the first quarter. You may have to work overtime, even at the cost of your health.


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