Buddha: The saviour IT was the morning of November 2, 1963. I was in Saigon when the military coup, led by General "Big" Minh, took place. President Ngo Binh Diem of South Vietnam had been toppled and murdered. The whole city of Saigon was agog with rumours. In an adventurous mood, I, along with a friend, entered the presidential palace — the scene of the army coup — to find out things first hand, and to satisfy our curiosity! I was residing in Continental Hotel in Saigon. The Presidential Palace — the ornate yellow building behind high, wrought-iron gates — was walking distance away. National Assembly was opposite our hotel. Hari Mehta, the Chief Financial Controller of the International Commissions in Indo-China, and I ventured to reach the palace, soon after this event. It was a sort of a probing mission to inform our Ambassador soonest possible and through him our government in New Delhi. We had tip-toed to a stationary army tank which seemed to be abandoned. But suddenly, we spotted an officer standing nearby, and took shelter in a pit near the belly of the tank. Then the tank roared to life! We thought we were dead meat. The tank enginenoise, however, soon died down and the soldier who was hiding ostrich-like in the cockpit, jumped out and asked our identity. When told we were Indians, he spared us saying, "Ando Buddha’ (Indians are Buddhists — meaning peaceful). Then, forgetting us, he joined the chorus of the troops milling around outside: "We have won!" We thanked our stars and ran for safety, thinking that it was enough adventure for one day. Ambassador Govardhan, chairman of the commission, did get some authentic on-the spot news! (But the cost would have been exorbitant if the tank had mowed us while we were lying hidden near its belly). |