Wednesday, August 15, 2001, Chandigarh, India

T O D A Y ' S        F O R E C A S T                by Ayushmaan

[ March 21 to April 20 ]

You are not going to get things all your own way. Your personal plans meet with some stiff opposition. Not the right day to seek interviews you will benefit from a heavy handed approach. Lucky number is 3. 

[ April 21 to May 20 ]

The day starts very nicely. Assets are safe. Your good business sense will be of particular benefit to you. Youngsters: you will have to curb your outdoor activities. Women: obstinacy must be avoided. Lucky colour is orange blossom. 

[ May 21 to June 21 ]

Maintain a respectful distance with opposite sex. Imagination is important today. Working women may face some difficulties. No need to act on second hand information. 5 is lucky today. 

[ June 22 to July 22 ]

A normal day. Think and act like a winner. A mistake of the chauffeur puts you in trouble. Pay grocery bills. Accounts need attention. Loved ones will be congenial. You should be able to stick to your schedule. 

[ July 23 to Aug 22 ]

Give no loans today. Everything to do with the domestic environment should bring you pleasure. Do not get involved in any land deals. Take care if driving on a long journey today. Blue is lucky till 4 p.m. 

[ Aug 23 to Sept 22 ]

The accent is more on family life than outside business interests. Youngsters may find that elders may try to interfere in their affairs. Evening could see you in a passionate mood. Mind your diet. 6 is your fortune number. 


[Sept 23 to Oct 22 ]

You need to slow down a bit. Watch your temper. If your pet has been out of sorts, check with the vet. You will get much job satisfaction from creative work. Romance is filled with joy. Lucky number is 9. 

[Oct 23 to Nov 22 ]

A good day for attending parties and other social functions. Superiors will be cooperative. Frank discussions could clear the air. Do not be too demanding from loved ones. Green is lucky. 

[ Nov 23 to Dec 22]

Expectant mothers: take care of your health. More time should be spent on repair work around the home. Think twice while purchasing anything new. Financially a comfortable evening ahead. 4 is particularly lucky for teenagers. 

[Dec 23 to Jan 20]

This is an important day for dealing with financial matters. Be careful that misunderstanding do not arise. At work place do not tread on others toes. Evening is auspicious for letter writing. 8 is your fortune number. 

[ Jan 21 to Feb 19 ]

Students: give more time to studies. Health could slow you down. Housewives: you may have extra work to cope up. No important developments are likely in business. Lucky colour is honey brown.

[Feb 20 to March 20 ]

Auspicious day for business meetings. Love life will sparkle. Housewives: spend time to attending routine chore. Drive carefully in the evening. Speculation is not favoured. 2 is your fortunate number. 

HAPPY BIRTHDAY (15TH AUGUST): Family affairs need attention towards the end of this year. On the health front you need to exercise caution. Love life will be full of excitement throughout the year. Students will get admission in their course of choice.
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