Sunday, September 16, 2001, Chandigarh, India


Y O U R  D A T E  W I T H  S T A R
 September 16 to September 22
[ March 21 to April 20 ]
You will be compelled to seek the help and cooperation of others to run the show. Those who have been standing by you during the past may not be inclined to oblige you again.
[ April 21 to May 20 ]
You will like to swing into action with all the energy at your command. There is a limit what you can do for others. Don’t exhaust your stamina as it will do you good to wait.
[ May 21 to June 21 ]
With professional plans on the go, your stars have never been better then they are now. A stalemate that slowed you down could be resolved amicably. You can congratulate yourself for having done a good job.
[ June 22 to July 22 ]
Life is replete with hope and you have an opportunity to establish yourself as a star-performer. Don’t sit back waiting for lady luck to shower her bounties upon you.
[ July 23 to Aug 22 ]
Leo is a star-favoured sign. People around you have fixed ideals and well expect you to follow their lead. You may be a bit moody but you are not going to be trapped by the ill-intentioned persons.
[ Aug 23 to Sept 22 ]
A large majority of Virgoans are in for a hefty gain this week. Their social stars have also picked up. Wednesday is their auspicious day live up to with long-standing commitment.
[Sept 23 to Oct 22 ]
Everything hinges on Venus, the star you can confidently depend upon at the moment. Your efficiency and grasp of facts could astound even your sharpest critics. Life should gather more colour with each passing day.
[Oct 23 to Nov 22 ]
An unwelcome depreciation in your funds may cause commotion. A lot, however, depends how serious you are to slow down your galloping expenditure. Tuesday happens to be your most expensive day.
[ Nov 23 to Dec 22]
Some people bother more for their right than their duties and you are most probably one of them. The challenge before you is to prove in that in spite of being conscientious you have not been fairly dealt with.
[Dec 23 to Jan 20]
You are passing through a super-sensitive phase and your mood is likely to swing between extremes. The decisions you are about to take seem extremely crucial for they could make or mar you socially and morally.
[ Jan 21 to Feb 19 ]
This promises to be a prosperous period. The rewards you have been waiting for could fall into your lap. In fact this week will lend a new charm to your personality.
[Feb 20 to March 20 ]
A good period to widen your personal contacts. An unexpected gesture of goodwill could be expected any movement. Being in a happy mood, you could alter your dull life into an exciting one.

Born on

September 16

You may feel confident enough to act on your own but still you need a little boost. Listen to the advice of wise men and seek the blessing of your elders. This is bound to help you to cross the hurdles that block your way. This is no time to sit back and let opportunity pass you by.

The work may pile up and tire you to the extreme during the first quarter. You could formulate a plan to dispose urgent matters during the second. No one can stop you from achieving what you aim at during the second half.

September 17

A combust moon sandwiched between Sun and Mercury may keep you in a tight corner. You need still more time to find your way out of the present crisis.

"Slow and steady wins the race" should be your motto. There is no doubt that being adventurous sometimes pays but there is risk also and if your stars are deficient you could be caught on the wrong foot. So the best course is to wait for better times.

September 18

The new year starts on a firm note. Your attitude to move with the times will be your plus paint. If you are in service, there is a possibility of some senior position falling vacant which might prove as a stepping stone for your future prosperity. Make sure to keep communication open either by post or by telephone.

You shall be in the limelight from December onwards. You will be able to cash in on good opportunities. Your hunt for greener pastures can deliver good results after April, 2002.

September 19

Your stars will keep you on your toes both at work and at home. You will also be moving fast to overtake over your rivals. The pains you will take should be worth the bother. Your creative and thought-provoking ideas will be duly appreciated.

All work and no play may wear you out during November-December. You could face some health-hazard during March. You must put back into your life to remain fit and kicking.

September 20

Jupiter in the tenth house of your solar chart may bring a pleasant surprise. A majority of those born on this day who are unattached but eligible could choose love as their first foremost priority. They should, however, take this hint that anything that is done in good faith is sure to succeed in the long run.

You will remain in a jovial mood during the first quarter. Your social stars shall remain fairly buoyant during the second. Undue generously should be curbed during the third. Take some time off and refresh yourself during the last one.

September 21

Your desperate tactics to give a new look to your finance may not succeed in full measure. Disappointments accompanied by a few hard knocks may force you to be more cautious and vigilant about your galloping expenditure.

The odds stacked against you could persist a little longer. You will feel tempted to change your mind more often. All that you think is fine should not be taken at its face value. "Appearances can sometimes be deceptive" is an old saying which should not be lost sight of.

September 22

The wheel of luck is turning in your favour. Your friends, associates and allies will be expecting some favours from you but it may become difficult for you to oblige each one of them. There are some people around you who may be adept in carrying tales and maligning you in the eyes of your loved ones. If is possible, they may mislead you and put you in the wrong. You have to be vigilant and see that your reputation is not jeopardised due to the wrong deeds of selfish and fair-weather friends.


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