Wednesday, January 16, 2002, Chandigarh, India

T O D A Y ' S        F O R E C A S T                by Ayushmaan

[ March 21 to April 20 ]

Your physical condition needs more care. Aries bosses will have to be vary patient with their employees. Students: Make every possible efforts to get ahead in your career. Professional decisions today will affect people around you. Black is lucky.

[ April 21 to May 20 ]

Pay more attention to health problem. Influential people will be helpful in your business. Love life blooms. Interference in the affairs of others would lead to criticism and embarrassment. Green is lucky in evening party. 

[ May 21 to June 21 ]

Accounting will not be any problem. Do not rush your work. An auspicious day for housewives. Short trips will be informative. Move with people who can bring you new opportunities. 2 is lucky.

[ June 22 to July 22 ]

Keep out of the limelight. Do not take too optimistic an attitude to public activities. It would be to your advantage to allow other people to push to the front. Love life suffers due to hectic schedule. Important contacts today would be long-lasting.

[ July 23 to Aug 22 ]

Make sure that all is running smoothly on the domestic front. Love life may run into excitement. Women: Cut down to your everyday spending. Domestic problems make it difficult to concentrate on your work. Excellent day for hosting a party or dinner.

[ Aug 23 to Sept 22 ]

Day starts on a cheery note. Today finish off your pending jobs, before picking up new assignments. Push ahead business affairs. Try to get an early start. There are unlikely to be any unexpected hitches. Avoid speculation if possible. 6 is lucky.


[Sept 23 to Oct 22 ]

Good day to set yourself a career goal. Women: Cupid is all set to strike. Secrecy continues to be important. Students: Gossip could spoil your chance of success. BP patients: Go for a medical check-up. Real estate projects will bring good gains.

[Oct 23 to Nov 22 ]

There will be more time available for family affairs. Romantic life is charged with passion. Be straight and aboveboard when dealing with employment affairs. Brilliant day to do something special with children in the evening. For luck use number ‘6’.

[ Nov 23 to Dec 22]

Romance will be exciting. Old age security, household be investigated further. A minor health problem may arise. In-laws, relatives or friends might cause some problems for you. Excellent day for auspicious events.

[Dec 23 to Jan 20]

A pleasant if somewhat lackluster day. This is unlikely to be particularly active period. There may be argument at home this morning. Loved one will be difficult and very demanding. Overspending on luxury items will put you into financial mess. 9 is lucky.

[ Jan 21 to Feb 19 ]

Do not let too many people know what you are planning. Romance will be unsettled. Children will be source of happiness. Watch out for important information in the evening. Lucky colour: Sky blue.

[Feb 20 to March 20 ]

A chance encounter with an ex-flame may revive old memories. Do not lose your temper. Old men: Health problem may be worrisome. A hectic evening ahead for teenagers. Drive carefully especially at night. Black is not your colour today.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY (JANUARY 16) : Students: Your success in all ventures is almost defined/assured. Change of residence is foreseen in the mid of the year. Heavy expenditure at home makes you frustrated in May-June. Plan journeys and other changes this year to avoid disappointment.
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