Sunday, January 20, 2002, Chandigarh, India

T O D A Y ' S        F O R E C A S T                by Ayushmaan

[ March 21 to April 20 ]

Tricky day for speculation. Family life is fine. Women: Aim at some luxury in the evening. Bizfolk: Avoid loans. Vehicle gives trouble. Self employed? You will get a good opportunity to boost your earnings. 2 is lucky.

[ April 21 to May 20 ]

Danger of argument erupting on the breakfast table. Care needed while travelling. Do not act in a sneaky way. Be diplomatic with your mate or partner. Do not overdo this evening. Colour for males: black; females: cream. 3 is lucky.

[ May 21 to June 21 ]

Best day to solve personal problems. Skilled and semi-skilled workers in factories may face the risk of redundancy. Club and social activities are favourable. Person whose name starts with P or K will be extremely helpful. Red is lucky for women.

[ June 22 to July 22 ]

Being overly suspicious creates a serious rift in your love life. Underlying tension at home will vanish. Health affairs are satisfactory. Any change made at work or in job brings favourable results. 8 is your fortune number.

[ July 23 to Aug 22 ]

Plan your journey before 11 am. You will find creative and profitable hobbies to occupy yourself. Children will be a source of happiness. Domestic wrangles are sorted out. Do not trust your colleagues. Green is lucky.

[ Aug 23 to Sept 22 ]

You will start the day on a high note. Those in hostels may feel homesick. Women will have a hectic time entertaining guests at home. New opportunities and fresh schemes will make you explore possibility untried before. 8 is lucky.


[Sept 23 to Oct 22 ]

Avoid strenuous work today. Heavy drinkers should be careful. Do not neglect medical check-up. Businessmen: Seek publicity for business plans that you are trying to expand. Women: Unexpected expenditure at home and outside could cause monetary tension.

[Oct 23 to Nov 22 ]

You are not going to get things your own way. You will have to cope with stubborn associates at workplace. Postpone journey. Health stars are favourable. Stick to your beaten track. Red brings good luck for teenagers.

[ Nov 23 to Dec 22]

If you keep plugging away your boss will have to recognise your ability. A relaxing day for students. Pressure is off at work. Your spouse may give you a surprise gift in the evening. 7 is your fortune number.

[Dec 23 to Jan 20]

Do not make any new starts today. This is not the right time to put original ideas into action. There are a number of personal plans to catch up with. You should be able to get away from office earlier than usual. 5 is lucky.

[ Jan 21 to Feb 19 ]

You have to keep a tight hold on impulsive urges. Problems will arise because loved ones also feel like splurging. Watch your spending. Teenagers: Avoid arguments with elders. Loss through misplaced trust possible. Royal blue is auspicious.

[Feb 20 to March 20 ]

Moon and Mars will open new avenues for you. Be good to yourself. Keep your reserves up to a reasonably acceptable level. Try to think straight where money is involved. Emotions run high. Good day for legal matters.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY (January 20): Jupiter combines Saturn showing house change. Overseas news will be encouraging. Love life will sparkle. Legal matters may bother you in the months of July and December. Your positive planetary potentials point towards long journeys.
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