Saturday, March 16, 2002, Chandigarh, India

T O D A Y ' S        F O R E C A S T                by Ayushmaan

[ March 21 to April 20 ]

Shopkeepers may encounter an unruly customer. Love life will be erratic. Politicians: some may figure in the news. You may neglect your health due to busy schedule. You will fare best when working alone . Wear Green for luck.

[ April 21 to May 20 ]

Do not be amazed at your good luck. Arguments at home are likely to erupt. Be little more tactful and considerate. Businessmen: new ideas for making money should be examined. 9 is lucky.

[ May 21 to June 21 ]

Students in competitive sports may get selected for their school team. You will feel free from pressure and stress. Conclude a major assignment after 2 pm. Be sympathetic. 3 is lucky. 

[ June 22 to July 22 ]

No secrets from the boss. Think about money. Try to increase knowledge in new areas. Excellent time for starting a correspondence course. Health may need more care in the evening. Pink is lucky. 

[ July 23 to Aug 22 ]

Money problem is likely to come to the fore. Do not ride rough shadow over the wishes of your colleagues. Women: day is auspicious for shopping. Love seems far away. Yellow is lucky at dinner party. 

[ Aug 23 to Sept 22 ]

Pack up all your cares and woes and have a good time. Influential people can be contacted without much trouble. Studies today could help you gain a promotion. Students: get, set, go.... 2 is lucky.


[Sept 23 to Oct 22 ]

Women: money can come to you unexpectedly. Avoid shopping. Hostel dwellers: study needs to be rescheduled. Tact will save you trouble in personal and social relationships. 5 is lucky.

[Oct 23 to Nov 22 ]

Financial transaction comes to the fore after 1 pm. Love life is controversial. You must not be impatient. A nagging issue at home is amicably resolved. 3 is lucky.

[ Nov 23 to Dec 22]

A letter from your brother or sister will bring good news. Love life takes an upward swing. Do not start anything today by being extravagant. Children have a fighting spirit. 2 gets lucky. 

[Dec 23 to Jan 20]

Older people: take care of your health. Do not lend cash to anyone. Cine/theatre artistes: you will have little difficulty gaining right sort of publicity. Haste could lead to household accident. A harmonious day for lovers. Orange is lucky. 

[ Jan 21 to Feb 19 ]

Turning point in personal relationship. Push hard for good luck. Lovers may prove to be unworthy of your affection. Health wise: backache troubles you. Moodiness of someone in the family may disturb your evening plan. Blue is lucky. 

[Feb 20 to March 20 ]

You will have an unusual streak of good fortune. Older Pisceans are advised to take complete rest. Businessmen may expand their activities. You will have more optimistic outlook on your love life.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY (MARCH 16): Personal and business relationships improve. Foreign trip is on the cards after June 15. Writers, cine artistes and scientists are in the limelight by the grace of Venus. Planning to change a house? September and October are auspicious months. No worry on health front.
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