Friday, April 5, 2002, Chandigarh, India

T O D A Y ' S        F O R E C A S T                by Ayushmaan

[ March 21 to April 20 ]

A good day for executing secret plans. Meeting with influential people will go off particularly well. Today your boss may promises an increase in salary in near future. Pink is lucky

[ April 21 to May 20 ]

Jupiter opens the door for a new job. A good day for professionals. Do not become excited. Avoid making partnership deals. Lovers: a good day for introducing your beloved to your parents. Lucky number: 3.

[ May 21 to June 21 ]

A fine day for starting something new. Businessmen: you may enter a secret deal or alliance, it will prove beneficial. Discussion behind closed doors will work out very well. You charm in red.

[ June 22 to July 22 ]

Keep your spirits up putting forward a cheerful face. Not a good day for travel. Look at stocks, saving certificates that you hold. Creativity shines. Students: enjoy cheerful moments on the campus. Red is lucky.

[ July 23 to Aug 22 ]

Not a good day for making real estate transaction. Sudden travel may disturb your plans. BP patients: get more rest. A long awaited issue finally gets settled. 2 gets lucky.

[ Aug 23 to Sept 22 ]

It is a day to forget worries of the work. Romance is likely to remain on your mind. Uncooperative members of the family will throw a spanner in your life. Sportsmen may feel restless. 8 is your fortune number.


[Sept 23 to Oct 22 ]

Today you will be in an enthusiastic frame of mind. Matters connected with the state government agencies will go through smoothly. Loss through speculation is indicated. 5 is auspicious number.

[Oct 23 to Nov 22 ]

Property deals get concluded. Domestic issues come up for urgent consideration. Have no worries everything is well under control. Youngsters may have differences with parents. 9 is your fortune number.

[ Nov 23 to Dec 22]

A hectic day. Be a little more tolerant. Spouses: tiffs are likely. You will be in a mood to find fault with people who are dear to you; curb this habit. 2 is your fortune number.

[Dec 23 to Jan 20]

Teamwork is the key to success today. Home life will be pleasant. Older people may face certain problems in the evening. Check your car before you set out for a long journey. 8 is your fortune number.

[ Jan 21 to Feb 19 ]

Life is not always bed of roses. Relatives will be sensitive and difficult to get along with. Do not get involved in any land deal. Emotions have to be controlled. No pains no gains. Pink is lucky for children.

[Feb 20 to March 20 ]

Let things take their time. You will be happy in the company of friends. A super time to strengthen ties with partners. Find moderate pleasures. Handle property matters carefully. 9 is your fortune number.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY (APRIL 5): Progressive year ahead for students. Family life is comfortable. You will make steady progress in your career. Students have a mixed year. Bright prospects for fun and adventure in October and December. A boom can be anticipated for artists and poets.
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