Saturday, June 22, 2002
M A I L  B O X

Death is the end of everything

THIS refers to the write-up "Have you ever thought of death?" by Khushwant Singh (May 18). If we accept the established view of Charles Darwin about the descent of home sapiens then life is a complex organisation of molecules. Aging and death are parts of the life cycle. Factors that cause the organism to age and give up living are many and science has a number of answers for them. However, when we die, we are decomposed by microbes, and elements are freed from their bound form and returned to soil, air and water. Death is an end of everything.

It is due to the puritan conditioning of our minds right from our births that we have adopted a mistaken view of life, death and after life, otherwise it is nothing more than ‘a tale told by an idiot signifying nothing’ and all drama ends with death. But these imaginary concepts have gone into our consciousness to such an extent that scientific temper and education have failed to break allegiance to these irrational ideologies. The writer’s conclusions are, therefore, rational and scientific.




If somebody asked me where and what I was ten days before coming to the womb of my mother, I would have no reply. Similarly I don’t know where will I go after I die. Since time immemorial many great thinkers have been trying to solve this mystery.

If we bring this phenomenon of death before us and ask ourselves: what does death do, the answer will be that it puts an end to all our attachments and cravings. If we can ourselves put an end to all our attachments and desires and become free to meet life as it comes then where is the sting of death?

Through deep meditation, we can get rid of all past impressions of worldly experience. Only then will we be able to face our eternal self. Death cannot kill the soul. It only cuts the bond between what is living and what is perishable. Our discontinuity is unthinkable. Only the body ends and not the mind, which is a carrier of the seeds of the next life. Just as a dream is the echo of the experience of the waking life, the next life is the outcome of all past impressions stored in the mind.


Marriage on the rocks

This has reference to the article "Marriage on the rocks" by Khushwant Singh (May 25). Marriage is a commitment and it takes a lot of patience and sacrifice to keep this commitment. In India marriages are more successful because of cultural reasons.

Both the husband and wife should know each other’s dislikes and weak points and they should never hit on those points. Rather, they should try to help each other improve. Secondly, they should not discuss their mutual problems with even their closest friends or relatives. Thirdly, they should be lavish when they are praising each others strong points. One should never fight with one’s spouse in the presence of others no matters how compelling the circumstances.

No level of progress and prosperity can give the happiness that an understanding husband and wife enjoy in each other’s company. So one shouldn’t look to the West, rather one should remain faithful to the institution of marriage.


.................................... This feature was published on June 15, 2002