September 22A Virgoan sun sighted by the moon reveals that you are heading towards a socially uplifting time. You will bid farewell to monotony and routine prevailing in your life. You will be finding ways and means to add colour to your life and make it worth living. If you are employed, you can expect some change in the nature of your work. You will get more time to relax.
A few generous gestures on your part are enough to deplete your funds. This could leave you feeling on edge from May onwards. So a little more care is a must.
September 23
A lustrous Moon in Jupiter is a great support. You will find yourself in the company of highly talented people who could provide you the information you have been searching for. One thing of which you must take a serious note is that you should not over-react over minor mistakes made by your friends.
No doubt, you have the skill and knack to manage people and get work out of them but you cannot trust all of them blindly so the best advice is to stay close to them and keep a strict watch over them.
September 24
With a stressful Mars in a combustive posture, you will not be as efficient as you have been during the past. It may be easy to start a new venture but you may not be able to benefit from it. What you think is your trump card may turn out to be damp squib. Even the people you think are your best friends could turn their backs on you when you need them.
September 25
An important year to assess your past performance and to realign your plans in the light of the wisdom gained
there from. There is no reason to feel overconfident about your capabilities as there is still a lot of ground to be covered. You are most probably not in a position to make any changes in your plans but you should make them foolproof and also formulate a policy for the future.
September 26
There was never a moment like this to be out and about more than usual and that too so frequently. Your nomadic instincts have received a big boost. It is time to gird up your loins and stop not till you finish all that you have to do irrespective of the amount of work involved.
You will be in your element during the first quarter. Social commitments are likely to prove costly during the second. Expect plenty of fun during the third. Take care not to exert more during the last one.
September 27
Expect the incoming year to be a fairly balanced one. There are no two opinions that you will be acting wisely and conscientiously, exploiting fully the opportunities that come your way. No doubt, the tasks in front of you are extensive but you do not have to push yourself too hard. Instead of wasting your energy on trivial matters you should preserve it for important activities.
Avoid trying to do more than you can handle. You can, however, expect some relief from March onwards. Avoid travelling at night during the end part.
September 28
The winds of change have started blowing. You have two options before you. You can either go in for self indulgence or you can opt for a life of austerity and renunciation.
If you are true to your convictions then you will have no doubts about what you should do. You must have faith in yourself. Leisure activities will, however, be best if these do not irritate anybody else.