Sunday, January 12, 2003, Chandigarh, India


Y O U R  D A T E  W I T H  S T A R
January 12 to January 18
[ March 21 to April 20 ]
Your planetary-alignment at the moment is all ready to push you into action. You will shake off your lethargy and make a determined bid to reach your goal. Believe it or not, your victory is fully assured.
[ April 21 to May 20 ]
Your social stars are fast losing their shine. The best advice is not to run but to move at a steady pace. If you take any risk, financial or emotional, you will stand to lose.
[ May 21 to June 21 ]
A sudden decrease in your income may upset you. The uncalled for demands of your friends may worsen the situation. At the workfront too, there is no scope to relax.
[ June 22 to July 22 ]
Now that the dust has started settling, a lucky wave is about to lift you up. You will keep your options open during this week. Strive less and gain more is the message of your stars.
[ July 23 to Aug 22 ]
The fluctuations in your mood may become frequent. You should be more cautious about what you say or write to someone during rash moments. Be on your guard, as it is a testing time.
[ Aug 23 to Sept 22 ]
There is no point in being remorseful just because some people do not see eye to eye with you. It has, no doubt, made your position untenable but opposition is an illusion and should be ignored.
[Sept 23 to Oct 22 ]
The most important factor in your solar chart is your yearnings for higher values of life. You will devote your time learning scriptures and serving a noble human cause. The key is to aim for a life of purity and sacrifice.
[Oct 23 to Nov 22 ]
There was a time when what little came your way was enough to satisfy you. Now with a majority of stars favouring you, you are in no mood to lower your expectations and would like to act more ambitiously.
[ Nov 23 to Dec 22]
A still more staggering jolt to your finances may take the wind out of your sails. The knock may be so hard that it could land you in a deep financial muddle. Tuesday is your most expensive day.
[Dec 23 to Jan 20]
The incoming week may register a new record of your earning capacity. A new and unexplored source of income could be tapped with success. This is precisely what you have been aiming at for long.
[ Jan 21 to Feb 19 ]
You will be receiving definite signals that your income is bound to increase dramatically from now onwards. You will also be performing a pivotal role in an influential group that you happen to be linked up with.
[Feb 20 to March 20 ]
Your impulse to improve your professional life will be more overpowering than ever before. Your grasp of facts will become more accurate and to the point with each passing day. Thursday is a good day to deal with stocks.

Born on

January 12: Financial stability is uppermost in your mind at the moment. Your craze to spend more may soar to unprecedented heights. Increasing demands of your relatives may keep you in a tight corner. The support and cooperation you are banking is unlikely to materialise.

A generous gesture towards a needy friend may hit your finances. As March gets underway you will be rushed off your feet at home. Mixing pleasure with business can prove demanding from July onwards. You may have to fight for what you believe is your legitimate right during September-October.

January 13: The new year revolves around variety. An Arien moon shows that you are entering into a new cycle of relationships. At one time you will be sorting out legal questions while on another occasion you will be pressing ahead with educational matters or making travel plans.

It is, however, wrong to pin your hopes on dreams that have no grounding in reality. You will tire yourself for nothing.

January 14: A comfortable, lively and heart-warming period. This, in reality, is an appropriate time to widen your sphere of activities. The enterprising side of your personality, your urge for entertaining guests at home, participation in recreational programmes, get-togethers etc. will be high on your agenda. You will be very much in love with life and keen to develop and broaden your relations with people belonging to different strata of society. In short, there should be no dearth of joy in what you think, plan and do.

January 15: Mercury, although on a back-track, could still hold the key. Under its benign influence, you can expect a marked improvement in your personal achievements, a consistent boost in the area of your influence and authority and the dawn of wisdom to keep you contented, alert and very much on the go.

It is obvious that your urge to step out of the rut and will be stronger than ever. So a marked change in your lifestyle is quite imminent. You will move out more than usual and mix up with more progressive and enlightened friends.

January 16: An action-oriented year. The volume of work you are confronted with will be at an all-time high. A tendency to fritter away your energy in pursuit of insignificant matters will upset the apple-cart. Do not allow others to become a liability on your time and energy. Strangers could also take liberties with you.

You will change your mind often during the first quarter. Young people could become rebellious during the second. Don’t push yourself too hard for a small gain during the third. You will, however, leave nothing to chance during the last one.

January 17: Venus, your highly elevated star, suggests that a change for the better is about to take place. Socialising will assume greater importance and may add a new dimension to your stature and personality. You will emerge stronger and more confident. Have faith in your skills and you will come closer to the seat of authority.

March-April are finest months to for expanding your contacts. Your social life will remain in full bloom day in and day out. Your keen desire to visit a place of your choice could materialise during September-October. Hasty decisions should, however, be avoided during the last phase.

January 18: Saturn may lend you full support this time. If speculation is on your agenda, you will be able to pick up the best bargains and earn huge profits. All those born on this day are lucky and as such should enjoy to their heart’s content. It is time for them to flourish and lead a life of peace and dignity.

Those who praise you on your face and talk ill of you in your absence should be shown the door. Hospitality could cost you heavily but you should not abstain from it. What is a lost game for others could prove to be a trumpcard for you and for your friends.


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