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EDUCATION TRIBUNE | Tuesday, January 14, 2003, Chandigarh, India |
76 per cent ITI students fail to secure jobs
76 per cent ITI students fail to secure jobs THE polytechnics and industrial training institutes (ITIs) in Himachal Pradesh are deficient in tools and equipment, raw material for training and staff strength, thereby affecting the quality of training. The objective of strengthening and development of polytechnics have not been fully achieved. Reducing unemployment among trained youth has not been on target as the percentage of unemployed among ITI certificate-holders and diploma-holders ranges between 19 and 100. On an average 76 per cent of students, who passed out from 16 units during 1996-2000 did not secure jobs. The percentage of dropout ranged between 5 and 13 in diploma and ITI certificate courses during 1996-2001. The dropout in civil, draftsman, surveyor and secretarial practice in diploma and ITI certificate courses were even higher, mainly due to the personal financial difficulties of trainees, lack of aptitude for technical lines and the trainees either going for higher education or taking up regular employment. The expenditure on establishment during 1996-2001 ranged between 45 and 74 per cent of the total revenue expenditure and persistently increased since 1996-97, except for 1998-99. The Director of Technical Education drew Rs 4.31 crore in March 1999 and kept the same in banks as bank draft in contravention of financial rules. As per the training manual, a year’s post-recruitment training in the Central Training Institute (CTI) is prescribed for in-service instructor in addition to those possessing a national trade certificate. However, shortfall in training of instructors in 12 institutes in the Central Training Institute ranged between 84 and 100 per cent during 1996-2001. The training manual prescribed a standard list of tools and equipment for engineering and non-engineering trades in respective syllabi of trades for reference which were to be the minimum requirement. However, a test-check of 11 ITIs and three polytechnics revealed that as compared to the prescribed norms, 2177 items of tools/equipment in respect of 19 trades valued at Rs 4.16 crore were found deficient as on March, 2001. The principals of polytechnics stated that the quality of education and training could further improve if these equipments were made available. The principals of ITIs said that deficiency of tools/equipment had affected the quality of training in ITIs. The Director, however, stated in June, 2001, that information relating to purchase/supplies of different items during the five-year period was not available and had been called from field units. A test-check of the staff strength sanctioned for six polytechnics, 41 ITIs and office of the Director revealed that against 2149 posts as per the requirement of the All-India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) and National Council for Vocational Training (NCTV) norms, 1367 posts were sanctioned. Of these, 1063 posts had been filled. Thus, a shortfall in sanctioned posts with reference to requirement as per norms ranged between 10 and 52 per cent. Further, out of 1367 posts sanctioned, 304 (seven to 38 per cent in different categories) remained vacant. The shortfall in inspections to be carried out by inspecting officers of the Directorate of Training during 1996-2001 was 85 per cent. To modernise, diversify and restructure vocational training system and provide better skills in 15 ITIs, ‘Vocational Training Project’ was approved by the Government of India for Rs 8.31 crore. As against the approved project cost, the Director incurred an expenditure of Rs 7.91 crore as on December, 1998. This resulted in shortfall of expenditure of Rs 40 lakh. As the shortfall was on account of late completion of civil works, non-procurement of machinery and equipment and non-appointment of staff, the ITIs were deprived of the benefit of funds for infrastructure to the extent of Rs 40 lakh. In the absence of receipt of jobs from ITIs the machinery and equipment valued at Rs 10.60 lakh remained idle since 1992-93 and expenditure of Rs 11.03 lakh on the pay and allowances of the workshop staff at the ITI, Mandi, had been rendered infructuous. Machinery and equipment of Rs 74.84 lakh purchased between February 1994 December 1999 for various polytechnics and ITIs had not been installed gainfully utilised due to non-availability of parts. Multi-Media desktop 15" (112 in number) and 17" (20 in number) were purchased from a firm by the Director at a cost of Rs 85.92 lakh against supply order placed in October, 1999. The supply of these computers was received by the consignee polytechnics in November-December 1999. A test-check revealed that items valued at Rs 7.43 lakh were deficient in the consignments as intimated to the supplier by the Directorate in February 2000. As per the training manual, a sub-committee was to be formed in each state for evaluation of training programmes. A test-check revealed that no such sub-committee had been formed as on April, 2001. The Deputy Director (Training) stated
in April 2001 that the sub-committee was to be constituted by the
Government of India and that his office was unaware regarding the
constitution of such a committee. The reply was not considered tenable
as the matter for formation of this sub-committee should have been
taken up by the Director with the Government of India. |
Red Alert !! Jan 15 Singapore-MIT Alliance, E4-04-10, 4, Engineering Drive 3, Singapore 117576 www.sma.nus.edu.sg Master of Sc (SM; 1-yr) PhD (3/4-yrs) Jan 20 Pearl Academy of Fashion, A-21/13, Naraina Industrial Area, Phase II, New Delhi 110028 www.pearlacademy.com MA in Fashion Design (11/2-Yrs) (Nottingham Trent University, UK) Jan 14 Symbiosis Centre for Information Technology (SCIT), Plot 15, Pune Infotech Park, Hinjawadi, Pune 411027 Tele: (020) 2934308/09 www.scit.edu Masters Programme in Information Technology 1) IT Bus Mgt; 2) Network Tech; 3) S/w Devp; 4) MPIT O Level Jan 14 Shri Ram College of Commerce, University of Delhi, Delhi 110007 PG Prog in Global Business Operation (2 - yr) Jan 15 K.J. Somaiya Institute of Management Studies & Research, Vidyanagar, Vidyavihar (E), Mumbai 400077 Ph: (022) 5106552, 5140006 www.simsr.com PG Prog in Mgt Studies (2-yr) Jan 15 Gitam Institute of Foreign Trade (Collab with IIFT, New Delhi), Gandhinagar Campus, Rushikonda, Visakhapatnam 530045 www.gift-india.org MBA (Intl Bus, 2-yr) Jan 15 Bharathidasan Institute of Management, PB No 12, BHEL Complex, Tiruchirappalli 620014 (TN) www.bim.edu MBA (2-yr, FT) Jan 15 Manipur Institute of Management Studies, Manipur University, Canchipur, Imphal 795003 MBA Jan 15 University of Delhi, F/o Medical Sciences, VP Chest Institute Bldg, 6th Floor, Delhi 110007 1) Post Doctoral Courses (DM; MCh) 2) PG Courses (MD; MS) 3) PG Dip Courses (Clinical) 4) Non Clinical Dip: (Health Admin (DHA) & Health Educn (DHE) Jan 15 Punjab Technical University, GT Road, Jalandhar-144011 www.ptujal.com BSc (Med Lab Tech) (3-yr) Jan 15 Central Industrial Security Force, RTC, Arakkonam, PO-Suraksha CISF Camp, North Arcot Dist 631152 (TN) Recruitment of Bandsmen 1) Head Constables (Trumpet, Clarinet) 2) Constables (Euphoniums, Slide Trombone, Tanner Sax-O-phone, Cornet, Horn). Pervin Malhotra Director, CARING (www.careerguidanceindia.com , New Delhi Email: pervin-trib@.careerguidanceindia.com -Details: |
ADMISSION DEADLINE Armed Forces Jan 27 Indian Navy, Direct Entry (Diploma Holders), Po Box 488. Gole Dak Khana, GPO, New Delhi 110001 www.nausena-bharti.mil.in Direct Entry Diploma Holders (3-yr) Elig: Unmarried Indian males, Dip (3-yr , 50% ) in Mech/Electl/Electron/Telecom/ Aero/Ship Bldg/Instru/Metallur Engg. Born bet: 01 Aug ‘81 - 31 Jul ‘85. Selectn: Written test (at 28 centres). Appln F & Details: Employment News (4-10 Jan). Feb 5 Indian Coast Guard, PB No. 127, Noida 201301 (UP) Recruitment of: 1) Matriculates as Naviks (General Duty) 2) Non-Matriculates as Naviks (Domestic Br) Elig: Indian males with physical std as specified. For 1: Cl 10 (55%). For 2: Cl 8 (55%). For 1 & 2: Born bet: 1 July ‘81 - 1 Jul ‘86. Selectn: Written test, Interview & Medical Exam. Details & Appln F: Employment News (4-10 Jan). Mar 15 Group HQ, Western Command, Bldg No 750, Sec 8B, Chandigarh Officer in Territorial Army Elig: Employed Indian males and Ex-Service Officers with UG Deg. Age: 18-42 yr (on 15 Mar ‘03). Appln F: Civilians: Send Rs 10/- by PO favouring "TA Group Commander, payable at respective stations" to TA Group Commander at the above add or Central Command, Lucknow 2 OR Southern Command Pune-1 or Eastern Command, Kolkata-21. Ex-Service Officers: Send Rs 10/- by PO favouring "ADG TA, Army HQrs" to Addl Directorate General TA, Army HQs, ‘L’ Block, New Delhi 110001 with stamped (Rs 12/-), self-add env (28 x 12 cms) and bio-data with request for appln F by 15 Feb. Art & Design Jan 31 Indian Institute of Crafts & Design, J8, Jhalana Institutional Area, Jaipur 302017 (Raj) www.iicdindia.org PG Dip in Crafts & Design (3-yr) Elig: Bachelor’s deg. Selectn: Entrance Test (9 Feb, at Del, J ‘pur & Kol), Written Test & Interview at J’ pur. Appln F: Send Rs 350/- by crossed DD favouring "Director, Indian Institute of Crafts & Design" payable at J ‘pur or download from website. Engineering Sant Longowal Institute of Engineering & Technology, Longowal, Distt Sangrur 148106 (Pb) www.sliet.org SLIET Entrance Test (SET-2002) 1) Cert Courses (2-yr), 2) Diploma (2-yr), 3) Degree (3-yr) 4) MTech (2-yr) Elig: For 1: Cl 10. For 2: Cl 12. For 3: Dip-holders. For 4: (BE/BTech). Test: 7-8 Jun. Appln F: Send Rs 350/- by DD favouring "Director, SLIET" payable at Longowal to the above add. Mar 10 North Eastern Regional Institute of Science & Technology, PO: Nirjuli, Arunachal Pradesh 791109 www.nerist.ac.in NERIST Entrance Exam (NEE) 2003: 1) Base Modules in Tech/Forestry 2) Dip Module in Tech 3) Deg Module in Tech/Forestry Exams: 24 & 25 May. Appln F: Send Rs 57/- by DD favouring "Director NERIST" payable at SBI (Code No. 9535) with self-add, env (27x12 cms) to the Dy Registrar (Academic) at above add by Mar 3 or download from website. Elig & Details: Employment News (4-10 Jan)/website. Management Indian Institute of Health Management Research, 1, Prabhu Dayal Marg, Sanganer Airport, Jaipur 302011 (Raj) www.iihmr.org PG Diploma in Hospital Mgt/Health Mgt; (2-yr, FT) Elig: Bachelor’s deg (50%). Appln F: Send Rs 250/- by DD favouring "IIHMR, Jaipur" or download from website. Apr 11 Management Development Institute, Mehrauli Road, Sukhrali, Gurgaon 122001 www.mdi.ac.in PG Prog in Mgt (3-yr, PT) Selectn: Test (Apr 20) & Interview (4 May). Elig: Bachelor’s deg + 3-yr wk ex. Appln F: Send crossed DD for Rs. 950/- favouring "Management Development Institute", payable at New Delhi, at above add or apply online by Apr 4. All-India Management Association, Management House, 14, Institutional Area, Lodhi Road, New Delhi 110003 www.aima-ind.org PGDM (HRD/Fin/Opr/Mktg/Intl Bus/Info Sys/Insurance) PGDITM (IT Mktg/Sys Mgt/E-com/SW Dev) Elig: Bachelor’s Deg, MAT Scores. Appln F: Send DD Rs. 350/- favouring "AIMA-CMA; New Delhi" at above add or download from website. Medicine Feb 17 All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), Ansari Nagar, New Delhi 110029 MBBS Elig: Cl 12 (PCB & Eng, 60%). Age: 17 yrs (on 31 Dec ‘03) Selctn: Test (1 June). Appln Form: Send Rs. 550/- by DD favouring "Director, AIIMS, New Delhi", payable at SBI (Br Code 7687) to Assistant Controller of Examinations, at above add, superscribe env "Request for Application form for MBBS Entrance Exam 2003" by Feb 11. Also at designated SBI branches. Scholarships Jan 31 Sahitya Kala Parishad, (G/o NCT of Delhi), 18-A, Satsang Vihar Marg, Spl. Institutional Area, New Delhi-110067 Ph: 26867636, 26867637 Scholarships for Advance Training in Music & Dance Elig: Residents of NCT of Delhi, pursuing studies in classical music/dance. Age: 18-25 yr (on 31 Dec ‘02). Appln F: Available at above add. Apr 15 Inlaks Foundation, PO Box 2108, Delhi 110007 www.inlaksfoundation.org Inlaks Scholarships (For proj/study in any subject (except Engg & Comp Sc) in Europe, UK or USA). Elig: Indian resident with Bachelor’s deg. Age: below 30-yr. Prior admission to course of study. Appln F: Send stamped (Rs 6/-), self-add env (10 x 23 cms) to above add. Sciences - Physical Apr 7 Indian School of Mines, Dhanbad 826004 (Jhar) www.ism.ac.in MSc (2-yr): Appl Geol, Maths & Computing MSc Tech (3-yr): Appl Geol, Appl Geophys Elig: Appl Geol: BSc Geol (Hons) with 2 subj from PCM. Appl Geophys: BSc Phys/Maths (Hons). Maths & Computing: BSc Maths (Hons) with 2 subj from Phys/Chem/Geol/ Stats/Comp Sc. Age: DoB-1 July ‘79 (min). Selectn: All India Entrance Exam (15 June). Appln F: Send Rs 500/- by crossed DD favouring "Registrar, ISM" payable at SBI, Dhanbad (code: 1641) with unstamped, self-add env (25 x 12.5 cms) to Asst Registrar (Acad), at above add by 31 Mar or download from website. |