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Knowledge management in banks must
Punjab yet to fill 20,000 posts of teacher |
Knowledge management in banks must The IT industry defines knowledge management as warehousing and mining of data to create decision support systems, marketing support systems and management support systems. Knowledge management in service organisation like banks is a process of creating, formalisation, disseminating and confirming the understanding of knowledge/information necessary to perform a task. The task could be — meeting the information needs of a prospective customer, serving a customer without quality gap, understanding various risks inherent in loan proposals and thereby eliminating/reducing the chances of adverse selection of assets compliance of accounting and governing standards and other regulatory requirements, handling industrial relation issue, finding training and other solutions to issues of organisational concern, formulating policy guidelines, management of non-performance assets, risk management, etc. Accumulated experience suggests that today’s business environment does not support playing by pre defined policies/rules. It puts a premium on understanding and adapting as the rules of the game in marketplace keep changing. This is more so when changing business rules, conventions and assumptions are supported by business ecosystems comprising social, political, legal, economic and technological factors. Knowledge management caters to the critical issues of organisational adaptation, survival and competence in the face of increasingly discontinuous environmental change. Unless a business organisation establishes and strengthens mechanisms for creating new and reusable knowledge and pumps it efficiently throughout its network, it will soon be playing tomorrow’s business game with yesterday’s tools/rules and will soon be out of business. One can also find an answer whenever people in business organisations like banks hear something like I do not know or the concerned person is on leave or any other remarks (hiding the ignorance of employees) which frustrates the customers or information seekers. It has been a general experience of people working in banks that even when they have the attitude to meet the expectations of customers, the absence or lack of required information/knowledge prevents them from behaving in a responsible way. In a majority of cases, the employees’ ego is hurt and they feel vulnerable whenever they are required to confess their ignorance directly or indirectly, thereby creating a dispiriting sight of employees not displaying customer-oriented attitude. Needless to say, all this adversely affects intangibles like brand image, credibility of business slogans and customers perception in terms of reliability and responsiveness. These in turn, affects competitive and comparative advantage of a bank. The economic value of all measures ultimately becomes visible in the form of product improvement, brand acceptance and improved bottom line. In a similar way, in banks knowledge should be treated as a factor of producing, which in its perfected form, when distributed across the organisation (all branches of a bank), enables people to serve customers/markets in an organisationally beneficial manner. Historically, knowledge management in banks is done through codified circulars, policy guidelines and other mechanism like performance review meeting, training programmes and seminar/workshops. This paradigm of knowledge management facilitates individual and collective, attitude and absorptive capacity of individual members. This is where successful business organisations of service industry have started taking scientific/structure view of knowledge management and using information technology for achieving the objectives of knowledge management.
Punjab yet to fill 20,000 posts of teacher Although the academic session for 2004-05 has already started the government has yet to take a decision as how to fill the vacant posts. The Minister for School Education, Mr Harnam Dass Johar, has himself admitted that 20,000 posts of teachers are lying vacant in schools. He made this admission at two places. First, he disclosed this at the monthly meeting of the Grievances Redressal Committee held at Ludhiana and then while talking to mediapersons on the Independence Day at Ropar. Of the 20,000 posts, 8,000 are in primary schools and 10,000 in high and senior secondary schools. Eighteen hundred posts of elementary teachers are also vacant. However, the posts of elementary teachers are being increased to 3,000. Even though these posts are likely to be filled on a contract basis, the process in the government is much longer and laborious as compared to private schools. In private schools, the local managing committee or the principal himself/herself is competent to fill posts in their institutions and they are not by and large answerable to anyone. However, this is not so in the government. Even for recruitment on a contract basis, a number of committees at various levels are to be constituted and when there are so many posts, approaches are likely to be made to political bosses. According to Mr Johar, the government wants to improve the standard of education and, hence, the presence of teachers in schools would be made certain. He has said the first priority would be to post teachers in those schools which are sans teachers. Crores of rupees provided by the Central Government for Sarv Shiksha Abhiyan during the past few years had lapsed due to the failure of the state government to release its share of money. However, now the government will ensure that these funds do not lapse and are utilised in time, says the minister. The government has also withdrawn the incentive being given to teachers who improved their qualifications during service. A notification to this effect has been issued. Hence, in future no extra benefit, like advance increment, will be given in such a situation. This will naturally discourage government teachers from improving their educational qualifications. The number of schools has increased from 18998 in 2000 to 19488 in 2001 and further to 19864 in 2002. Of these, 17240 (86.79 per cent) are located in rural areas. During 2002, on an average, one primary school served a radius of 1.1 km in rural areas as compared to 0.7 km in urban areas. Similarly, one middle school served a radius of 2.6 km in rural areas against 1.5 km in urban areas. In the case of secondary education, one school served a radius of 2.3 km in rural areas while it was 0.8 km in urban areas. The enrolment of students was 39.48 lakh in 2000. It marginally declined to 39.22 lakh in 2001 and further declined to 36.87 lakh in 2002. A steep decline of 2.35 lakh students in government schools speaks volumes of the state of affairs in school education. It is admitted by the government that this is, perhaps, due to the mushrooming of so-called public schools in the unorganised sector which attracts a sizeable number of students of the vicinity. Out of the total enrolment in schools, girls accounted for 47.11 per cent in 2002 as compared to 46.63 per cent in 2001. Age group-wise composition of girl students enrolled for 2002 was 47.88 per cent in 6-11 years, 46.43 per cent in 11-14 years and 46.54 per cent in 14-18 years. Teachers, whose spouses live in urban areas, usually try to get their postings either in the same town or near to the villages from where they can daily go and come back. In such a situation pulls and pressures work and political bosses do succumb to such pressures. This normally results in shortage of staff in remote rural area schools. Many a time, transfers are done with postings and often many teachers working at one place draw their salary from different schools. All these anomalies need to be curbed so that the people get confidence to put their wards in government schools.
ADMISSION DEADLINE Performing Arts September 30 Lalit Kala Akademi, Rabindra Bhawan, 35 Ferozeshah Road, New Delhi 110001 www.lalitkala.org.in National Culture Fellowships 2004 Eligibility: Artists, Art-Critics & Art-Historians in the field of Visual Arts. Age: <35 (on 31 July '04). Application Form: Send in prescribed format to above add. Details: Website.
Management December 7 XLRI, School of Management, C H Area (E) Jamshedpur-831001 www.xlri.edu, www.xlri.ac.in 1) PG Prog in Bus Mgt/ PM&IR (2-yr, FT) 2) Fellow Prog in Mgt 3) Exec PG Prog (3-yr) 4) Gen Mgt Prog (1-yr) Selectn: XAT.2005 Application Form: By Rs.800/-(cash) at various SBI Br/ D'load from website by November 30 Details: Website.
November 10 National Institute Of Construction Management & Research, (NICMAR), 910, Hemkunt Chambers, 89 Nehru Place, New Dehi-110019 www.nicmar.org 1) PG Diploma Adv Constructn Mgt (Pune, H'bad, 2-yr FT) 2) PG Diploma in Mgt/ Project Engg & Mgt (Pune, 2-yr,FT) 3) Graduate Diploma in Constructn Safety Mgt / Quantity Surveying/ Building Services & Facility Mgt (H'bad, 1-yr, FT) 4) Graduate Diploma in Constructn Mgt & Infrastruc Dev (FT)/ Constructn Project Mgt (PT) (Delhi, 1-yr) 5) PG Diploma in Constructn Mgt (2-yr) Graduate Diplomas (Constructn Project Mgt/ Building Maint Mgt/ Constructn Safety Mgt/ Quantity Surveying Highway Project Mgt/Oil & Gas Pipelines Project Mgt/ Constructn Contract Mgt/ Constructn Bus Mgt, 1-yr) Graduate Certificates (Constructn Contract Mgt/ Constructn Quality Mgt/ Constructn Safety Mgt/ Constructn Bus Mgt/ Project Insurance & Risk Mgt/ Constructn HR Mgt, 6-mnth) (NICMAR School of Dist Educn) Details: Website
November 8 Indian Institute of Foreign Trade (IIFT), B-21, Qutab Institutional Area, New Delhi-110016 (Deemed Univ) www.iift.edu MBA (Intl Bus) '05 Eligibility: Bachelor's deg Selection: Written Test: 09 Jan '05 (in 18 cities), GD, Essay Writing & Interview Application Form: Send Rs 750/- by DD fvg "Indian Institute of Foreign Trade" payable at New Delhi to the above add by 25 Oct '04/ D'load from website. Details: Website
November 30 Institute of Management Education, GT Road, Sahibabad, Ghaziabad-201005 www.imesahibabad.org PG Diploma Prog in Bus Mgt Selection: CAT.2004 scores, GD & Interview Application Form: Send Rs.150 by DD/ D'load from website by November 30 Details: Website.
October 4 International Institute for Insurance & Finance, Platinum Jubilee Building, Osmania University Campus, PGRRCDE, Hyderabad-500007 www.iiifindia.com PG Diploma Prog (Insurance & Risk Mgt) Selection: Online Entrance Test: 24 October '04 (in about 20 cities) and micro presentation (01 November '04) Application Form: Send Rs.750 by DD fvg " International Institute for Insurance and finance". Also in cash Rs.750/- at Reliance WebWorld stores in selected cities/ D'load from website Details: Website.
Medicine Apollo Hospitals Educational & Research Foundation, Apollo Hospitals, Jubilee Hills, Hyderabad - 500 033. Ph: 040-23607777 extn. 6303 Fellowship in Sports Sciences (6-mth, Corresp/ Contact Prog) Eligibility: Doctoberors/ Physiotherapists/ Nutritionists/ Coaches Application Form: Send Rs.200/- by DD fvg "AHERF" payable at H'bad at above add Details: Contact on phone
Scholarships September 30 D/o Culture (GoI), S&F Section, Room No. 333, 'C' Wing, Shastri Bhawan, New Delhi-110001 www.indiaculture.nic.in Senior Fellowships (85)/ Junior Fellowships (85) to outstanding artistes in: Performing Arts, Litt Arts, Visual Arts. Details: Website.
Teaching September 30 CSIR, HRD Group, Examination Unit, CSIR Complex, Library Avenue, Pusa, New Delhi 110012 http://csirhrdg.res.in National Eligibility Test (NET) (Joint CSIR-UGC Test for JRF & Elig for Lectureship) Exam: 19 December '04. Details: Employment News (28 August - 3 September)/ Website
Travel September 14 International Institute of Maritime Studies & Research, Sec 8, Haldia Township, Haldia 721607 (Affltd to Vidyasagar Univ, In colab with FOSMA Maritime Inst & Research Organisation, Mumbai)(WB) www.icare_haldia.org BSc (Nautical Sc) Eligibility: 10+2 (PCM; 60%+50% in Eng in Cl 10/ 12), Age: <20 yrs( as on 01 October '04) Selection: Written & Oral Test: September 15 '04 (at Del, M'bai, K'katta) Application Form: At exam centres Rs 400/- by cash/ DD fvg "International Institute of Maritime Studies & Research" payable at Haldia (Delhi centre: FOSMA Maritime Institute, F322A, Adarsh House, Sarai, Lado Sarai, New Delhi 110030. Details: Website
September 30 Indira Gandhi National Open University, Maidan Garhi, New Delhi- 110068 www.ignou.ac.in Diploma in Nautical Sc leading to BSc (Nautical Sc) Application Form: Send Rs 80/- by DD fvg "IGNOU", payable at New Delhi, to above add by September 15/ d'load from website. Details: Website Physical Sc September 10 University of Allahabad, (D/o Geography), Allahabad 211002 (UP) www.allduniv.edu PG Dip in Remote Sensing & GIS Eligibility: Bachelor’s Deg. Selection: Merit, Interview. Application Form: Send Rs 350/- by DD fvg "Course Coordinator Remote Sensing & GIS", payable at Allahabad to above add/ D’load from website Details: Employment News (14-20 August) / Website.
September 30 Bhabha Atomic Research Centre (BARC), Dept of Atomic Energy (DAE) Board of Research In nuclear Sciences (BRNS), 4th Floor, Central Complex, Trombay, Mumbai-400085 www.barc.ernet.in/webpages.brns/brns_fellowships.html DR. K. S. Krishnan Research Associateship (KSKRA) in Engg & Sc (various branches) Details: Employment News (28 Aug-03 September)/ Website
Vocational Advanced Training Institute for Electronics & Process Instrumentation, ( GoI, M/o Labour) Ramanthapur, Hyderabad 500013 (AP) Certificate Courses (48-wk) 1) Consumer Electron 2) Industrial Electron 3) Medical Electron 4) Process Instru Eligibility: For 1: NCVT Certificate in R&TV/Electron Mechanic/ Dip in Electr & Comm/ BSc (Maths & Phys)/ Electron; For 2: Electron Mechanic /Dip in Electron & Comm/ BSc (Maths & Phys)/ Electron; For 3: BSc (Maths & Phys)/ Electron / Dip in Elect/Electron; For 4: NCVT/NAC Certi in Instrument Mechanic (wk ex prfd)/ Dip in Engg (Elect/Electron /Chem/Instru) or BSc (Maths & Phys)/ Electron/ Instru. Application Form: Send appln with Rs 5/- by IPO fvg "DDO, ATI – EPI, Hyderabad" with a stamped (Rs 5/-), self-add env (23 x 12 cm) by September 03. Details: See Employment News (14-20 August).
September 10 Directorate of Training & Technical Department, Muni Maya Ram Marg, Pitam Pura, Delhi 110088 (Govt. of NCT of Delhi) Email: ddtte@del3.vsnl.net.in Stenography (Eng, under coaching cum guidance scheme for SC/ST) Eligibility: 10+2 with Eng Application Form: Send appln on plain paper along with reqd docs to the Principal, ITI, Nand Nagri, Delhi.
IMT September 15 Institute of Management Technology (IMT), Ghaziabad offers through Distance Learning the following courses:- 3 years Post Graduate Diploma in Business Management (PGDBM) 2 years Post Graduate Diploma in Marketing Management (PGDMW) 2 years Post Graduate Diploma in Human Resource Management (PGDHRM) Eligibility: Graduate in any stream. Specialised Diploma Courses in Business Administration Marketing Management Export Management Personnel Management Financial Management Materials Management Eligibility: 10+2 with 5 years Working Experience or Graduate in any discipline. Student appearing in Final year may also apply. For Distance Learning Programs, Prospectus and Application Forms can be obtained from I.M.T. Study Centre, 40TF, Sant Ishar Singh Nagar, Pakhowal Road, Ludhiana 141001 on cash payment of Rs 700.00. Phone No. 0161-2421520, 9872290557. Email: imt ldh@rediffmail.com Pervin Malhotra, Director, CARING (www.careerguidanceindia.com), New Delhi Email:pervin-trib@.careerguidanceindia.com Details: www.careerguidanceindia.com |