Class II posts within HSSC purview Chandigarh, December 29 According to an official spokesman, the decision has been taken because at present appointments to all Group B (gazetted) posts are outside the purview of the Haryana Public Service Commission, and the Departmental Selection Committees (DSCs) have been constituted to recruit candidates to Group B services. It has been felt that the pace of recruitment by the DSCs is slow. Therefore, it was necessary to vest the responsibility of selecting candidates for Group B services to the HSSC. The Cabinet also decided to amend the Government Employees(Conduct) Rules, 1966, and get a declaration from every employee at the time appointment that he or she would not give or take or abet the giving or taking of dowry or demand it directly or indirectly. It also approved the proposal of the Department of Women and Child Development Department to get a declaration from every employee after his marriage that he had not taken any dowry. The declaration would be signed by the wife, father and the father-in-law.” The Cabinet decided to sell 999 sq yd of municipal land in Sonepat to those 12 persons who had raised and occupied permanent structures for the past 40 years on it. The decision was taken on the recommendation of the Deputy Commissioner of that district. The land would be sold at a total cost of over Rs 23.76 lakh. The Cabinet also decided to simplify and rationalise the rates of annual token tax on goods carriages in the state to curb corruption, bring all types of goods carriages in the taxation net and mobilise additional resources. According to the revised annual token tax, in the case of goods carriages having a gross
In the case of goods carriages having a gross weight of above 1.2 tonnes to 6 tonnes (like the TATA-207), the revised rate will be Rs 1,200 instead of Rs 840. For those above 6 tonnes to 16.2 tonnes (ordinary truck), the rate has been revised from Rs 1,500 to Rs 2,400. In the case of vehicles above 16.2 tonnes and up to 25 tonnes (medium heavy truck), the rate of annual token tax has been revised from Rs 1,500 to Rs 3,500. For vehicles exceeding a weight of 25 tonnes(heavy truck), the rate of annual token tax has been revised from Rs 1,500 to Rs 4,500. The Cabinet decided to impose a lumpsum passenger tax of Rs 60 per seat for nine months in a year for buses of educational institutions. It was also decided that the lumpsum tax would be payable from July to March in a year. |
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