Leisure as work
Leisure management covers a whole gamut of jobs like event management, resort management, hoteliering, restaurant management, disc jockeying and others, writes
Usha Albuquerque
The phrase ‘leisure management’ immediately conjures up images of ‘free time’, ‘relaxation’, ‘fun and frolic’ in our minds. It means time away from the tension of our jobs and daily routine, just time to indulge ourselves, doing whatever we please. But today, on this rather idle-sounding concept rests an entire industry. And professionals have to work very hard to ensure that you, the customer, have a good time relaxing or partying.
Sandeep Joshi

Sir, he is indeed our senior executive. It’s just that his previous posting was in the tribal area.
Bhagavadgita for budding managers
Corporates and budding managers in the United States are embracing Indian philosophy in a significant, but sometimes quirky, new trend.
A recent whirlwind East Coast tour by Swami Parthasarathy, one of India's best-selling authors on Vedanta, was just one small manifestation of the new trend, according to Businessweek magazine.
Be smart, not cocky
in an interview
I.M. Soni
Job-seekers of almost all categories have to face an interview. Many jump over the hurdle, others falter, fumble and fall. Some fail even on elementary issues and questions. Others handle these with ease but fail on troublesome, ticklish or difficult questions. Some even go to the length of saying that they were “trapped” into it. This is untrue.
USA continues to offshore
engineering jobs: survey
US engineering jobs are being "offshored" to countries like India and China, a trend that is "gaining momentum", says a study that has just been released.
But it says that it is still "not clear" whether this would erode US competitiveness or provide long-term benefits to the West.
Managing disasters
Pervin Malhotra
Q After completing my graduation, I did a Sub Fire Officers Course from Nagpur . I have three years’ experience as a fireman in the Punjab fire service. Now, I want to do a course in Disaster Management through distance education. Can you please list the institutions offering this course?