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4 more to join info panel
Prabhjot Singh
Tribune News Service
Chandigarh, December 28
The Punjab Information Commission under the Right to Information Act is all set for expansion in the New Year. According to sources, at least four new members (the maximum number is 6) may be inducted into the commission in the first week of New Year. Those cleared for appointment, sources reveal, are Lieut-Gen P.K. Grover (retd), Mrs Ravi Singh, Mr PPS Gill and Mr Kuldip Singh. Names of a political attaché to the Punjab Chief Minister and a senior bureaucrat belonging to the central service are also being mentioned. The bureaucrat is due for superannuation on December 31. Her name could not be cleared as she is still in service. Under the Act, only retired people can be considered for appointment as Information Commissioner. General Grover, who had been with the Western Command as
Army Commander, is the only nominee from amongst ex-servicemen. Mr Kuldip Singh, who retired as Chief Engineer, Punjab Public Works Department, had also a brief stint as Chief Engineer of the Chandigarh Administration, besides heading the engineering wing of the Punjab Police Housing Corporation. Mr PPS Gill, a former Bureau Chief of The Tribune, becomes the first representative of the media to be taken on the Information Commission. Sources say the new members will take oath of office on January 2. Besides the Chief Information Commissioner, Mr Rajan Kashyap, Punjab Information Commission, has Mr P.K. Verma and Mrs Rupan Deol Bajaj, both retired senior bureaucrats of Punjab, as its official members. Mr Kashyap, Mr Verma and Mrs Bajaj retired either as Chief Secretary or in the rank and pay of Chief Secretary. the other two members are Mr R.K. Gupta, a retired IPS officer, and Mr Surinder Singh, a retired Chief Engineer. According to the Right to Information Act, the Information Commission can have up to 10 members, besides Chief Information Commissioner. Once the six new Commissioners are appointed, the Punjab Information Commission will be expanded to its full strength.
