Shed prejudice against Islam

Khushwant Singh
is poison. Unless
purged out of one's mind in early stages, it can spread like
cancer and make one incapable of judging right from wrong. Of
many kinds of prejudices, the worst is to believe that one's own
religion is superior to all others, which may be tolerated but
never taken seriously or accepted as equally valid as one's own.
The most misunderstood of the major religions of today is Islam
which, after Christianity, is the second most widely practised
religion in the world. It also gains more converts than any of
the others. Prejudice against Islam was spread in Christiandom
from the time Muslims gained dominance in the Middle East, North
Africa and Spain. Christian crusaders failed in their mission to
crush it in its homeland but continued to vilify its founder
Muhammed. The emergence of militant Islamic groups like the
Al-Qaida and the Taliban gave them reasons to do so. The attack
on the World Trade Centre in New York and the Pentagon in
Washington on September 11, 2001, provided fresh ammunition to
vilifiers of Islam.
The two principal
contentions are that Islam was spread by the sword and that its
founder Prophet was not the paradigm of virtue that Muslims make
him out to be. It can be proved by historical evidence that
Islam was not forced upon the people; it was readily accepted by
millions because it offered them new values — equality of
mankind as one fraternity and rights to women unheard of during
those times. In countries like Indonesia and Malaysia, Islam was
not forced on the population by Muslim invaders but by Muslim
missionaries. Muslims are extremely sensitive about criticism of
their Prophet. A popular adage in Persian is: Ba khuda diwaana
basho, ba Mohammed hoshiar (say what you like about God, but
beware of what you say about Muhammed).
They regard him as
the most perfect man that ever trod the earth—a successor of
Adam, Moses, Noah, Abraham and Jesus Christ. He was the last and
the seal of Prophets. If you honestly want to see how Muslims
see him, you owe it to yourselves to take a good look at his
life and teachings he claimed had been revealed to him by God.
It would be wrong to judge him by the doings of the Al-Qaida and
the Taliban or the fatwas periodically pronounced by
Ayatollahs and half-baked mullahs. You do not judge Hinduism of
the Vedas and Upanishads by the doings of Hindus who, in the
name of Hindutva, destroy mosques, murder missionaries and nuns,
vandalise libraries and works of art. You do not judge the
teachings of the Sikh Gurus by the utterances of Bhindranwale
and murders of innocent people by his hooligans.
Likewise, judge
Muhammed by what he taught and stood for and not by what his
so-called followers do under his name. Muhammed was born in
Mecca in 570 AD. He lost both his parents while still a child
and was brought up by his grandfather and uncle. He managed the
business of a widow whom he later married. She bore him six
children. He took no other wife till after she died. He was 40
when the revelations started coming to him while he was in
They proclaimed
the new Messiah. Such revelations kept coming off and on, at
times dealing with problems at hand, at others with matters
spiritual. They were memorised or written down by his admirers
and became the Koran, which means recitation. It should be kept
in mind that Muhammed was not preaching ideas of his own
creation but only reiterating most of what was in the Judaic
creed. Allah was the Arabic name for God before him. So were
Islam (surrender) and Salam (peace). Mecca was the main market
city of the Bedouin tribes. Kaaba, with a huge courtyard and the
monolith, was the black meteorite embedded in it. Tribes
gathered there during two pilgrimages—the bigger Haj and
the minor Umra—offered camels as sacrifice and
circumambulated in the Kaaba. He accepted Judaic traditions
regarding food which is halaal (lawful) and haraam
(forbidden, such as pig meat), names of the five daily prayers
and circumcision of male children.
Muhammed only
asserted the oneness of God, which did not accept any equals
such as proliferated in the Kaaba in the forms of stone
goddesses worshipped by different tribes. This was unacceptable
to God and Muhammed was his human messenger to remind people of
these truths. He never forced people to accept his faith and
indeed quoted Allah's message of freedom and faith. "There
must be no coercion in matters of faith—la ikra f'il deen.
Again, if God had so willed, He would have made you all under
one single command; but He willed otherwise in order to test you
by means of what He has vouchsafed into you. Vie, then with one
another, in doing good works."
As might have been
expected, Muhammed's mission roused fierce hostility. Many
attempts were made to assassinate him but he had miraculously
escaped. Ultimately, in 622 AD he was advised to flee from Mecca
to Medina. This is known as Hijrat (emigration) and
recognised as the beginning of the Muslim calendar. Meccans made
a few attempts to capture Medina but were repulsed with
slaughter. Muslim armies led by Muhammed died in Medina in 622
AD. The Arabian peninsula was united as a confederacy of
different tribes under the banner of Islam. Most of the
ill-found criticism of Muhammed is directed towards the number
of women he married after the death of his first wife Khadijah.
It has to be seen
in the perspective of the Arabian society of the time. Tribes
lived on warring against each other and looting caravans. There
were heavy casualties of males, creating serious gender
imbalances. Widows and orphans of men killed had to be provided
homes and sustenance. Otherwise, they took to prostitution or
beggary. Instead, they were given protection by being taken in
marriages. Also, matrimonial alliances were a good way of
creating bonds between different tribes. Muhammed did nothing
not acceptable to his people. He went further. He was the first
teacher to proclaim that the best union was a monogamous
marriage, and fixed the outside limit to four, provided a man
could keep all of them equally happy—which was most unlikely.
To make a
beginning in clearing your mind of anti-Muslim prejudices, I
suggest you read Karen Armstrong's Muhammad: A Prophet For
Our Time (Harper Collins). Armstrong is today's leading
writer on comparative religions. She is not a Muslim.