THE Air-India flight was about to take off when there was an announcement, "Sorry the flight would be delayed for 15 minutes as the pilot has forgotten his spectacles at the airport reporting room." A senior citizen muttered, "It is worth waiting for as his glasses are a must." A young boy protested, "Where’s the need for glasses when the plane can be flown on the auto pilot system?"
After a couple of snags the plane finally taxied towards the runway. The pilot introduced himself and apologised for the delay. Perhaps they had become experts in the art of saying sorry. The above situation may be a figment of imagination, but Aviation Minister Praful Patel has blamed the employees for the unprecedented crises in the sarkari airlines Air India. The PM has assured to bail the airlines out, but on the condition that they shed its flab and do radical restructuring. The restructuring may means low cost airlines. In such a case you may encounter another midair announcement next time. "Ladies and gentlemen, it is time to serve food. Kindly handover your tiffin boxes to our staff for heating. Those who want to contribute chapattis and homemade pickle for our pilot and airhostesses would be more than welcome. Enjoy your food with our hospitality."