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Expanding horizons Need to nurture
scientific talent Campus
Notes n
Guru Jambheshwar University of Science & Technology, Hisar
Expanding horizons THE Sikh Studies programme at the University of California, Santa Barbara (UCSB), USA, began in Fall 1999 with three clear objectives: to initiate teaching of Sikh studies at UCSB; promote research and publications on Sikh studies; and work toward establishing UCSB as the leading center of Sikh and Punjab studies in North America. Five years later, in 2004, the Center for Sikh and Punjab Studies was established to further consolidate the work already undertaken and also to add further objectives, which included promotion of scholarly exchange, community outreach, teaching and promotion of Punjabi language and hosting the Journal of Punjab Studies. Measured in terms of actual achievements, the programme has far exceeded its expectations and has now emerged as the premier center for the study of Sikh tradition. To celebrate the 10 years of its activity and frame the agenda for the next decades, Professor Gurinder Singh Mann organised a conference entitled Expanding Horizons: Sikh Studies at the Turn of the 21st Century from November 14-15. Notably one of the largest gatherings in Sikh studies in recent years, the conference mulled over 20 scholarly papers on relatively unexplored areas to understand the development of Sikh tradition. The presenters included senior scholars John S. Hawley and Christopher Shackle, established scholars Lou Fenech, Will Glover and Nikky Singh, and emerging scholars Anna Bigelow, Purnima Dhavan, Dan Michon, Farina Mir, and Ami Shah, among many other eminent scholars. The most-noteworthy characteristic among younger scholars was the fact that all of them are or were associated with the Sikh studies programme at UCSB and/or were graduates of the UCSB Punjab Studies Summer School held in Chandigarh. In fact, there could have been no other effective way of showcasing the achievements of the past 10 years of the UCSB Sikh Studies programme. The first day presentations included papers on the Bhakti movement, Punjabi devotional literature, Punjabi Sufi poetry, architecture, coinage and Sikh music as sources for the study of Sikh history, re-reading early Sikh literature. The final panel of the day focused on the 18th century literature with papers on using Rajasthani sources to understand Banda Bahadur’s alliance-building efforts with Rajput chiefs, historiography of the Zafarnama and re-reading of the Gurbilas texts. The second day focused on Punjab and included papers on locating Punjabiyat, significance of archeological findings at Sanghol, Sikh-Muslim relations in the early 19th century, shared shrines in Punjab, recurring themes of separation and travel in Punjabi music, caste and identity politics and diversity within the Punjabi community. In addition, there was a community panel. The conference concluded with an open forum where participants aired their views on future direction of Sikh and Punjab studies. There was an overwhelming feeling that such occasions need to occur more frequently. With the passage of time, this celebratory conference may turn out to be an event of even greater significance than the organisers had intended. This was the first post-McLeod gathering, where everyone within Sikh studies was invited. The participants demonstrated tremendous goodwill towards moving forward together to strengthen the field. The conference also marked an inter-generational shift where the influence of the older generation is clearly waning and that of the new generation gaining momentum. With an increase in the number of new scholars in Sikh studies joining faculty and a healthy number of graduate students pursuing Sikh and Punjab studies, the future seems very bright. And in this resurgence, the Sikh studies programme at UCSB has played a leading role and will continue to do so in the future. For more information, visit the site http://www.global.ucsb.edu/punjab/index.html. — The writer teaches at Coventry University (UK)
Need to nurture scientific talent There is obviously the need to either establish new international-level laboratories to upgrade the existing ones to a standard that cutting-edge research can be carried out there. Secondly, there is a dire need to “spot and nurture scientific talent” in our homes, schools, colleges and universities. Although we enjoy everyday the gadgets of science, we woefully lack in awareness about developing in our children a scientific attitude. We are fully aware of the applications of science at the manifest level, but have utterly failed in appreciating the role of science at the latent level. This implies dispassionate enquiry, objective and rational thinking, open-mindedness and freedom from dogma and superstitions. As they say, charity begins at home. In order to inculcate scientific temper in the children, to begin with, any awe, wonder and curiosity about the world around is the first step. So, let the child admire exotic rainbow, floating clouds, lightning and thunder, sun setting and rising, phases of the moon, star patterns in the sky, and so on. Foster in the child an interest in plants, flowers and trees and let him tend his own plants. There can be no better way of learning than through self-experience. The child should be taken to different botanical and other scientific exhibitions. Parents and schools should arrange trips to science centres. The child should also be encouraged to observe the behavior of insects and birds like ants, earthworms, snails, parrots, pigeons, cuckoos, butterflies, glowworms, etc. This will arouse his curiosity and sow the seeds of scientific inquiry in his mind. Often take him to a zoo. It is sad that teaching of science in our country has been reduced to mere gain of knowledge, without laying emphasis on its true spirit. The only hope lies in reshaping our education system, so that students right from the primary level are enabled and encouraged to absorb not only knowledge of facts but also the process of discovery of these facts which will inculcate in them a truly scientific temper. Our educators must tell our student that the wonders and miracles of nature are as delightful to a scientist as the building blocks to a young child, who forms various shapes out of these, breaks them and again discovers ways of making new shapes. While teaching science, the emphasis will have to shift from the conventional approach which explains mere memorisation and greater importance will have to be accorded to keen appreciation and interpretation of scientific facts. The young students will have to be actively involved in the processes of discovery, inquiry, investigation, analysis and synthesis in a well-graded manner, so that they could view facts with an open and objective mind. Thus, if science is regarded as accumulated systematised knowledge, its study should enable us to become more logical, rational, humanistic and progressive. Let our homes and educational institutions become a nursery for nurturing scientific talent. Only then we will be able to produce Nobel winners and eradicate poverty and disease forever.
Campus Notes Academic Staff College, Panjab University, Chandigarh, is organising a one-day meet for principals of affiliated colleges of Panjab University on the theme "Education at the Crossroads: Enhancing Academic Culture" on November 25. The workshop will include speakers of eminence from the field of higher education. The workshop aims to provide a platform to the academic leaders to discuss myriad aspects of academic administration to enhance quality of higher education. Around 60-70 principals are expected to attend the progrmame. The Academic Staff College is also organising several other faculty development programmmes aiming at knowledge upgradation and skill development of the higher education teachers. One orientation course for newly inducted college and university lecturers of diverse disciplines is beginning on November 27 on the theme of "Higher Education at a time of transformation: New Dynamics for Social transformation". About 45 lecturers from all over India are expected to join.
— TNS Guru Jambheshwar University of
Science & Technology, Hisar Employees of Guru Jambheshwar University of Science & Technology will now be able to check their monthly and annual salary details online. A special software has been uploaded for quick access to salary details. Employees will be able to view detailed break-up of salary and allowances and deductions of provident fund, loans and income tax. The system has been devised by the GJU Informatics Centre. Alumni of the university can now register their details on the website for effective interaction among themselves and varsity community. An alumni directory has been made available online for the purpose would help in searching senior students with all details. The authorities hope that the former students will be able to assist university students in building contacts, seeking career guidance and jobs. Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar The Norman Borlaug Workshop on Food Safety and Food Security was held at Haryana Agricultural University in collaboration with the Directorate of Human Resource Management and Iowa State University, USA. The workshop featured the latest technologies generated in the field of food sciences and food security. Director of research, R.P. Narwal, while inaugurating the workshop said food security had always been an important issue for developing countries. L.A. Wilson of Iowa State University in his keynote address highlighted importance of agricultural practices, post-harvest handling, washing, transportation, processing, cooking and packaging in ensuring food safety. Ramesh Kanwar, Professor, Department of Agriculture and Bio-system Engineering, Iowa State University, said similar workshops would be organised regularly to train young scientists. — Contributed by Raman Mohan
Deadline Indian Navy, PO Bag No 05,
GPO, New Delhi 110001 Officers in Logistics Cadre of Executive Branch (SSC) – July 2010 Course Eligibility: Unmarried
Indian men / women; 60% in BCom / BA (Economics) / MBA / BBA / BBM / MCA
/ BCA / BSc (IT) / BTech / BE / Bachelors degree with PG diploma /
degree in (Material Mgmt) / ICWA / CA / Catering (degree in
Hotel/Hospitality Mgt) Selection: SSB Interview; Medical Exam. Application Form: Send by ordinary post in prescribed format to the above address. Superscribe "SSC-Logistics Cadre – July 2010 Course. Educational Qualification ………….. Percentage …%" / Download from website. Details: Website. Application Deadline: 12 December 2009 Indian Coast Guard, Coast
Guard Headquarters, National Stadium Complex, New Delhi 110001 Recruitment of Assistant
Commandants Course for Batch 01/2010: Eligibility: Indian nationals+ For 1:
Bachelors Degree (Maths & Physics in 10+2). DoB:
For 1: 01 July '85 - 30 June '89 Application Form: Download from website Send in prescribed format
to: "The Director (MPR&T), Po Box No 127, Noida 201301,
UP" (Send "Under Postal Certificate" only) by 30 November
‘09 Application Deadline: 30 November 2009 Art & Design National Institute of
Fashion Technology (New Delhi, Bengaluru, Bhopal, Chennai, Gandhinagar,
Hyderabad, Kannur, Kolkata, Mumbai, Patna, Raebareli & Shillong),
M/o Textiles, GoI Bachelor Programmes: Master Programmes MDes (Design)MFM (Fashion Mgt) 3) MFTech (Fashion Tech) Selection: Written Test: 21 February 2010; Situation Test, GD & Interview: April – May ’10 Application Form & Details: Website. Application Deadline: 09 January 2010 Engineering ABV - Indian Institute of
Information Technology & Management, Morena Link Road, Gwalior
474010 (MP) (D/o IT, GoI) Training for Professionals (Programme for Engineering Graduates): 15 January 2009 – 15 April 2010 Eligibility: BE / BTech / MCA / MBA / MSc (CSE / IT) Application Form: Download from website Selection: On academic merit / Test in Engg degree Details: Employment News (14 – 20 November 2009) / Website Application Deadline: 15 December 2009 National Institute of
Technology Raipur, GE Road, Raipur 492010 (CG) PhD: Applied Geology / Applied Mechanic / Architecture / Bio-informatics / Biotech / Chemical Engg / Chemistry / Civil Engg / Electrical Engg / Maths / Mechanical Engg / Metallurgical & Materials Engg / Mining Engg / Physics), 1 year Application Form & Details: Website. Application Deadline: 15 December 2009 IT Centre for Development of
Advance Computing (C-DAC), Advanced Computing Training School (ACTS) HQ,
5th Floor, NSG IT Park, Aundh, Pune 411007 (Mah) 1) Diploma in Advanced
Computing (24 weeks) Eligibility: For
1: Engineering graduates / MCA / MCS (after BSc) / BCA / BCS For 6: BE / BTech / Science PG / Bachelors degree with 2 year work-ex For 7: BE
/ BTech / MTech / MCA / MSc (Computer Sc / IT) / PG in (Linguistics /
Applied Linguistics / Language / Literature) Details: Employment News (14 – 20 November 2009) / Website Application Deadline:
CET I: 24 November 2009 Language Indian Institute of
Foreign Trade, B 21, Qutab Institutional Area, New Delhi 110016 (Deemed
University) Certificate Course in International Business Languages in Chinese, Spanish, French, German & Portuguese (4 months) Application Form: Website. Application Deadline: 15 December 2009 Law The Indian Law Institute,
Bhagwandas Road, New Delhi 110001 Online Certificate Course on Intellectual Property Rights & Information Technology in Internet Age / Cyber Laws (3 months) Eligibility: Class 12; Diploma / Degree with access to computer & internet Application Form & Details: Website. Application Deadline: 11 December 2009 Management Jaipuria Institute of
Management, Vineet Khand, Gomtinagar, Lucknow 226010 (UP) PGDM (2
years, FT) Eligibility: Bachelors degree (50%) Selection: CAT 2009 scores / MAT / XAT; GD & PI Application Form & Details: Website Application Deadline: 10 December 2009 Indian Institute of
Management Lucknow (IIM-L), Prabandh Nagar, Off Sitapur Road, Sector 62,
Lucknow 226013 (UP) International Programme in Finance for Executives (1 year, Residential) (At Noida Campus) Eligibility:
Bachelors degree (50%); GMAT Score valid from Feb, 2007 to Jan 31, 2010;
5 years full time post qualification professional experience Details: Website. Application Deadline: 01 February 2010 National Power Training
Institute, Centre for Advanced Management & Power Studies, NPTI
Complex, Sector 33, Faridabad 121003 (Har) (M/o Power, GoI) MBA (Power
Management) 2 years Eligibility: BE or equivalent (60%). Selection: CAT-2009 scores; GD: 06 April ‘10 & Interview: 07 April ‘10 Application Form: Send Rs 1000/ - by crossed DD favouring "National Power Training Institute," payable at Faridabad to Principal Director (CAMPS) at the above address / Download from website. Details: Website Application Deadline: 22 February 2010 Narsee Monjee Institute of
Management & Higher Studies (NMIMS), School of Business Management,
VL Mehta Road, Vile Parle (W), Mumbai 400056 (Mah) (Deemed University) MBA (Core
/ Capital Markets / Actuarial Science / Pharmaceuticals Mgmt / Banking) Selection: NMAT-2010: 30 January – 08 February 2010 Application Form: Apply online Details: Website Application Deadline: 06 December 2009 Fore School of Management,
B 18, Qutab Institutional Area, New Delhi 110016 PG Diploma in Management (2
years) Eligibility: Bachelors degree (50%) Selection: CAT 2009; GD / Interview Application Form: Send Rs 1650/- by DD favouring "FORE School of Management", payable at New Delhi at the above address / Download from website. Details: Website Application Deadline: 10 December 2009 IBS, Survey No156/157,
Dontanapalli Village, Shankerpalli Mandal, Ranga Reddy District,
Hyderabad 501504 (AP) MBA 2010-12 Selection: IBSAT: 27 December 2009 Application Deadline: 12 December 2009 Govind Ballabh Pant
University of Agriculture & Technology, College of Agribusiness
Management, Pantnagar 263145 (Utt) MBA (Agribusiness / Engineering) 2 years Selection: CAT-2009 scores; GD; Interview. Application Form: Send Rs 1500/- by crossed DD drawn on Punjab National Bank (Code 4446) favouring "Dean, CABM, Pantnagar," payable at Pantnagar at the above address / Download from website. Details: Website. Application Deadline: 31 December 2009 Medicine National Institute for the
Mentally Handicapped, PO Manovikasnagar, Secunderabad 500009 (AP) (M/o
Social Justice & Empowerment, GoI) MSc in Disability Studies (Early Intervention) (2 years) Eligibility: MBBS / BUMS / BAMS / Naturopathy / BHMS / BMR / BRS (MR) / BRT / BOT / BPT / BSc (HLS) / PGDEI / Masters in Child Development / MPhil in Psychology (50%) Selection: Entrance Test: 10 December 2009 (conducted by Osmania University) Application Form: Send Rs 450/- by DD favoring "Director, NIMH, Secunderabad," payable at Secunderabad at the above address / Download from website. Details: Website Application Deadline: 27 November 2009 National Institute of
Social Defence, Old Age Care Division, West Block 1, Wing 3, RK Puram,
New Delhi 110066 (M/o Social Justice & Empowerment, GoI) Certificate Course in
Geriatric Care (6 months, FT) Eligibility:
Matric (Old age care givers / Health Workers / Counsellors / Social
Workers / Nursing Assistants / Professionals working in Age Care
Agencies or organizations preferred) Selection: Common Aptitude Test: 10 January 2010; GD; Interview. Application Form: Send Rs 80/- by DD / Pay Order favouring the "Director, National Institute of Social Defence," payable at New Delhi to above address / Download from website. Details: Employment News (14 – 20 November 2009) / Website Application Deadline: 11 December 2009 Indira Gandhi Medical College, Shimla 171001 (HP) BSc-Para Medical Technology (Laboratory / Radio & Imaging / Anesthesia & OT Techniques) Eligibility: 10+2 (PCB with English; 50%) Selection: 12 December 2009 Application Form: Send Rs 550/- by DD favouring "Principal, IGMC, Shimla" to the Academic Branch at above address. Application Deadline: 05 December 2009 HIHT University, Swami Ram
Nagar, PO Doiwala, Dehradun 248140 (Utt) PG Entrance Exam 2010 Eligibility: MBBS
/ Foreign medical degree recognized by MCI, 12 months compulsory
rotatory internship Application Form & Details: Send Rs 1500/- by DD favouring "HIHT" payable at SBI, Jolly Grant (Bank Code no. 10580), Dehradun to the Controller of Examination at the above address / Download from website. Details: Website Application Deadline: 05 January 2010 Jawaharlal Institute of
Postgraduate Medical Education & Research (JIPMER), Puducherry
605006 (M/o Health & Family Welfare, GoI) PG Degree (MD / MS) 2010 in Anaesthesiology / Community Medicine / Dermatology / General Medicine / General Surgery / Obst & Gynae / Opththal / Orthopedics / ENT / Pediatrics / Radiodiagonis / Radiotherapy / Psychiatry / Pulmonary Medicine / Anatomy / Biochemistry / Microbiology / Pathology / Pharmacology / Physiology / Transfusion Medicine and Immuno Hematology Eligibility:
MBBS (Completed internship on / before 31 March ’10), Indian
citizen. Application Form: Send Rs 1000/- by DD drawn on any Nationalized Bank favouring "Accounts Officer, JIPMER," payable at Puducherry to the Professor (Academic) at the above address by 23 December 2009 / Download from website. Details: Website. Application Deadline: 31 December 2009 Central Institute of
Psychiatry, Kanke, Ranchi 834006 (Jhar) (GoI) 1) MD Psychiatry (3 years) 2) Diploma in Psychological Medicine (2 years) 3) PhD in Clinical
Psychology (3 years after MA/MSc / 2 years after MPhil) 6) Diploma in Psychiatric Nursing (1 year) Eligibility: For 3: MA / MSc (Psychology) / MPhil (Medical & Social Psychology / Clinical Psychology), 1st Div For 4: MA / MSc (Psychology), 50% For 5:
MA (Sociology / Social Work), (50% Selection: For 6: Interview Application Form: Apply online Application Deadline: 14 December 2009 Protective Services Office of the Inspector General of Police, RAF/CRPF, East Block 2, Level 6, R K Puram, New Delhi 110066 1) Assistant
Sub-Inspector (Stenographers) Eligibility:
10+2 pass+ Selection: Physical Measurement; Written Test; Type Writing / Shorthand Test; Interview; Medical Fitness. Application Form: Send Rs 30/- by crossed IPO favouring the officer of the respective centre / zone, with a stamped (Rs. 5/-) self-addressed envelope (25 cm x 12 cm) payable at Head Post Office at the same location. Superscribe "APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF ASI (STENO) / HC (MIN) in CRPF" on the envelope. Application Deadline: 16 December 2009 Scholarships Confederation of Indian
Industry (CII), 249-F, Udyog Vihar, Phase IV, Gurgaon 122015 (Har) Fulbright-Nehru-CII
Fellowships for Leadership in Management (1
year) Eligibility: Indian
Citizen; Bachelors degree with 5 years of work-ex in an industry; be in
good health; in India during interview; Not a US citizen and not
applying for or holding green card in the US; not been in the US during
past 3 years on teaching, research, study or professional assignment for
a continuous period of 3 months; give an undertaking to return to India
on the completion of the fellowship; produce an undertaking from the
employer that it would be willing to bear 50% of the total cost. Fellowship: The fellowships provides J-1 visa support, Economy class air tickets from the executive’s home town / city of work in India to Pittsburg and back; tuition fees; maintenance allowance in the US; settling-in allowance; accident and sickness coverage per US government guidelines. Application Form: Download from website Details: Website Application Deadline: 15 December 2009 National Board for Higher
Mathematics, Anushakti Bhavan, CSM Marg, Mumbai 400001 (Mah) (D/o Atomic
Energy, GoI) Scholarships for PhD in Maths 2010 - 2011 Eligibility:
BA / BSc / BTech / BE / MA / MSc (1st Div from +2 onwards) /
BSc (H) 2nd Div Scholarship:
Rs 12,000/- pm for Year 1 & 2, Rs. 14,000/- pm in subsequent years Application Form: Send application (in duplicate) on plain paper in the prescribed format with a recent passport size photograph and stamped (Rs 5/-), self-addressed envelope to the appropriate zone. Superscribe "NBHM PhD Scholarships" on envelope. Details: Website Application Deadline: 14 December 2009 Sciences Biology Institute of Genomics
& Integrative Biology (CSIR), Mall Road, Delhi 110007 PhD (Biological & Chemical Sc / Molecular Medicine & Disease Biology / Environmental Biotechnology) Eligibility: Masters
degree with 60 % or equivalent in (Chemical Sciences / Life Sciences /
Biotechnology / Applied subjects) Selection: Interview: 15 December 2009 Application Form: Download from website Details: Employment News (14 – 20 November 2009) / Website Application Deadline: 27 November 2009 Sciences Physical Aryabhatta Research
Institute of Observational Sciences, Manora Peak, Nainital 263129 (Utt) Joint Entrance Screening Test (JEST) 2010 PhD / Integrated PhD Programmes: (at 22 Research Institutes) 1) Physics Exam: 21 February 2010 Application Form & Details: Website Application Deadline: 14 December 2009 Symbiosis Institute of
Geoinformatics (SIG), 5th Floor, Atur Center, Gokhale Cross
Road, Model Colony, Pune 411020 (Mah) MSc in Geo-informatics (2 years, Autonomous) Eligibility: Bachelors degree in (Engg / IT / Computer Sc / Science / Agriculture / Mgmt / Geography / Commerce), 50% Selection: SNAP Test: 20 December 2009 Application Form & Details: Website Application Deadline: 20 February 2010 Travel & Transport Garden Reach Shipbuilders & Engineers Ltd, 5, Dr RN Tagore Road, Baranagar, Kolkatta 700056 (WB) www.grse.nic.in / www.dgshipping.comMarine Engineering Pre-Sea Training Course – March 2010 (under M.O.T Class 4, Part "A" Scheme) Eligibility: BE
/ BTech (Mech), with 50% & English in Class 10 or 12 / Diploma /
Degree Course (by Board / Univ) Selection: As per D.G Shipping Guidelines & Medical Exam Application Form: Send DD for Rs 1000/-, favouring "Garden Reach Shipbuilders & Engineers Ltd" payable at Kolkata. Enclose attested copy of Educational Qualifications, Marks and statement of all Semesters /Years, Grade, University, College. Details: Employment News (14 – 20 November 2009) / Website Application Deadline: 10 December 2009 Indian Maritime
University, East Coast Road, Uthandi, Chennai 600119 (TN) BSc Nautical Science Selection: Entrance Test: 20 December 2009 Application Form: Send Rs 800/- by DD drawn favouring "Indian Maritime University," payable at Chennai at the above address / Download from website. Details: Website. Application Deadline: 08 December 2009 Vocational Security Skills Council of
India, E-01, East of Kailash, New Delhi 110065 1) PG Certificate in
Security Operations Programme (6 months) Eligibility:
Bachelors degree; Good English and computer proficiency skills; Height
for males is above 160cms and females above 150 cms / Holders of NCC ‘C’
certificate ad outstanding sports achievers preferred. Application Form & Details: Employment News (14 – 20 November 2009) / Website. Application Deadline: 25 November 2009 Pervin Malhotra,