Beta, we are going to the doctor for getting your mom an injection." This is a common excuse parents give when they want to leave their children at home and go for a movie or to a dinner party alone. The poor little kids are quite perplexed that if the mom is going to the doctor, why is she dolled up in her best dress? But the fear of the needle gags them from asking further questions. This is seemingly the first stage when parents fill their children’s minds with fear of doctors.
The question is how can we shake off this fear of doctors.`A0 I have three suggestions to overcome this dread. lLike Santa Claus on Christmas, we could have doctors bringing presents for children on the World Health Day. lPlaying ‘doctor-doctor’ games should be made more popular among children. lAll good news, like a child coming first in the class, you getting a promotion, or winning a lottery, should be made to be delivered through doctors. Once a patient asked his
doctor, "What does the X-ray of my head shows?" The doctor
replied, "Nothing!"