jattboy_84@hotmail.com Mobile: 078373-35814
Seeking Educated, beautiful girl for well settled Hindu Arora handsome boy,
29, 5'-8", Convent educated, B.Tech. from PEC, Chandigarh, working in MNC, will settle in Chandigarh. Well educated status Hindu Arora family settled in Punjab & Chandigarh. Caste no bar. Email:
perfectmarry@gmail.com , Ph. 098729-18337. C2-79604
Suitable match for a Gursikh (Kumhar) US Citizen boy, 38/5'-10", employed
with top US company at senior level. Innocently divorced with one male child. Looking for well educated Gursikh girl (unmarried/ issueless divorced). Upper caste no bar. Pls Send bio-data with photo:
gursikh3@gmail.com or contact 8288840484, early marriage. C2-78828B
24-27 fair beautiful tall intelligent educated Hindu Brahmin girl for Canadian/Australian 33, handsome 5'-8" never married Hindu Brahmin from professional family, incomplete medical degree, family business. Email:
docsharma9@gmail.com Phone: 061-0420939545. C2-76949B
Professionally qualified match for Saraswat Brahmin boy, May-81, 5'-7", BA, LLB Advocate. Income five figures. Father Central Govt pensioner.
Jalandhar/ nearby Jalandhar preferred. Send BHP. E-mail: shriramhansraj@gmail.com
Qualified match for handsome Chandigarh based Arora boy, December 1982, 6', B.Tech. from NSIT Delhi. MS, CFA from USA, Manager in Fortune Five Hundred Company at Chicago, USA, drawing handsome salary. E-mail:
satish_6140@yahoo.co.in C2-77966
Medico/Non-Medico match for 1978 born Khatri boy, 5'- 6", M.D. Medicine, Ex. PGI Chandigarh. Presently working Fortis Hospital. 98960-40436.
shadidr29@gmail.com C2-78626
Seek match for well-settled pure veg. Manglik boy 5'- 4", B.Com. (Hons), 25.3.86, 2:16 am, Ludhiana. Contact after matching kundli. M: 98558-56600. Email:
surajsirji@yahoo.com C2-78784
Suitable match for handsome, fair 32 yrs, 5'-7" Doctor boy, working in Haryana Civil Medical Services, done with all USMLE Steps, ECFMG Certified with experience of working in US Hospitals and trying for Residency in Medicine in US. Contact:
matri900@gmail.com C2-78856B
Match for handsome Sood boy, 5'-11", 03-08-1978, 07:54 a.m., Pathankot,
Graduate, own Pharma business in Chandigarh, handsome income. Upper caste no bar. 0172- 2271340. Box 2603M Tribune, Chandigarh.
Professionally qualified match Sikh boy, October 1980/5'-10", BE-MBA US H1B visa holder. Seeks slim, beautiful, educated girl. Caste no bar. Early marriage. Send detail's:
singhmba19@gmail.com 087972-50557. A2- 75337-OL
Professionally qualified match for clean-shaven IT Consultant since 3 years from U.K. Package 80 K Pound. B.E. Distinction Reputed University, 28/5'-10". Highly educated, liberal status Saini family from Chandigarh. Caste, dowry no bar. 098728-86277.
matriy84@gmail.com C2-72766
Professionally qualified match for handsome Sikh Tonk- Kashtriya boy, 35/5'-8", only son, security analyst with a good international exposure, educated in United States and working for a reputed university in NCR Delhi, seeks beautiful, educated, cultured girl from established family. Caste no bar. Email profile at
rakhrabs@yahoo.in Contact: 98883-16824. C2-77816
Match for 5.10.1984/6 feet, Vegetarian, Well settled Engineer, Sikh Rajput boy. Working in Mumbai, 60000/- p.m. Send biodata and photo :
birpal0522@gmail.com , Phone 0172-5096852. C2-78616B
PQM for Australian PR boy, Sikh Ramdasia, July-1985, 5'-10", Post-graduate Accounts and Financial Management, doing CPA (CA), own business,
Visiting India in October last week. Brother Australian Cintizen. Own property in Mohali & H.P. Father Senior Manager (Retd.) from Nationalized Bank. Contact: 9872974700, 9814001503. Email:
ksingh6511@gmail.com C2-78730
Sikh MBBS/MD/BDS/DDS/Pharma/ professional match, working/studying in USA/Canada, for handsome (Ahluwalia), turban wearing, Oct. 73/5'-8", Canada upbringing, dual USA/Canada citizen, MBA (Health Services Management), holding Senior Administrative position, California.
singhamerica@gmail.com Ph. +9162240170. C2-78940
Handsome Gursikh boy, 30/6', B.Tech (Computer), Software Engineer, working in USA, attractive package. Caste no bar. Apply with photo. 98155-10436. E-mail:
search.nav@gmail.com C2-79024
Suitable match for Labana Sikh boy unmarried 03.12.1969/5'-11", B.Sc., own business. Caste, religion no bar. No dowry. Contact: 098965-25966, 098960-89341. Email:
gtbts@hotmail.com C2-79374
Seeking smart, beautiful, slim girl for handsome, smart Gursikh University Professor, June 1984/5'-7". Caste immaterial. 76961-56396. NA2-57810
Match for Punjabi Sikh family boy 1983, 6', working as Judicial Magistrate, IAS, IPS, PCS, HCS preferred. Caste no bar. 98554-66022. NA2-58686
Jatt Sikh parents well-settled in Chandigarh & USA seek tall, beautiful, professionally qualified match for clean-shaven, very handsome, athletic built 6'-1", 81 born Executive MBA. U.S. citizen son, raised in Chandigarh (Graduation, Post-Graduation, USA), working in Fortune 150 company in corporate finance. Correspond with bio-data & photo. Email:
s27.grewal@gmail.com Mobile: +14144692542. C2-64410
Suitable match for Jatt Sikh convent educated, 38/6ft, slim, handsome and US Green Card holder. Preference to USA, Canada and for US student visas only. Please contact with biodata and recent pics.: 48447-76450. Email:
yaadusa@gmail.com C2-70650
Proposal invited for tall and handsome Jat Sikh, 1973, Canadian citizen, Software Professional, legally separated, without any issue. Visiting India in November. Highly educated family. Only sister Doctor and US citizen. Please respond with bio-data and photograph to :
amritkaur1@yahoo.com C2-71304
Jat Sikh parents seek a match for their son, 30 years, 6' tall, born and educated in Toronto, Engineer and working with a large corporation. Girl should be Canadian and educated in Toronto and with good family values. Pl. respond with recent picture and biodata of a girl to E-mail
toronto2229@hotmail.com or call 905- 301-7422. C2-73344
PQM for our son 79/6'-2", handsome, athletic. Canada born, raised Canada, India, understands value of both cultures. Professional Chartered Accountant, Masters Human Kinetics, presently working on Ph.D. We are Canada-based Jat/Sikh khandani Doctors family, two daughters Doctors, unmarried. We are not only looking for daughter, but family we can consider our own. Our son was briefly married, less than month, now divorced. It can be discussed. If interested we can communicate further.
rva777980@gmail.com C2-73364
Professionally qualified, beautiful girl for clean- shaven Jatt Sikh boy 26/5'-10", B.Tech, employed MNC Chandigarh. Educated, vegetarian, non-drinker, well- settled family residing Chandigarh. E-mail bio-data photo:
mohi.antal@gmail.com 98762-40016. C2-75311
Match for Jat Sikh, US Citizen, 28, 5'-8.5", fair, athletic, clean shaven, BS/MS Electrical Engineering & Computer Engineering. Teetotaler. Working for MNC in North California (bay area) w/ excellent six figure package. Educated Non-drinking family.
ksdcali@gmail.com C2-77068
Jatt sikh Shergill family seeking a beautiful and well educated girl for their son Canadian permanent resident 27yr/5'-11", working in Canadian railway. Email:
rajgill1956@gmail.com C2-77630
Suitable match for Jat Sikh Punia boy, 1084 born, 5'- 9", permanent immigrant Canada, recently visiting India. Preferred B.Sc. Nursing. Contact: 093556-36188.
ssam2866@gmail.com C2-77810
Proposal invited for a tall and handsome Jat Sikh boy, 1979, Canadian citizen, financial professional, divorced, without any issue. Highly educated family. Our main consideration is an affectionate & well educated tall girl from a family with integrity. No dowry. Email biodata with photograph to
vsm2001@shaw.ca C2-78030
Newzealand Citizen, 30/5'-11", handsome Jat Sikh divorcee, only son. High status family Mohali. Boy visiting India November.
ajsingh381@yahoo.com C2-78262
Jatsikh parents seeks suitable match for their convent educated (ICSE), never married son 40/5'-5" slim, handsome, M.Sc. (India) PR (Canada). Girl should be Jatsikh professionally qualified from Punjab.
Nursing/Pharmacy/ B.Tech./ IT/CA/BPT preferred. No divorcees only serious enquiries. Visiting India shortly. Early marriage. Send detailed profile with photograph at:
doc.sandhu12@gmail.com C2-78440
Jat Sikh family seeks beautiful, never married, English speaking match for never married son, 40, 5'-10", fair, clean shaven, India born, US educated, citizen, MBA, Microsoft employee. Boy visiting in November. Simple and early court marriage, religious USA. No property in India. Biodata and picture to
jatsikh@outlook.com C2-78470
Suitable match for tall, handsome Jat Sikh boy, born 1974, 5'-11", BE IT professional USA citizen never married. Small educated family.
sandhubs320@yahoo.com C2-78654
Professionally qualified Jat Sikh match for Sandhu boy 29/5'-9", MBA doing job in Delhi, middle class educated, vegetarian teetotaller family, father retired Gazetted Officer, only sister married in Canada. Email:
Well educated, tall, beautiful match for handsome, 6', 28 yrs, MBA Finance, CFA, FRM from GARP(USA), Jat Sikh boy working as Vice- President at Bank of New York, London, earning 95000 Pound per annum. Ludhiana based reputed family/brother settled in New Zealand. 0064926- 79109,
Gurpinders50@gmail.com C2-78832B
American Jat Sikh family seeks a professionally qualified match for their son, 26 years, 5'-10", Masters in Computer Science, working as Software Engineer in reputed company, good salary. Well educated family, landed and urban property in India, business in USA and India. Contact at
jpsbrar22@gmail.com 001-410- 215-0545. C2-78850
Wanted suitable match for handsome 5'-10'' / 1980 tall boy from very reputed landlord family. Also own business.
aman_singh3@yahoo.com , shivalikstud_99@yahoo.in
Suitable educated match for handsome clean shaven Jat Sikh boy, 32/5'-11". MS (Computer Science) from USA on H1B visa as Senior Software Engineer in USA, Green Card in process, Kindly send bio-data. email:
match678@gmail.com C2-78982
Jatt Sikh boy 39, 5'-10", very handsome, teetotaller, never married, (MBA) doing job, living in India. Brother married settled in America, behalf brother's American citizenship applied. no dowry, early marriage, simple girl. Email:
vaheguru2012@gmail.com Brother's: 0016478320012. C2-79010
Suitable match for 5'-10", 35, American citizen handsome Jat Sikh M.Sc. real estate Finance & Development from educated family with good business in USA. 9915034303. E-mail:
C2- 79030
Professional educated match for Jatt Sikh Canadian immigrant boy 27/ 5'-6'' B.Tech (Computer Science). Diploma Business Administration (Outario). Originally from Majha Region. Boy India till Dec. 96461-36502, 98153-09879.
randhawa573@hotmail.com C2-79564
Suitable match for handsome Jat Sikh boy, 5'-11"/1985, M.Tech., doing Ph.D. Brother, Sister professionally qualified. Well established business family of Chandigarh. Urban/Rural property. Email:
Professionally qualified girl for unmarried Jat Sikh boy, 34/5'-8", convent educated, B.Tech. (Mechanical), Regional Manager with reputed Co. at Ludhiana (Package Rs 11+ lakhs). Highly educated, well settled, small family. 0161-3269074.
response4me@gmail.com NA2-57718
Match for Saini Sikh turbaned boy, 5'-10", Feb. 5, 1979 (1:03 p.m. Chandigarh), B.Tech (Computer), working in USA. Own kothi in Mohali. Issueless divorcee. Contact: 9316117537. Email:
manipec@hotmail.com C2-76553
Suitable match for Chandigarh based Hindu Saini boy, 26/5'-5", B.Tech Computer Science, Senior Software Engineer in MNC Rs.7.25 LPA. Send detailed particulars with photo at:
Employed match for Saini Sikh boy, B.Tech., MBA. 27 years, 5'-8". PO in Nationalised Bank. Email :
girn_nippy@yahoo.co.in C2-78586
Slim, professionally qualified girl for Hindu Saini boy, June 79, 5'-6", M.Com.,
MBA, 15 LPA. Father Army Officer. E-mail: sainirp@gmail.com
0172-2736699, 84277- 25675. C2-78770
Extremely beautiful tall fair Doctor, Engg. Professional girl for fair, very
handsome Punjabi Hindu Khatri reputed never married boy. 5'-9"/38 done MD, also taking USMLE, plans to move to US. Canadian immigration in process. Parents Doctors India, brother Bhabhi Doctors in USA. Email:
matrimonial14@yahoo.com Box 2593M Tribune, Chandigarh.
Responses invited for two North Indian Punjabi Hindu Brahmin boys, ages 26 and 25. Born and raised in the US with moderate values. They are in the medical profession and financially established. Simple marriages and no dowry desired. Please respond to Amit Sharma P.O. Box 183794, Utica, MI, 48318. C2-72730B
Looking match for USA citizen Jatt Sikh professional boy working in a very reputed US company and earning $ 250,000.00 US dollars a year. Tall and handsome 5'-11", 32 yrs old. Recently divorced from foreign girl. Contact Email:
singhmatri31@gmail.com C2-73346B
Doctor match for Jat Sikh Engr. boy 26/ 5'-11'' Canadian citizen studied and employed in Canada. Girl shold be from reputed medical institute preferably USMLE cleared. No dowry 95015-85400. C2-78528
Suitable match required for 28 yrs, 5'-8" handsome, teetotaller, cleanshaven, Programmer, Canadian citizen, from mix family of Hindu (Matharoo) and Sikh Khatri. Contact: 92168-56927,
pritask2005@yahoo.com C2-78696
Suitable professional Medico Dentico match for fair, handsome, 35/5'-7", MBBS, MRCP, MRCGP Khatri boy, working National Health Services, UK. Parents Doctors. 094163-78082,
deepak.hansraj@gmail.com C2-78990
Suitable match for handsome Sikh clean shaven boy, Oct. 73, 5'-10", Own Restaurant business in Caribean. Only son. Never married. Arrived India. Early marriage. Caste no bar. Contact: 9855148509. E-mail:
ishpsingh@gmail.com C2-79168
Qualified, extremely beautiful girl from Canada/India for clean shaven Sikh Khatri boy, 29/5'-11", B.Com., MBA (Finance) from India, working with reputed Bank in Canada, also pursuing further education. Only child, family members are Canadian PR, applied for Canadian Citizenship. Girl main consideration, no demands. Proposals from Sikh/Hindu (upper caste no bar) are invited. 0161-3251374.
shagan987@gmail.com NA2-57657
Handsome Jangra boy 5'-8"/25.08.1982/6:30 a.m., settled in Paris needs Indian girl in Europe. 099968-19368. NA2-57958
Match for smart, handsome Khatri boy, 28/5'-9", Pharmacist, New Zealand PR, well settled. Require well educated, beautiful girl. Contact: 98140-90916. C2-78924
Punjabi Khatri parents seek beautiful convent educated girl for handsome fair Canadian born son, 36 years/ 5'- 8", University Graduate, IT Diploma, working in Real Estate, selling and management, well established family having real estate business. Visiting India November. Send photo, details:
bhagwandhir@hotmail.com C2-79537
Homely girl for Manglik 5'-6", 28 April, 1981, Ludhiana, 8:10 p.m. born boy, non-drinker/non-smoker, 10+2, well built own industry in Chandigarh. Two sons elder married. Caste no bar. 99157-01290, 98141-17236.
bahlamit3677@yahoo.com NA2-58094
Match for turbaned teetotaller Ramgarhia Sikh boy 85/ 5'-11'' B.Tech. Mech. preferred B.Tech. MBA industrialist
fami ly 99153-02149. harpreethsb@yahoo.co.in
Australian citizen Duty Manager, Adelaide Ramgarhia Sikh smart boy M.Tech., 11.01.85, 5'-9", seeks qualified intelligent fluent in English girl. Email:
baldev_pseb@yahoo.co.in Contact: 96460-17873 Bathinda (India). C2-77952
Suitable match for Sikh Ramgarhia Mechanical Engineer boy, 85 born, 6'-1". Employed in Multinational company Gurgaon. Contact: 9711338174.
harman2985@gmail.com C2-79886
PQM for handsome Punjabi Ad-dharmi boy 29/5'-5", B.Tech., working as Software Engineer in MNC Pune. Salary seven figure/P.A. Send profile and photo. E- mail:
Match for Ad-dharmi boy, 32 yrs, 5'-6", fair, BDS Fourth yr. Brother and his wife doctors. Sister BA, LLB. Father retired officer. Mobile: 9915615440. C2-78434
Suitable match for Ramdasia Sikh (Weaver) boy 1981/ 5'- 8'' permanently settled in Newzealand. Father Advocate, mother retired teacher. Brother married. Parents settled in Chandigarh. Preference Doctor/ Engineer 9915133308.
nsbainsadv@gmail.com C2-79764B
Manglik unmarried Australian citizen 39/6' Punjabi Khatri Electronics Engineer, owns apartment. Visiting Chandigarh during November.
Parents seeking professional Gursikh match for their NT/TT Gursikh son, USA citizen, Arora, Dec 1984/5'-9" Masters, IT professional, well settled family in USA.
dpsingh2100@yahoo.com 0017034939892. C2-79422
Match for very fair handsome slim Garg boy, born Oct.75, B.E., MBA, 5'-10", working Sr.Manager Bangalore MNC. Well settled family Chandigarh. 09872485776.
rdgarg2010@gmail.com C2-78612
Match for vegetarian, non-smoker, non-drinker, teetotaller, undergraduate
Garg business (unmarried) boy 37/5'-7". Box 2606M Tribune, Chandigarh.
Arora Sikh Reputed family looking match for their only son, fair, PR
Zealand, 6', Sept 1987, Degree Business Management, running well settled business, own house Mohali and NZ. Girl should be beautiful, fair, min. 5'-5", educated and able to settle down in abroad. E-mail:
jaswinders7@gmail.com Box 2585M Tribune, Chandigarh.
Handsome Kamboj Sikh boy, Sept. 1982 (cleanshaven) 5'- 9", B.A. with English medium. Team Leader in MNC, Chandigarh. Upper caste no bar.
98152-35979. C2-77802