Kabirpanthi Himachali boy 5'-8", 29, own professional work in Chandigarh.
Seeking Himachali beautiful, educated girl. 093180-77789. C3-106147
Suitable match for professionally qualified Saraswat Brahmin handsome boy, working as Journalist in Leading Punjab English Daily. Vegetarian, Non-drinker, 5'-8", 10.01.1979. Well-settled Chandigarh-based family. Caste no bar. E-mail biodata, Photo to:
matri670@gmail.com C3-103463
Compatible match for Brahmin boy, 1981/5'-6", B.Tech., doing MBA USA
(near completion) did eight years job with MNC India/abroad, Campus placement in USA. own residence Jalandhar/Delhi, urban property. Presently in India. girl studying/working/willing to go USA preferred. Khatris welcome. 98150-44333.
libra.vinod@gmail.com C3-106567
Slim, beautiful, professionally qualified match for handsome, Non-Manglik teetotaller, vegetarian Saraswat Brahmin boy, 1983/5'-11", M.Tech., working MNC, Noida. package 12.50 LPA. Caste no bar. Own house Chandigarh. Send Photo and Kundli at first instance.
sharmaji5591@yahoo.com 078147-55454. C3-106815
Employed beautiful match for Anshik Manglik Saraswat handsome vegetarian Brahmin boy 11.10.88, 12:06 p.m. Patiala, 5'-5" B.Tech. MBA, working in Axis Bank Astt. Manager. Parents Govt. job in Chandigarh. 94633-25771.
Family oriented, beautiful, qualified match for handsome boy, 16.03.1984, 7:40 pm, Chandigarh, 5'-9", B.Com (H), MBA (IIM) working MNC Singapore. 94170- 40118. Email:
neeruplmadan@gmail.com C3-105409
PQM for Manglik/non-Manglik Hindu Arora boy 06.07.84, 05.35 pm, Bathinda, 5'-7", B.Tech. CSE, Software Engineer, MNC Noida. Pkg. 7-8 Lac. Send BHP. Caste no bar.
94179-97386. C3-105885
Professionally qualified match for handsome, smart, Hindu Bhatia, vegetarian boy. Technical Consultant Noida, Package 12 LPA. 5'-7". 22.09.83/05:05 a.m./Amritsar. Chandigarh based family. 87931-24624. Email :
drbhatia6697@gmail.com C3-106627
PQM for a Khatri boy, 6'-3", born Ferozepur, 30.10.1982, 10:35 am, MBA, working in London (TR-1, Work Visa). Contact 086073-36522,
SM4 for Kamboj Sikh boy 5'-11"/ 1981, slim, B.Sc. (ITcorres.), own business
in Delhi. E-mail: tinkunps@yahoo.com
, 098712-78248. C3-104794
Suitable match for Australian citizen Parjapat Sikh cleanshaven boy, Diploma in Mechanical and Automotive Engg., November 1986/5'-8". Working in Melbourne. Presently in India for One month. Mail biodata with photograph :
sharjinder38@gmail.com , Mobile 98031- 17295. C3-106343
UK born, India-based handsome, kind, accomplished Sikh cleanshaven son, 35, 5'-11" tall, seeks life partnership of friendship, Sukh & stability, seeks kind, very beautiful, slim, fair bride (27-32 yrs, 5'- 6" - 5'-8" tall) who values positivity, happiness & progress in life. Highly educated, articulate, excellent English. Indian Sanskar with broad minded outlook. Religion no bar. Email:
abspekg@gmail.com C3-106413B
Lobana Sikh handsome boy, 29/5'-8", B.A. (Diploma in Hospitality Management). Australian permanent resident. Status family. Caste no bar. 080542-22442. Email:
baldevgara@yahoo.in NA3-88851
Seeking a Doctor/Engineer/Lawyer Sikh vegetarian girl working in India or abroad for our US citizen, turbaned Saini son 30, 5'-11", working as a Patent Lawyer in New York. Please respond with complete biodata and picture to
raj.golee@gmail.com or 510-799-6807. NA3-90200
Match for Jatsikh convent educated boy 42/5'-5" (never married)B.Sc., M.Sc. from K.C. Amritsar. Recently became Canadian Citizen. Coming India January. Seeking Jatsikh B.Sc. Nursing/B.Com., B.Tech., MCA, B. Pharmacy girl, 28-34 years. No divorcee please. Mail biodata alongwith photographs:
kc14asr@gmail.com C3-100306
We are looking for a Jatt Sikh girl only from Australia (minimum height 5'-5"
tall) for our good looking son born and raised in Sydney. He is Jatt Sikh, clean shaved, 28 years old, 5'-11" tall, and is an admitted solicitor and has completed his CA. He is currently working full-time and is also completing his Masters in Law. If interested, please send biodata and photos to
gsingh501@live.com C3-105245
US Citizen, handsome smart Jatt Sikh boy, 1981 born, Sr. Software Engineer
/ IT Professional, non-drinker, non-smoker. Looking for beautiful & educated bride. Please send us bio data along with pics at:
Wanted Jat Sikh professionally qualified match from Canada/ USA for 6'/ 29
years clean shaven Dentist doing Residency in Canada. Belongs to highly educated family. Send biodata with photo. Email:-
PQM for handsome cleanshaven, US citizen, Jat Sikh born-raised India, Masters Engg. from top US Univ., 34/5'-8", Engr. Mgr. in renowned US company. Innocently divorced very brief marriage, belongs to highly educated Defence family. Contact: 98761-72797 or at:
email.lifepartner@gmail.com C3-105633
Jatt Sikh Australian very handsome boy 27/6'-2", MBBS, working in Govt. hospital, Goldmedalist pursuing MD, well settled family from Punjab, looking for MBBS girl from India or abroad. Contact
jodha52@gmail.com or 61423569140. C3-105729
Professionally qualified match for Jat Sikh Dhillon 28/5'-10" clean shaven
handsome boy, Mech. Engineer working with MNC Noida.Please Respond with photo & biodata at
9560677533, 9650398915. C3-105787B
Match for Jat Sikh turbaned handsome boy 1982, 5'-11", M.Com., MBA, permanent Managerial job PSU Punjab Govt. Family settled at Mohali. Contact: 805-4024051,
Match for highly qualified 33/6', BE (India), M.Tech., MBA (USA), tall, handsome boy, running flourshing business at Mohali. Father Class-I officer. Status family. Respond with particulars, photographs.
Preferably required M.Tech M.Pharma for Jat Sikh Bhullar, Nov. 1986, 6', Canadian PR Graduate ECE. 09814709187. E-mail:
Canadian PR (Amritsar based) reputed Jat Sikh family invites alliance for 29/5'-6", smart, handsome, Computer Engineer employed with well reputed Organisation. Looking for highly qualified girl from a respectable family. Email
or contact 7508439149, 8427560014. C3-106189
Match for Jat-Sikh cleanshaven boy 37 yrs, 5'-7", working in Cruise Lines
USA, settled in Chandigarh. From Defence background. Caste no bar. Box 2714M Tribune, Chandigarh.
Match for Jat Sikh boy, born, graduated in England. Very handsome, fair 27/6'-2". Modern yet respects traditional values. Profession: Operations Manager. Respectable status family. Seeking very beautiful, slim girl 5'-6" plus, educated with pleasing personality happy nature, family oriented from respectable family. Email:
avtarbhatt@yahoo.co.uk C3-106246B
Tricity well off parents solicit status Jat Sikh family's tall, graceful Doctor/Engineer/Professional, high moral values, family oriented daughter for handsome, 26/6ft/B.Tech. Manager/PR Canada. Biodata, photographs.
sanjog1959@gmail.com C3-106381
Australian PR Jatt Sikh Deol 28 years, 5'-10" boy seeking extremely beautiful, tall & qualified girl. Send biodata and photographs (must) to
or 98760-18040 (Boy currently in India). C3-106391
Medico match for US citizen Jat Sikh April 1986/5'-11", Doctor MD currently
in the second year of Residency Program. Girls presently studying in USA Medical Schools or in Residency programs only need apply. Respond with biodata and photograph E-mail:
rkn915@hotmail.com (001) 913-563-9652. C3-106579
Sikh match for 1980 born, 5'-11", handsome, cleanshaven US citizen, DDS Dentist. Preferred Dentist, Doctor, IT professional etc. from USA/India. Affluent Khatri Sikh Doctors family. Caste no bar. Contact: 94170-00835.
nyusingh@gmail.com C3-106693
US-based Jat Sikh parents looking for suitable match for their clean shaven
US-citizen Engineer son, 5'- 11"/29. Currently working for the State. Girl should be in the Medical, Engineering or Science field; between the age of 25 to 29 at least 5'-4", fair complexion and from a Jat Sikh family. Please respond with recent picture and biodata at
singhj2010@yahoo.com C3-106939
High status Houston (USA) based Jat Sikh business family (Ghuman) seeks beautiful, well educated, cultured Jat Sikh girl (Malwa preferred) for handsome, well built, clean shaven US citizen, professionally qualified son 27/5'-9", in a well
established family business. Contact with biodata & photographs. Email:
Jat Sikh parents seeking a suitable match for their son 29, 6' tall Canadian
citizen, University Graduate with Bechelor's Degree in Commerce major in accountancy, currently pursuing CA designation and professionally employed. The girl should be well educated, tall, fair, slim, and with good family values preference Canada. Pl. send biodata and recent picture to email
bath6860@gmail.com C3-92772
PQM for 26/6', Masters in Veterinary Medicine, cleanshaven Jatt Sikh, North
American Veterinary Licensing Examination cleared. Parents Doctors, brother in Canada. NRI preferred. Send biodata with photographs.
hehar252@hotmail.com 098140-59913. NA3-88137
Tall, beautiful, PQM for highly qualified professional, university topper,
handsome Jat Sikh 1984, 6'-2", Australian citizen boy. Affluent status with very sound business & sufficient large properties. Boy presently in India. Contact with biodata & photographs.
SM for Jat Sikh (clean shaven) Australia PR BA Hospitality Diploma, 35/5'-9", now at Panchkula, have agri land and urban property, send biodata at:
ginni_716@yahoo.co.in , singhgini716@gmail.com
, 78372- 64990. NA3-89483
Seeking suitable match for a British born and brought up Jat Sikh youngman,
highly educated M.A. International Business cleanshaven never married 5'-8", 44 yrs. very sweet natured and caring. An educated, wise and understanding young woman willing to relocate to UK will be the right match contact with pic. and your introduction. E-mail:
vision1926@gmail.com Phone: 98882-00062. A3-74539
Suitable match for handsome boy, 35/6', Software Engineer/MBA, US born citizen, self employed. Issueless divorcee. Prefer professional girls (29-32) already in USA. Caste no bar. E-mail profile/photo:
sunilkahuja1@gmail.com Contact: 0014109254334. C3-105563
Only Canadian PR citizen match for Canadian study base resident Kamboj Thind boy, 24/6'-0". Upper caste no bar. 95012-57080. C3-106001
Suitable match for Canadian citizen Tonk Kashatriya Sikh boy, 5'-7"/28, B.Sc. Nursing, BDS, PR citizen study based visa preferred. Upper caste no bar. 98883- 41644, 95012-57080. C3-106003
Suitable match for handsome 35 years Canadian born Jat Sikh Non-drinken graduate, no issue, divorcee. Canadian Govt. Officer. Salary in Six Figure. Well settled in Canada. E.Mail:
tirathbajwa@yahoo.ca , terrybaj@gmail.com
. Phone 090235-59651, 75085-60481. C3-106549
Match for handsome Jat Sikh, born and educated in Canada. Marital status: Divorce, short marriage, affluent finance banker, 33 yrs., 5'-10", seeking Jat Sikh beautiful slim girl, 24-29 yrs., 5'-2" to 5'-6", fluent in English and Punjabi, educated and cultured. Currently in India for 3 weeks. Email pics and biodata to:
emailrnp@gmail.com Tel: 98787-50419. C3-106637B
Beautiful Professional/B.Tech. for Brahmin 5'-11", 12.2.83/Chandigarh/ 11:27 p.m. Masters Canada. Employed MNC Canada. PR under process. Parents own house Chandigarh. Send photo, profile. Status family only. mukulesh53@rediffmail.com , 098151-92877. C3-106921
NRI Engineer, 38, 5'-10", Doaba Sikh Rajput clan, never married, foreign educated, looking for an educated, broad minded match to join him in Canada. Working as Mining Engineer with US Energy Conglomerate. Hails from a well off family based in Chandigarh/Mohali with good agrarian assets. Currently visiting family in Mohali. Genuine enquiries requested at
rockdoc@hotmail.ca C3-107023
Handsome Ramgarhia Dhiman (Gotra Bhogal Surjan) cleanshave Canada settled boy 24 May 1985 born, 5'-11", ME. Seeks qualified girl willing to settle abroad. 98882-80952, 0161-2560678 Ludhiana. NA3-88825
Match for Khatri handsome boy, 5'-10", 15.09.1980, 2:00 p.m., B.Com., working at Karnal in reputed Housing Finance
Company, 3 lacs/p.a. Own kothi at Karnal. 82950-20699. ravitallwar@gmail.com
Professionally qualified beautiful, fair, slim working match for non-Manglik
handsome 5'-6" Punjabi Khatri boy 03.02.1986, 0820 am Chandigarh. B.Tech., MBA working in MNC Gurgaon 4+ Lakhs. Highly educated respectable family. M 94161-77625.
r.chatrath@gmail.com C3-106232
Suitable match for Khatri boy B.Tech (IT), 5'-8", 31st Oct. 1985, 12.40 am,
Delhi, 3 LPA, settled in Jalandhar, own house. Father Branch Manager, only son. Ph: 9815981188, 0181-4611188. C3-107183
Professionally qualified slim, beautiful match from India/abroad for smart,
handsome NRI Punjabi Arora boy, 24.09.1983, 11.19 pm, Jalandhar, 5'-9", B.Tech MBA Reputed Mgmt. Inst. Country Head in Qatar based MNC, pack 50 lacs. Mob: 09780666764. E-mail:
narinder2121@yahoo.com C3-105759
Ramgarhia cleanshaven handsome B.tech boy, 28, 5'-11", Engineer in Hyundai, South Korea. Educated small well settled family in Rishikesh, native place near Jalandhar. +91-9358878347,
C3- 105639B
Wanted beautiful B.Sc. Nursing girl for Ramgarhia Mann boy, 29/5'-10", New
Zealand settled. Doaba based contact. 8196018413. C3-106250
Match for Hindu Dhiman Australian citizen boy DoB 15.10.1984, 5'-9", belongs to Una HP. Well-settled (Caste no bar). Please respond with biodata & photos at
dhimanramank@yahoo.com C3-107075B
Ad-dharmi handsome boy, 26/5'-7", PR Australia, Graduate, own business. Father Govt. employee. Elder brother also in Australia. NRI, businessman, gazetted officer family contact. Graduate match required. Contact: 8558950048, 9815121788. E-mail:
sandy1895@yahoo.com C3-105765
Match for Haryanvi SC Chamar boy, 1980/5'-3", MA, Diploma in International Business, B.Ed, own work around Tricity, send biodata at email:
drpk73@gmail.com or Box 2713M Tribune, Chandigarh.
Match for Balmiki boy Sr. Engineer and Team Leader in MNC Chandigarh, 33 yrs./5'-7", Salary 25000 p.m. Contact: 97809-09214.
amitb_62@hotmail.com C3-106529B
Professionally qualified, suitable match for a Ramdasia Sikh handsome boy,
Australian citizen, Chartered Accountant (CA), 5'-9", 26 yrs, grown up in Australia with true Punjabi Cultural & family values, visiting India shortly to finalise alliance. Email:
pbi.sroay@gmail.com Ph. 94636-56422. C3-106623B
MD/MS smart girl for a July 84/173 Garg vegetarian boy from Punjab, MCh
Neurosurgery from a reputed institute. Cont.: 090234-53634. swarn700@gmail.com
Box 2711M Tribune, Chandigarh.
NM PQM for B.Tech., MBA premier institute, FRM, CFA Gupta boy, 5'-8", Feb.
84, Patiala born, working at MNC Chandigarh. Slim, employed girl preferred. Contact:
kansal.matry@gmail.com , 98880-30054. C3-105803
North Indian Hindu Punjabi parents seek match, from suitable Medical/Dental professionals already in USA, for US born son 29 yrs, Medical Doctor. Email biodata & recent photo:
gr3251@gmail.com C3-105907
Professional match for Garg C.A., own practice, Jalandhar, December 1977, 5'-6", Non-manglik, handsome, slim, vegetarian, teetotaller, status family, 0181- 2277857. E-mail:
Suitable match for Kamboj Sikh boy 25 yrs, 5'-7". Own business in Ldh. Contact: 94170-21205. C3-106453