Sunday, January 5, 2014, Chandigarh, India | |||
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Well-Settled Businessman/Professional Match for Beautiful Local Pbi. Khatri Anshik Manglik fair girl, 5’-3½”, 05.07.1990, 9:41 p.m., Ludhiana, B.A. (Hons), MBA. Father reputed businessman. Contact after matching Kundli. 98140-81263, 98153-82403 Email: va3@sify.com C3-109457 Alliance sought from qualified employed, educated businessman for slim, fair, Arora girl, August, 1973, (looks 28), 5'-3", M.Sc (Computer) MCA, MA, working regular programmer Haryana Government Panchkula. Divorcee excuse. 98158-11977, 0172-2576156, Email:- hansraheja@rediffmail.com C3-108581B Professionally qualified match for
non-manglik 13.12.1985/Karnal Suitable match for Lubana Sikh beautiful girl, 30+, 5'- 0", B.Sc. Nursing, PR in Canada. Contact: 9876851503, 9876102799. C3-107195 Suitable match for Lubana Sikh good looking girl, 1985/5'-3", B.Tech IT, innocent legally divorcee after few days, presently working with university Jalandhar. NRI will be preferred. Upper caste no bar. Contact: 9646140724. E-mail: lubanabs@yahoo.co.in C3-107959 Handsome match for Ramdasia Sikh, May 1986, 5'-3" plus. B.Tech from Thapar. Job Top MNC Chandigarh (IT Specialist), Package 6.60 lakhs. Dowry seekers excuse. 092172-58534. deepnew2014@gmail.com C3-108159 Slim, fair, 5'-10", Twenty three years, Graduate, Fashion Designer. Saggu-Matharoo. Caste no bar. Mumbai employed. E-mail: remindersaggu@yahoo.co.in 09987585117. C3-108589 Seeking suitable Lobana/Jat Sikh match for Army officer's beautiful and Seeking well educated Professional match for our US born and raised daughter. BS/NS in Engineering from Top US University. Lives and works in New York city. Height 5'-7", Age 45, never married. Boy must be willing to settle in US. Caste/Religion no bar. Contact : usa1065@gmail.com C3-109691 Match for Jat Sikh Canadian girl 27/5'-6", working as Lawyer in Canada, brother, sister and brother-in-law are Doctor. Father in Canada revenue. Doctor/Dentist/veterinarian preferred. Email: canadianlawyer2014@gmail.com A3-75950-OL Well educated Jat Sikh parents seeks professionally qualified match for Suitable handsome Doctor boy for thirty years beautiful, extremely fair, 5'-4.5", Jat Sikh Doctor girl. Doing Second year Residency in USA. Contact 95014-87437. Email : vsidhu61@gmail.com C3-102693 Professionally qualified, suitable match for good looking, intelligent, US Jatt Sikh parents seek well-educated match for beautiful, never married, 5'-5", 1981, B. Lawyer daughter. Excellent values, highly intelligent, working at prestigious law firm. No divorcees please. Please send info and recent photos to sanjog711@outlook.com C3-106952 Jat Sikh Canadian parents are looking for professionally qualified match preferably from US/Canada for their beautiful daughter Canadian citizen 5'-7"/27 years, employed as Engineer. Caste no bar. Please send recent photos, full biodata with full background to quartz1610@gmail.com C3-107061 Jat Sikh, permanent Canadian resident, Post Graduate, 29 years, 5'-7", Jat Sikh Gill reputed business class family seek professionally qualified, Suitable match for Australian citizen girl, 27/5'-2", Gursikh Jat family. Boy should be Keshdhari, non-drinker from Doaba. E-mail: amrindersinghdhindsa@yahoo.com 9878431561. C3-107969 Well settled qualified match for beautiful Jatt Sikh girl, 1986/ 5'-3½'' PQM for Jatt Sikh 5'-5", Sept. 84, convent educated M.A. Psychology, Correspondence invited for Jatt Sikh, 5'-6", UK Citizen, 33 yrs, issueless, divorced after 5 yrs of marriage, working as Assistant Accountant in London. Professionally qualified Jatt Sikh match divorcee issueless/un-married. Send biodata, photo: b2cheema@hotmail.com C3-108825 Match for Jat Sikh 5'-7"/1988 slim, simple beautiful, vegetarian Sidhu girl M.E. Computer Science from BITS Pillani working Software Engineer-2 in R & D Wing Multinational Company Banglore. + 11 LPA. E-mail: jattsikh2011@gmail.com C3-109175 Jat Sikh Canadian parents looking for professionally qualified match from Canada/USA for their Canadian born daughter, 27 yrs, 5'-5", major in crimnology & employed. Send profile with latest photos. +919814065850. E-mail: home078618@gmail.com C3-109177 US citizen Jat Sikh 1985, 5'-5" working as Nurse. Looking for Jat Sikh Jat Sikh Canadian parents seek suitable match for their Canadian Immigrant vegetarian daughter 34 yrs old, 5'- 3" tall, MCA, Web Designer from BCIT Vancouver B.C. and settled in job. The boy should be equally qualified. Please send bio-data & recent picture. jatt7481@gmail.com C3-109225 Match for tall Jat Sikh girl, 27½/5'-6", MBA, in teaching job. Parents Senior officers. Landlord educated family. Tricity/Jalandhar educated, landlord working boy preferred. 097799-70100, rs.bajwa@rb.com C3-109269 Match for Jat Sikh beautiful girl June 83/5'-5", MCA Regular Computer Teacher in Govt. School. Well settled family in Mohali. Chandigarh, Mohali, Tricity preferred. Email: hkj_246@yahoo.co.in; 98555-15644. C3-109279B Well to do Chandigrah based Jat Sikh family invites proposal for beautiful Suitable match for Jatt Sikh Brar girl 21/5/1984, beautiful, tall Wanted only Jat Sikh educated boy for Jat Sikh American Immigrant Australian citizen Jat Sikh tall and charming 5'-9" girl born October 1987, Postgraduate MBA, currently working Management role. Belongs to a well settled family in Australia and Punjab. Professionally qualified boy from a similar family background, 6' plus height. Bio-data/contact details and snaps to rsbfin47@gmail.com 91-7696737053. C3-109897
Beautiful, brilliant Jat Sikh Mohali girl, 27/5'-6", MBA, working Bank. Suitable Doctor match for US permanent resident Jatt Sikh Girl Age 25/5'-4" Pursuing MD belonging to a well settled family in USA. USA/ Canada, Citizen/ permanent resident preferred. Email. asg9653@gmail.com, 96469- 99654. C3-90006 US match for well-qualified (pursuing MBA) Jat Sikh Cheema very fair, slim Dec. 86/5'-2" girl from a well- educated family. Contact: 98142-36145. Email: cheema.navneet.1986@gmail.com C3-97528 Well-educated Jat Sikh family seek highly qualified professional match for their Australian citizen daughter Aug. 78 born/5'-4", fair, beautiful and family-oriented. Highly educated with double Masters IT and is, working as Program Services Manager in leading MNC Sydney. Visiting India Jan. Respond with biodata and pics at smatrimony2011@gmail.com NA3-91808 Well settled US citizen Jatt Sikh parents seeks Jatt Sikh, well educated, handsome boy, from respectable family for their US citizen 25/5'-3", smart, beautiful daughter. Pharmacy Degree holder. Working as Quality Inspector in Medical Company. Family visiting India in February. Respond with biodata and photo: singharsh14@yahoo.com A3-76778B-OL Suitable match for M.Sc. IT, Dhiman Ramgarhia girl 27, 5'-4", presently Alliance sought, 44-50 in the US/Can./India, must be gentle, caring, i'less professional/bsness for 47, 5'- 5" div, i'less, v. attractive, Sikh female, postgrad, well settled in UK, cultured Defence family. Girl relocatable. matchadvt@yahoo.com C3-108301 Professionally qualified, USA settled match for Hindu Khatri girl, H-1B holder, Senior Financial Analyst residing in USA, 5'-6", 27, Masters in Management from top U.S. University. Parents Doctors in India. Contact: wgmc2014@gmail.com C3-109184 Match Parjapat Sikh beautiful slim girl, 5'-4", 32 year, Bachelor in Computer IT on work permit in Canada. 8427341995. C3-109661 Match for Doaba Sikh Rajput US Greencard holder girl, 81/5'-5", University Graduate, working in USA. Send complete biodata. dcsingh12@gmail.com C3-107203 Punjab Doaba Karnana Parhars, educated, smart girl, 5'- 2"/1981, M.Com., B.Ed., School Teacher. Father retired Senior teacher. Only brother Software Engineer, permanent Australian immigrant. 01823-279409, 99158- 27531. C3-109819 PQ serving match for Datta Brahmin fair 30/5'-6", MCA working girl. Location no bar. Email : chd786.k@gmail.com C3-107819 Seeking MD/ MS/ Civil Services/ Medico match for Punjabi Sarswat Hindu Brahmin very beautiful girl 26 yrs. 5'-2'' MBBS, doing MD ( Pathology) . Brother doing MBBS. Upper caste no bar. Contact:- 98151-65426. Send latest photos & biodata.drjyotisharma8@gmail.com C3-107973 Match for beautiful Brahmin Dhiman BDS girl, 26/5'-4", rental income 50,000/- per month, own bank building & one kanal plot in Mohali, 10 years USA & Canada Visa. Email: zdhiman@yahoo.com C3-108105 Match for Vashisat Brahmin (Bhasker) Matric Manglik girl, 14.8.1981 5'-4½", 3.39 a.m. (Begowal), veg. family. Contact 98149-31277. C3-108289B Professionally qualified match for Gaur Brahmin girl, B.Sc., M.Sc.-IT, 15.11.1984, 5'-6" from well settled family in Gurgaon. Father Addl. DCP in Delhi Police. 08750871003. E-mail: rs.kaushik13@gmail.com C3-108565 Match for UK based reputed Brahmin family British citizen. Indian-Two sisters, both studying B.Sc. London, 22 yrs. 5'-3", 20 yrs. 5'-4". Good-looking, vegetarian, highly educated Brahmins Doctors/Pharmacists/Businessmen. Send biodata with latest photograph(s) of boy(s) in question is must. Email: vijaykumars760@gmail.com C3-108669 Professionally qualified match for fair, slim working Gaur brahmin girl 5'-7", B.Tech.(ECE) 17.03.1989, 5:55 pm BORN IN Chandigarh. Email: gaurav.ndt@gmail.com C3-108923 Professionally qualified match for beautiful (vegetarian) Manglik Brahmin, M.Sc., M.Ed, 07.03.1984/Chandigarh/5'-3". Biology lecturer. IB school. 3 lacs per annum. 98728-63822, varunasharma7@gmail.com C3-109217 Brahmin beautiful girl (10.10.84, 11:04 a.m., Ludhiana)/5'-3", MBA, PGDBM (Marketing/Finance) from top industrialist family Ludhiana seeks very high status, qualified business/service match. 98140-25230, punjshaveta@gmail.com NA3-90931 Chandigarh based well settled nuclear Khatri family having Kanal house Chandigarh and Properties near Delhi seek Medico/Non-Medico match for their daughter, Only child, very fair, very beautiful, 5'-3"/33, Looks 24- 26, never married. Convent educated, MBBS, employed, Fortis Hospital, Mohali. Early decent marriage. Email : skn1948@yahoo.com C3-109131 Suitable match for Arora girl M.A, M.Ed., Punjab Govt., B.Ed Teacher, Professional qualified match for Ramgarhia (Khatti- Ajji) B.Tech, MBA girl 26½/5'-3½". Contact: 98152- 43476. Email: chaniamandeep11@gmail.com C3-108115 Match for Ramgarhia Sikh girl, convent educated, M.Tech. (CS),
5'-4" Cleanshaven for Dhiman girl, 32/5'-1", PGDMC, M.A. French Teacher. Match for beautiful, slim, Majhbi Sikh girl 28/5'-3", MBBS, Medical Officer, PCMS-I (Govt.job), settled Mohali. Preferred Tricity. 99151-33333. daisysahota1985@gmail.com C3-107825 Suitable match for Hindu SC (chamar) fair, vegetarian Chandigarh based Suitable match for Jatav (Chamar) fair girl, 26.11.1987 (5:23 am) 5'-2", B.Com., MBA, family settled at Chandigarh. Requires Govt./MNC employee, Tricity preferred. 99889-35955, sagarrnmsd@gmail.com C3-108177 Alliance for beautiful Ad-dharmi Ramdasia girl, Central school studied, M.Sc., B.Ed. teacher in International Convent school, born May 1981, 5'-2", Father Engineer (retd.) Jalandhar based. 9878131243. E-mail: rlheer27@gmail.com C3-109449 Suitable Manglik, vegetarian from same community match for beautiful, PQM for Tonk-Kashatariya, beautiful girl, 1986, 5'-4", MCA. Contact : 98725-39368, merzara11@gmail.com C3-108435 Professionally qualified suitable match for Garg female 30, MBA, SBI Professionally qualified match for beautiful issueless, slim, punjabi Mohyal Brahmin girl, 32, 5'-5", Dentist, Masters Healthcare USA, Working Dubai Healthcare, visiting India shortly. Upper caste welcome. 098140- 06620. Email: ravkiran2000@yahoo.com C3-108737 Suitable match for Punjabi Khatri innocent issueless divorcee girl 41 years (looks much younger), 5'-4", slim, fair, caring, BA, Computers. Contact: 76960- 12544. E-mail: gunaparu2010@gmail.com C3-109519 Well-settled match for Sikh girl, 28 years, 5'-7", (Little Healthy), Arora Sikh beautiful girl, July 1987, 5'-4", MBA from reputed Institution, officer in Nationalised Bank. Looking for well-settled NT/ND boy. Tricity preferred. Send details with photo on: Email: mailtobubbles1@gmail.com C3-109011 Professional match for beautiful, slim Manglik girl 1986/5'-2", B.Tech., M.Tech. Working as Asstt. Prof. in Engg. College. 95014-26362. navneet6509120@gmail.com C3-107745 Professionally qualified match in job or business for fair, slim & beautiful Bansal girl 12.11.81, 7:19 am Ludhiana, 5'-1", LL.B., LL.M., UGC Lecturer. sainayan1981@yahoo.com Mobile: 98887-35078. C3-107865 Well qualified settled professional/business match for smart, beautiful 5'-5", 26 yrs, C.A. C.S. working girl Mumbai based Punjab origin reputed affluent Aggarwal family. Send bio-data, photo at matriuser88@gmail.com C3-108123 Match for fair, slim Singla, issueless divorcee girl, 2.6.86, 7:30 p.m., Jagadhari, 5'-6", M.Tech. Asstt. Professor near Chandigarh. aggarwal1870@gmail.com C3-108649 Dentico/Medico match for 5'-4"/1.08.1983, MDS girl. Father dental Canadian Kamboj Sikh Dentist 1983 5'-7", girl. Preferred Canadian Kamboj
Doctor, Engineer, Lawyer boy. Contact: drasjudge@gmail.com
98552-55252. C3-109829 PLOT FOR SALE Plots kanal Phase 5, 3 and 68 corner, 70, 71, 11, Sector 76-80, Judges PROPERTY FOR SALE ATS Prelude, Derabassi, new, unregistered, ground floor. 2324 sqft, 4 BR, RENT/LEASE 1750 sq ft Ground floor + First floor space available for Bank or Multinational company for lease. SCO No. 34, Sector 20-C, Tribune road, Chandigarh. Contact 098768-63333, 098140-85687. C3-108829 SHED/GODOWN For sale Shed/Godown covered area 80,000 sq. ft., well furnished office, Ambala-Pehowa Road, Vill. Durkhara, Near Gunghat Palace, Ambala City. 80597-00254, 72060- 85700. C3-109593 LAND FOR SALE Land 2, 5, 10, 25 acres on and around Landran-Kharar Road. 2 acres near Jhanjeri-Chunni Road. 2, 5, 10 acres in MC
Kharar. 23 acres Amargarh, Sangrur. Land available in and around Mohali, Chandigarh, Mullanpur area. Contact for land in Punjab, cheap land in AP near
Bangalore. Toor Estates (M): 85680-00068. NA3-92591 |