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Campus notes: Dealing with waste in creative way

Exhibiting their creative skills to inspirit the idea of Reduce, Reuse and Recycle, students of the pre-primary wing of Spring Dale Senior School proffered a creative way of dealing with waste material and de-cluttering their city and surroundings. The occasion...
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A student of Springdale School displays crafts made from recycled waste in Amritsar on Saturday. tribune photo

Exhibiting their creative skills to inspirit the idea of Reduce, Reuse and Recycle, students of the pre-primary wing of Spring Dale Senior School proffered a creative way of dealing with waste material and de-cluttering their city and surroundings. The occasion was the annual art exhibition – “Innovatus”. Sahiljit Singh Sandhu said these young artists with help of their teachers of the ‘Creative Arts’ department of the school turned the school entrance and walkways into an art gallery, displaying the exhibits made entirely out of the recycled material obtained from the school stores. This year’s exhibition’s theme being “Healthy Food”, all the exhibits showcased, were the models of the healthy food options available in form of fruits, vegetables and home cooked food items, as a true depiction of the theme.

Basant Panchami celebrated

Amritsar: Basant Panchami was celebrated with fervour. Students of the school dressed up in yellow clothes. They were acquainted with the history and the significance of the festival. The students recited Saraswati Vandana in praise of Goddess Saraswati. They paid floral tributes to the Goddess and prayed for the blessings. Junior kids presented their dance performance and enjoyed the day by taking swing rides. They also brought yellow colour dishes for their lunch and shared the food with one another. The students from Classes VI to VIII recited several remarkable poems on the occasion to highlight the importance of the day. The principal, Anchal Mahajan, talked about the importance of celebrating the festivals and the traditions.


session on career breakthrough

Amritsar: The placement and academic committee of University Business School of Guru Nanak Dev University hosted a two-hour interactive session on “The Missing Link- Soft Skills for Career Breakthrough” with Vikram Khanna, managing director of English Pillars Edu. Comp. Pvt. Ltd, as a resource person. The session involved as many as 200 students, who gained informative insights followed by a Q&A session. The event was a huge success, offering attendees useful perspectives.


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