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Food commission chief orders school water, health checks

Chairman, Punjab State Food Commission, Bal Mukand Sharma, directed officials of the district administration to conduct sampling of water in government schools. Sharma said a complete report on water health should be sent to the commission after sampling, with focus...
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Chairman of Punjab State Food Commission, Bal Mukand Sharma, holds a meeting with officials in Amritsar.

Chairman, Punjab State Food Commission, Bal Mukand Sharma, directed officials of the district administration to conduct sampling of water in government schools. Sharma said a complete report on water health should be sent to the commission after sampling, with focus on the quality of mid-day meal food storage and preparations.

It is the prerogative of schools to ensure that every student gets access to clean drinking water and food hygiene, he said.

Additionally, he instructed the Civil Surgeon to organise medical check-up camps in all government schools regularly. He said the government takes care of the treatment of any serious disease contracted by schoolchildren, whether the treatment is at PGI or in a private hospital.


Civil Surgeon Dr Kirandeep Kaur said that teams of the Health Department have been conducting health check-ups in schools, with 30 diseases covered under the plan. “Last year, about 70 schoolchildren were found to be suffering from serious diseases whose treatment has been provided free of cost by the government. Similarly, under the Ayushman scheme, physical check-up of children is being ensured by training school teachers through the School Health Wellness Programme,” she informed.

Bal Mukund Sharma further directed officials of the District Food Supply Department to monitor the 1,800 depots in the district, which provide about 12 lakh families with 3,66,000 card holders foodgrain under the Central schemes.


The Food Commission Chairman said that under the National Food Security Act, 2013, if the citizens have any complaint regarding ration card depots, Anganwadi centres and schools, they can submit their complaint to the Additional Deputy Commissioner (Rural Development) who is also the District Grievance Redressal Officer, the nearest Zila Parishad, district court or can register their complaint on email at dgrofrasr@gmail.com.

Assistant Civil Surgeon Rajinder Pal Kaur, Assistant Commissioner, Food Safety, Rajinder Pal, AFSO Sandeep Singh, Dr Sumit, Deputy District Education Officer Elementary, Indu Mangotra, Mid-Day Meal Manager Saurav Sharma, Iqbal Singh and officials from various departments were present in the meeting.

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