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IIM Amritsar annual leadership summit brings together industry leaders, managers

The Indian Institute of Management (IIM), Amritsar, held the 4th edition of its annual leadership summit, Aarohan, which brings together eminent industry leaders and budding managers to discuss recent trends and developments in various domains. This year, the summit explores...
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Participants during the IIM Amritsar annual leadership summit.

The Indian Institute of Management (IIM), Amritsar, held the 4th edition of its annual leadership summit, Aarohan, which brings together eminent industry leaders and budding managers to discuss recent trends and developments in various domains.

This year, the summit explores the theme, “Risk, Reward, and Resilience: Thriving as a Leader in Uncertainty”.

Industry mavericks highlighted risk-taking, innovation, and a holistic career perspective, stressing the importance of culture, collaboration, and leadership with humility and foresight.


The esteemed faculty members of the IIM, Amritsar, and the illustrious guests graced the stage, setting the tone for an intriguing exchange. The importance of balancing risk was underscored through discussions on some vital business frameworks.

Dr Mahima Gupta, Dean (Academics), emphasized the importance of global visibility and holistic development, highlighting the initiative to establish an industry advisory board to align the curriculum with industry needs. She also shed light on the summit’s central theme, underscoring its relevance in today’s dynamic business landscape.


Following the thought-provoking opening remarks, VS Ganesh, managing director, Page Industries Limited, emphasized the aspiring entrepreneurs to understand startups before building one and to ensure that the employees remain motivated and capable. Notable visionaries like Jeff Bezos, Indira Nooyi, and former IndiGo CEO Aditya Ghosh were cited as examples of strategic leadership and risk management.

Felix Jeffery, Senior Director, Partnerships & Alliances, HTC Global Services, spoke on the enthusiasm for startups, emphasizing the need for a distinct value proposition in entrepreneurial plans.

Kumar Saket, an alumnus of the MBA program at the IIM, Amritsar, proposed a vote of thanks to the faculty members, dignitaries and participants.

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