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Management institute summit dwells on risk, reward & resilience

The Indian Institute of Management (IIM), Amritsar, concluded the fourth edition of its annual leadership summit, Aarohan. Aarohan brings together eminent industry leaders and budding managers to discuss recent trends and developments in various domains. This year, the summit explored...
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Students during the concluding ceremony of the conclave at IIM in Amritsar on Monday.

The Indian Institute of Management (IIM), Amritsar, concluded the fourth edition of its annual leadership summit, Aarohan. Aarohan brings together eminent industry leaders and budding managers to discuss recent trends and developments in various domains. This year, the summit explored the theme, “Risk, Reward and Resilience: Thriving as a Leader in Uncertainty”. Industry mavericks highlighted risk-taking, innovation and a holistic career perspective, stressing the importance of culture, collaboration and leadership with humility and foresight.

Mahima Gupta, Dean Academics, in her address, emphasised the importance of global visibility and holistic development, highlighting the initiative to establish an Industry Advisory Board to align the curriculum with industry needs. She also shed light on the summit’s central theme, underscoring its relevance in today’s dynamic business landscape.”

VS Ganesh, Managing Director, Page Industries Limited, emphasised that while failure builds resilience, managing success is far more challenging, requiring foresight and adaptability. “Aspiring entrepreneurs were urged to understand startups before building one and start from the top to ensure employees remain motivated and capable. The second speaker, Felix Jeffery, Senior Director, Partnerships & Alliances, HTC Global Services, spoke about the enthusiasm for startups, emphasising the need for a distinct value proposition in entrepreneurial plans. He also discussed cost optimisation, market relevance and cybersecurity as key success factors.


Shourov Mukherjee, former executive vice-president, GSK, and Prateek Kapoor, Senior Director, Market Intelligence, S&P Global, reflected on how taking risks during summer and final placements led to rewarding outcomes.

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