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Mayor Moti Bhatia chalks out plan to beautify Company Bagh, other areas

After assuming office, Mayor Jatinder Singh Moti Bhatia chalked out a plan to beautify the 84-acre Company Bagh here on Sunday. He visited the park on foot, accompanied by officials, to assess its condition. He said development efforts should not...
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An illegal vendor inside the Company Bagh in Amritsar.

After assuming office, Mayor Jatinder Singh Moti Bhatia chalked out a plan to beautify the 84-acre Company Bagh here on Sunday. He visited the park on foot, accompanied by officials, to assess its condition. He said development efforts should not be short-term.

The mayor directed officials to immediately begin work on repairing broken lights, roads and improving greenery. During his visit, he noticed unauthorised hawkers and kiosks inside the park and instructed the officials to remove them. He observed several abandoned and neglected areas and instructed officials to undertake landscaping and development projects.

Questioning the park’s maintenance, he asked why the musical fountain, which had been operational five years ago, was no longer in use. He noted that the lights at the back gate were dysfunctional and instructed its restoration.


While in the park, several visitors approached the mayor to discuss the issues they were facing. They demanded to carry out repairs to the gym, check the rising rat menace, resolve the problem of absence of permanent cleaning staff and stop bird-feeding. Expressing dissatisfaction over garbage piles and broken dustbins, the mayor repeated the need for immediate action.

Moti Bhatia witnessed garbage heaps at places, accumulated water and water leakage, indicating poor maintenance. A follow-up meeting was held with officials, during which he instructed them to prepare and submit a detailed report. He assured that after discussions with the MC Commissioner, the final beautification plan for the park would be implemented.


During the meeting, the main reason for the park’s poor condition was identified as a severe staff shortage. Although over 160 employees were required for maintenance and cleanliness, only 15 were currently employed. The mayor emphasized the urgent need to hire additional staff, including outsourcing options.

He issued instructions to immediately remove unused electricity poles and auction wood of dead trees lying inside the garden. Besides, the mayor expressed annoyance over the presence of two-wheelers and four-wheelers inside the park and ordered the earmarking of a parking area. He said that unnecessary objects and obstructions should not be allowed inside the park.

Supervising Engineer Sandeep Singh, Municipal Health Officer Dr Yogesh Arora, Executive Engineer SP Singh, JE Raman Kumar and other officials were present during the meeting.

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