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Roll back privatisation move: Powercom staff

Workers and employees of the Powercom in protest against the privatization of the management of the UT and that of the Uttar Pradesh power departments organized a rally in front of the Circle Office, Powercom, here on Friday. The women...
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Employees of the Powercom during a protest in Tarn Taran.

Workers and employees of the Powercom in protest against the privatization of the management of the UT and that of the Uttar Pradesh power departments organized a rally in front of the Circle Office, Powercom, here on Friday.

The women employees of the Powercom participated in the rally in a big number. A call in this regard was given by the national leadership of the National Coordination Committee Engineers and Employees.

Gurpreet Singh Gandiwind, state president of the Employees’ Federation (AITUC), was among others who condemned the Union Government for privatization of the power department. The leaders alleged that it would ruin the public sector. Besides, the rates of electricity would be increased and there would be less jobs for educated youngsters.


The leaders stressed for the withdrawal of the decision, which would benefit the corporate sector. They demanded to fill the vacant posts in the power sector.

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