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City-based lawyer to attend conference for kids at US

LUDHIANA: A citybased advocate Hariom Jindal has been selected to participate in a global conference related to underprivileged children
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Advocate Hariom Jindal

Tribune News Service

Ludhiana, September 24


A city-based advocate, Hariom Jindal, has been selected to participate in a global conference related to underprivileged children.

The conference which is organised every two years by Distressed Children and Infants International to discuss the problem faced by underprivileged children, prevention of childhood blindness and to explore the solutions to these problems.


Jindal has been working for the education of the underprivileged children for the past nine years, and has now around 120 slum children who are being given free education at four centres in slum areas in and around Hambran.

While speaking about the reason why he applied to attend the conference, he said he wanted to share his experience of working to uplift the underprivileged children and whether he could be of any help to others in implementing the way he has been educating the children here.

Another reason for applying that he was keen to know what steps are being taken by others working for the amelioration of such children.

“Because of the issue of underprivileged and neglected children is global, the problems faced by children born to the poor are common in most parts of the world, whether in Asia, Africa or elsewhere,” he said.

The conference titled Child Rights and Sight is going to be held at Yale University in the US on October 14. Jindal said he will stress the fact that every child has an equal right for growth and development and they should be given the required opportunities for development

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