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Advocates to abstain from work in Chandigarh district courts today

To protest alleged attack on two of its members by Punjab Police
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The Chandigarh district courts complex. File photo

The District Bar Association, Chandigarh, has decided to abstain from work on Wednesday to protest an alleged attack on two of its members by the Punjab Police.

Association president Rohit Khullar and secretary Parminder Singh said that the decision had been taken at a meeting of the executive committee on Wednesday.

As per the resolution passed during the meeting, two Bar members, namely Davinder Singh Nigha and Dheeraj Kumar Prashar, were allegedly attacked and manhandled by Punjab Vigilance officials, along with officials of the Sirhind police station at Sri Fatehgarh Sahib.


The resolution stated that members had been threatened that they would be implicated in a false FIR. The video of the alleged attack was shown at the meeting. The resolution stated that in view of the incident, it had been unanimously decided to abstain from work on February 5, as a mark of protest against the Punjab Police.

Further course of action would be decided on Thursday, said  Khullar, adding that the Bar Council of Punjab and Haryana had also been apprised of the incident.


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