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Power firm holds meet to address employee queries

The Chandigarh Power Distribution Limited (CPDL) organised a ‘Samvad’ meeting, fostering open communication and engagement with its employees. Over 700 employees, including permanent and contractual both, who have transitioned to the CPDL, participated in the event. During the programme, the...
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The Chandigarh Power Distribution Limited (CPDL) organised a ‘Samvad’ meeting, fostering open communication and engagement with its employees. Over 700 employees, including permanent and contractual both, who have transitioned to the CPDL, participated in the event.

During the programme, the firm’s senior leadership, including PR Kumar, President, Power Distribution, RPSG Group, addressed the employees queries in an open Q&A session. The interactive discussion provided employees an opportunity to directly engage with the management and get clarity on various aspects of their service conditions post-privatisation.

Kumar reiterated the RPSG Group’s commitment to upholding all existing service conditions, ensuring job security, and maintaining the benefits employees enjoyed earlier. He assured the employees that there would be no change in their employment status, with all rights and benefits protected as per the agreement.


The employees were affirmed that all job-related facilities, including DA, pension, medical benefits, and holidays, would remain unchanged.

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