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Two city NCC cadets picked for expedition to Mt Everest

The battalion’s commanding office said the cadets’ journey to the Everest will not only be a personal milestone but also a moment of pride for the entire NCC fraternity as well as the nation
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The two selected candidates, Padam (left) and Jahan.

Two cadets from Chandigarh’s National Cadet Corps (NCC) army wing, Jahan Kukkal and Padam Namgail, have been selected to participate in an expedition to scale Mount Everest, the highest peak in the world.

Both cadets, of No. 2 Chandigarh NCC Battalion, recently attended a pre-Everest expedition at the 7,335m high Mount Abi Gamin and a winter training camp at the Siachen Base Camp, the world’s highest battlefield.

Jahan is a student at Panjab University while Padam studies at the DAV College, Sector 10. Jahan has also successfully completed an expedition to Mount Kang Yatse II that lies at an altitude of 6,250 meters.


The battalion’s commanding officer, Colonel Paramjit Singh, said the cadets’ journey to the Everest will not only be a personal milestone but also a moment of pride for the entire NCC fraternity as well as the nation, and serves as a beacon of inspiration for the youth.

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