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BJP headed for worst defeat ever, plans to use ‘goons’: Kejriwal

Says BJP will use Delhi Police to influence results
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Arvind Kejriwal addresses a press conference in New Delhi on Monday. Tribune photo: Manas Ranjan

AAP supremo Arvind Kejriwal on Monday claimed the BJP is going to face its worst defeat ever in these polls in Delhi and will use its "goons" and Delhi Police to influence the results.

In a video message on the final day of campaigning for the February 5 polls, Kejriwal alleged the BJP was already resorting to unfair tactics in the face of a "massive defeat".

Despite all these, the AAP is heading towards a historic victory and the BJP its worst defeat since the party came into being, Kejriwal claimed.


"The BJP will use its goons and Delhi Police extensively to win the elections. They will try to intimidate voters, especially those in slum areas," he claimed.

The former Delhi chief minister further alleged that BJP workers would try to bribe slum-dwellers by offering Rs 3,000-Rs 5,000 and marking their fingers with black ink to prevent them from voting on election day. "Take their money, but do not let them put ink on your finger," he urged voters.


He said that to counter these alleged malpractices, his party has set up "quick action teams" and distributed spy cameras and body cams in slum areas. "We have deployed cameras to capture BJP goons engaging in any wrongdoing."

Cautioning voters against the alleged BJP manipulations, Kejriwal claimed the party would demolish slums if voted to power. "Selling your votes would be like signing your own death warrant," he said.

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