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Delhi Police links student behind school bomb threats with politically-affiliated NGO

Says NGO had voiced support to Parliament attack convict Afzal Guru
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The Delhi Police claimed on Tuesday that a Class 12 student, who was recently apprehended for allegedly sending bomb threats to more than 400 city schools, is linked to an NGO that supports a political party.

A police officer further said that during the investigation, they also got to know that the NGO had voiced support to Parliament attack convict Afzal Guru.

“We were tracking e-mails and because of a virtual private network (VPN), it was difficult to track the origins. We also had to ascertain whether there was a terror angle to it,” Special Commissioner of Police (Law and Oder) Madhup Tewari told a press conference at the police headquarters here.


He added that service providers were not able to help police because of the use of the VPN.

“Our teams tracked the minor after recent e-mails on January 8. As the e-mail sender was a juvenile, the team took his laptop and mobile phone for a forensic examination,” the officer said.


Police teams tracked 400 threat e-mails sent by the minor. They also checked the background of his father, who has been working with an NGO, and found out that the organisation is part of a civil society group that has been raising issues regarding the hanging of Afzal Guru and is also helping a political party.

Without naming the political party, the officer said the teams are further investigating the matter.

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