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2,272 challaned for traffic rule violations in Maherdragarh

SP calls upon residents to follow norms strictly to prevent road mishaps
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Police personnel check vehicles during a drive in Mahendragarh. Tribune Photo

Under its special campaign, the Mahendragarh police issued a total of 2,272 challans for the violation of traffic rules and also imposed fine upon violators in the month of January.

A spokesman of the Police Department informed that a total of 683 challans were issued for not wearing helmets, 203 for triple riding, 35 for not wearing seat belts and 1,351 challans were issued for drunken driving, using black films, wrong side driving, parking at wrong place and other traffic rule violations.

“A road safety month was organised from January 1 to January 31 in the district emphasising the importance of following traffic rules through various awareness programmes and strict enforcement measures. In the first week of the campaign, the police focused on educating drivers about the significance of adhering to traffic regulations. Officers provided detailed explanations of rules and the dangers of non-compliance. Following this, traffic police teams conducted daily vehicle checking across the district,” he said.


Meanwhile, Superintendent of Police (SP) Pooja Vashisth stressed upon the importance of proper parking and respecting traffic norms to avoid disruptions. She asked the people not to park vehicles haphazardly, especially in the market areas, in order to keep the traffic flow smooth. She called upon them to follow traffic rules to avoid road mishaps.

“Throughout road safety month, various awareness programmes were conducted in the district to educate the public about traffic rules. This campaign will continue in the future as well,” she added.


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