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DC directs officials to intensify anti-drug drive, visit villages

Deputy Commissioner Anish Yadav has directed all SDMs in the district to visit the most drug-affected villages in their subdivisions, identify victims based on the data provided by the administration and take all necessary corrective measures. The police have identified...
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Deputy Commissioner Anish Yadav has directed all SDMs in the district to visit the most drug-affected villages in their subdivisions, identify victims based on the data provided by the administration and take all necessary corrective measures.

The police have identified 483 addicts in the district.

A meeting was held at the Mini Secretariat regarding the ongoing drug de-addiction campaign, in which a comprehensive plan was put forth to make the district drug-free, and officials were directed to take strict action against drug-related activities.


“Take every possible step to eradicate the menace. The officials must visit the families of the affected youth to counsel them, and take strict action against the source of drugs,” the DC said.

He also shared a Google form created by the district administration to counsel victims and track drug dealers. The Health Department, de-addiction centre operators, and the police will provide information on the basis of their respective inputs. Based on the analysis of this data, focus will be placed on the most-affected villages.


Dr Sushil Garg, Nodal Officer of the Mental Health Department at the Civil Hospital, said the data of 483 people, who were addicts, had been verified by the police.

The DC further directed SDMs to work with village secretaries, sarpanches, patwaris and health and AYUSH departments to screen people in drug-affected villages and submit information through the prescribed form.

“Action will be taken against both organised and unorganised drug peddlers,” he said, directing District Drug Controller Amit Kumar to take stringent action against medical operators who failed to maintain proper sales and purchase records, and also ordered raids and inspections.

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