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End of road for aided schools

Chandigarh, March 21 The Haryana Legislative Assembly today passed the Haryana School Education (Amendment) Bill, 2023, which removed the requirement of aided schools. The Haryana School Education (Amendment) Bill, 2023, has been passed to amend the Haryana School Education Act,...
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Chandigarh, March 21

The Haryana Legislative Assembly today passed the Haryana School Education (Amendment) Bill, 2023, which removed the requirement of aided schools.

The Haryana School Education (Amendment) Bill, 2023, has been passed to amend the Haryana School Education Act, 1995. The majority of employees on the sanctioned posts of the aided schools have been appointed in government schools in 2017-18 as per the provisions of the Haryana Voluntary State Education Service Rules, 2017.


However, few employees of such aided schools have been left as they have not consented to join government schools. As per the provisions in the Act, the department is giving aid to the tune of 75% of the salary for these employees.

These schools also have employees on unaided posts and they are claiming equal pay for equal work from the department. Many such cases are pending in the court, which may create financial liability on state exchequer if such cases succeed in the court of law, says the government in a statement of objects and reasons with the Bill.


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