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Haryana to give Rs 2,500 annually to custodians of trees older than 75 years, says minister

Chandigarh, June 22 The Haryana government will provide an annual “pension” of Rs 2,500 to custodians of trees older than 75 years, a minister said on Thursday. Haryana Forest and Environment Minister Kanwar Pal said trees older than 75 years...
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Chandigarh, June 22

The Haryana government will provide an annual “pension” of Rs 2,500 to custodians of trees older than 75 years, a minister said on Thursday.

Haryana Forest and Environment Minister Kanwar Pal said trees older than 75 years have immense ecological value and a “pension” would be deposited in the bank accounts of those protecting and maintaining such trees.


‘The Haryana Pran Vaayu Devta Pension Scheme’ was launched to inculcate a sense of protection and conservation of old trees among people, he said, adding that the government was committed to protect such trees.

Pal said the pension amount will increase every year at rates pro-rata to the increase in the Old Age Samman Pension Scheme for people in the state.


Only trees more than 75 years of age will be covered under the scheme while fallen, hollow, dead, dry and diseased trees shall not be eligible, he said.

He also said that a grove of trees originating from one seedling such as banyan trees would be considered as one tree, while trees on forest lands will not be covered under the scheme. The maximum number of trees covered under the scheme will not be more than 4,000 till the next review five years later, the minister said.

A ‘Pran Vaayu Devta Tree Conservation Committee’ will identify, map and make an inventory of the trees being covered under the scheme through a systematic census, he said.

Pal said that the divisional forest officer will be the chairman of the committee, which shall regularly monitor the health of ‘Pran Vaayu Devta Trees’ after every six months.

“It is everyone’s responsibility to protect and preserve trees, which is a precious gift given to us by nature,” he said.

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