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New instructions on sharing of family ID data

Made stricter, can only be shared with 'Eligible State Instrumentality'
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The Haryana Parivar Pehchan Authority has come out with strict instructions regarding the sharing of family ID data. J Ganesan, Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the authority, through a notification, has enacted new regulations called the Haryana Parivar Pehchan Authority (Data Sharing), Regulations, 2024.

The data can only be shared with the 'Eligible State Instrumentality', which included the Central government, the state government or any board, statutory authority, university, corporation or other agency owned and controlled by the government or any local authority.

Data from the Family Information Data Repository can now be shared by the authority with the Eligible State Instrumentality in two forms. One, summary data which included aggregated and processed data that does not reveal specific details of any individual family.


Second, the family data that included family-specific data that identifies the family or any or all its members and discloses their associated information in the repository but only for the purposes of a government scheme, subsidy, service or benefit or for the verification of data submitted to the Haryana Public Service Commission, the Haryana Staff Selection Commission or any other recruitment agency of the Central or state government.

"The summary data shall be shared upon specific request, on designated portal by the Eligible state Instrumentality,” the notification said.


The entities receiving data shall ensure adequate data security and confidentiality to protect the shared data from unauthorised access, misuse or disclosure, it added.

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